"What man of you having a hundred sheep and loses one, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after the lost until he finds it"? Luke 15:4
I recently had the joy of the precious knowledge of some souls who, having received the word of truth in their hearts, they felt the need in their to be followed by a pastor who, from time to time they have ministered the Word of God is clear the brothers turned to the shepherds who live in a radius of several hundred of miles from them. The brothers received the response that surprised me a lot! They said that would not move for only a "handful of souls," but if the group had been more "great" then he could talk! It is now increasingly clear that you are looking for large crowds because of "personal" glory and prestige that it can get! I know they are strong words, but it is necessary to point out that God never sends us only for the crowds to m
for those individual souls in need of care through the Word of God! I warmly thank the Lord for entrusting me with a true man of God and called directly from him! Alleluia! In fact, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino (pictured right) for years by every soul that continues to bleat behind the pace of the Lord and just like the biblical passage quoted in the head, he goes in search of the lost sheep to bring it back to the fold, it should be dell'afflitta looking for her courage and appropriate rest, goes in search of the sick and wounded to heal its wounds and bind up the wounds ... it goes in search of that one sheep than he feels the same if the need for God! This is the sentiment that gave rise to the mission in Gambassi Terme, a beautiful town in the province of Florence, where there is a simple and humble sheep of the Lord, our am
ata s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo. On this occasion we have moved from three regions with the aim of encouraging our sister alone, being a widow and her daughters who live far from her, trying to move forward in the Lord.

(The beloved f.llo Nicola while presiding)
The beloved s.lla Anna has recently undergone a delicate operation on his bladder, but thanks be to God for how it was from him and looked Help!
So, the man of God moved from the Campania region along with his precious family, but instead we daughters of the works of the ministry we have moved from Umbria with the beloved work of Città di Castello (PG) I lead personally by Lazio with the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli and his group of brothers of the work of St. Apollinaris (FR). Our one feeling was to support the mission of Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino to encourage s.lla Annamaria. For us it was also another opportunity to share the precious moments with the man of God that we love from my heart.
Already during the journey God has so blessed us, letting us enjoy a precious com
union with one another. With our beloved brothers from the province of Frosinone we found ourselves in the service of Reggello East, a few kilometers from Florence. From there the rest of the journey we shared together. Joints home of Anna s.lla we ended up with the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, with his wife, our precious Anna and their fourth child s.lla f.llo Daniel. (Left, the beloved f.llo Joseph during his speech) The joy was indescribable! The Lord has blessed us with so much to enjoy right away His precious presence.
At the appointed hour, Nicola f.llo Janitor (which has been entrusted with the responsibility to take care of this' seminal work) has followed the opening of the worship service. The opening prayer, songs and action you are guided by the Lord diligently and in large buildings. Even s.lla Anna thanked God for all His gracious intervention. In the meantime we also had the joy to embrace the beloved f.llo Salvatore Viola (resident for several years in the city of Prato). The jubilation in the presence of the Lord was precious, since we sperim
ntato what the Psalmist says that when he says "is good and pleasant when brothers dwell together in unity!" Alleluia! Time to leave the presidency to the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, the beloved f.llo Nicola has called the song "My Lord gave me life" now that is going around the world, having been inspired by the Holy Spirit to our general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinnici. (sisters who are visit by the Holy Spirit) Man of God has preached a great message. Through the Word of God we are reborn, satisfied and comforted. We have enjoyed great freedom of spirit and the Lord is glorified through His servant. We know that the Word preached by King Meal
f.llo Salvatore Fiorino is the word of truth, as revealed by the Lord directly. And there is big difference "between the Word revealed by the Holy Spirit and that man-made"!
So, the man of God moved from the Campania region along with his precious family, but instead we daughters of the works of the ministry we have moved from Umbria with the beloved work of Città di Castello (PG) I lead personally by Lazio with the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli and his group of brothers of the work of St. Apollinaris (FR). Our one feeling was to support the mission of Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino to encourage s.lla Annamaria. For us it was also another opportunity to share the precious moments with the man of God that we love from my heart.
Already during the journey God has so blessed us, letting us enjoy a precious com

At the appointed hour, Nicola f.llo Janitor (which has been entrusted with the responsibility to take care of this' seminal work) has followed the opening of the worship service. The opening prayer, songs and action you are guided by the Lord diligently and in large buildings. Even s.lla Anna thanked God for all His gracious intervention. In the meantime we also had the joy to embrace the beloved f.llo Salvatore Viola (resident for several years in the city of Prato). The jubilation in the presence of the Lord was precious, since we sperim

(F.llo Tonino during his speech)
The revealed Word is confirmed by the same Word of God and is called "revealed" because it is predicated properly in order to time and circumstance, touching the hearts that are investigated and opened by the Lord! To God be the glory! While the word "invented" is the result of the thoughts of the man who is impressed by the spirit of knowledge of this world, which is behind their sophistry to mislead the biblical truths flowing in what are called "doctrines of de
monitor ! Brethren, it is sad that today, unfortunately, it's "invented word" is a growing reality.

(F.llo Salvatore Viola waving to the brothers and tells the wonders of God)
But God be praised for the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino part of that ancient race of men chosen the Lord who preach only what they receive from Him, and who actually wishes he hears and sees that the hearing is supernatural and spiritual domain sent by Almighty God, the sole and true God who saves and liberates man through power of His Word, through which he created heaven and earth all that is contained in them! God be praised! The wonderful
cult ended in a atmosphere of joy and happiness, leaving us still a precious gift and loving s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo encouragement to go forward, because it is not alone in this journey, in which God takes care of her through the ministry. God be praised and blessed for ever!
cult ended in a atmosphere of joy and happiness, leaving us still a precious gift and loving s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo encouragement to go forward, because it is not alone in this journey, in which God takes care of her through the ministry. God be praised and blessed for ever!
With love, f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo