continues, without ceasing, missionary work in the nation by the man of God, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. The first trip year 2009 was in the Arco
districts, a town near Lake Garda in the province of Trento.

(The man of God is a very blessed in the hands of the Almighty, he is working hard to build up the Church in the nation )
On this special occasion, I had the personal joy of participating in the mission together with some dear work leading to Città di Castello and my father, loved f.llo Angelo Rossi.
The man of God has departed from the airport of Capodichino at 12.30 with the destination airport of Verona, where the stop occurred at about 13.30. Brother Andrew Padovano awaited the arrival of the Shepherd in Verona f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, and with the love h
accompanied to his home.
The man of God has departed from the airport of Capodichino at 12.30 with the destination airport of Verona, where the stop occurred at about 13.30. Brother Andrew Padovano awaited the arrival of the Shepherd in Verona f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, and with the love h

(the "impromptu" choir songs of praise to the Lord)
I and my group of brothers of Città di Castello (PG), from 9.30 am we were already in the House of God, where we sought the Lord who has been honored by the His presence. The beloved f.llo Angelo Rossi instead, he moved to 5.00 am from S. Andrea del Garigliano (Frosinone) to join my group. So, at about 10.45 we left for the evening at 16.00 Arc where we had an appointment with the man of God and our brothers premises. It 's wonderful how the Lord moves us from every direction all with the same purpose, namely to serve together with our Pastor! Alleluia! The trip was wonderful and made us all think of the rich blessings that we received from the hand of God ... but ... the Lord reserves of beautiful and wonderful surprises! Once in Arco, we had the joy of embracing our strong Shepherd valuable f.llo Salvator Fiorino, we have revised the precious brothers Andrew and Joseph Padovano, we have the valuable knowledge of other dear brothers thereof and, to my surprise, we have re-embraced my dear f.llo R
oberto Lois and s.lla speakers from Metzingen (Germany)!

(The beloved f.llo Roberto and his wife Lois s.lla speakers from Germany. They will say that for them was an unforgettable and uplifting)
God be praised! They were precious moments of great blessing! I could see the man of God rejoice in having his sons around him. These days I particularly appreciate the moments in which my Shepherd and may rejoice, I must note with sadness that this is rarely the work which serves the Lord and then you have to wait for these opportunities to see him catch his breath and rejoice in the Lord! Together with our beloved brothers Nicola
Janitor (also came with me) and Angelo Rossi, we have prepared the necessary order to perform the worship service, which was held in a beautiful rented from the local municipal f.llo Andrea. As soon as we got rid of, we have sought the Lord, who has visited us on time, making us a foretaste c
I who still could not even imagine! God be praised!
Janitor (also came with me) and Angelo Rossi, we have prepared the necessary order to perform the worship service, which was held in a beautiful rented from the local municipal f.llo Andrea. As soon as we got rid of, we have sought the Lord, who has visited us on time, making us a foretaste c

(The cult of the presidency was entrusted to f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo, head preacher of God's work in Citta di Castello)
The man of God has asked me to chair the opening of the cult that has been an explosion of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, the impromptu choir (formed by Lois s.lla keyboard, f.llo Nicola and Giuseppina s.lla) sang hymns to the Almighty and bystanders, little by little were screened by the Holy Spirit in the heavenly places. We gave space to the young couple took place from Germany to greet the
Church and I must say that the anointing the Lord was on f.llo dear Robert and Lois s.lla.

(The Janitor loved f.llo Nicola thanked God for the work of the ministry)
After them, Nicola f.llo Janitor was the rest of the small delegation intervened with me from Città di Castello, giving glory to God for the work of the ministry to which we belong. F.llo Andrea, Salvatore f.llo Guiana, and the beautiful Maria Pia s.lla did the honors and I must say that their brief testimonies we have touched my heart. I wanted everyone to testify, especially f.llo Angelo, Annamaria s.lla Sandomenico s.lla and Dora (together with small Gaetano also were part of my group), but these special occasions, we want the man of God has greater freedom to express themselves through the Holy Spirit. Once the space reserved for greeting and testimony, I asked, with love and proud to be his son, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. We welcomed with song, "My Lord gave me life." Brothers and loved ones in grace! The wonders of God will never cease to amaze us! The fire of God fell with great power, stiepitendo hearts cold and dried up on account of lack of spiritual food. The terrain of the heart now began to prepare themselves to
Word and the joy has invaded the present.

(The Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino in expounding the text bibbliche Treaty. We read the letter to the Romans, chap. 8)
The man of God preached a message of extraordinary power, enjoying unlimited freedom. Could move to wide-ranging in the room and at times the Holy Spirit is personally addressed to the souls who have enjoyed the blessing of the refreshing of Spi
Prophetic rite!

(One of the moments of preaching)
God be praised! We rejoiced in hearing the amazing adventures saw the Pastor General f.llo Anthony Chinn, a true man of God that is expressed in its simplicity as he was! But we also learned that those who received the word of his lips were pardoned by the Lord! Alleluia! For me it's moving more than ever (since everyone knows the man of God is with the Lord) hear my pastor talk about the facts and tell the person who loved life and never stop to love in his heart.

(Above: Even during the preaching. The man of God has enjoyed a wonderful free spirit. In the picture below: Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, driven Holy Spirit prays for those who have acco
lto the appeal)

Sure! Because these days already now the memory of the precious general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinnici is more honored in the hearts of many and the facts they give the true and living testimony! As well as less and less like sheep in a sincere heart and their pastors are very easy to find other water sources. But blessed is the soul that is faithful to the Lord is always tied to the hand of their Shepherd!
At the end of the message, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was prompted by the Holy Spirit to make an appeal to those who wish to move closer heart to God Many have come forward, some literally taken down by the Holy Spirit that moved them forward! The irresistible power of God has shaken many heart
are collapsing under the anointing of the Holy! God has released! Healed! He has spoken! He has worked with extraordinary power! God be praised!
At the end of the message, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was prompted by the Holy Spirit to make an appeal to those who wish to move closer heart to God Many have come forward, some literally taken down by the Holy Spirit that moved them forward! The irresistible power of God has shaken many heart

(We were delighted in listening to the wonderful experiences that the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino shared with the Pastor General. In the photo below: another time during the call made by man of God, a sister in the picture requires healing prayer.)

Now the icy glaciers have melted and the joy of the Lord was complete in every heart that he could receive the appropriate consolation!
the conclusion of the service, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino instructed f.llo Andrea named after a song of adoration one, under the guidance of the Lord prayed thanking God for the extraordinary blessings and how it is used of His servant! Of all this we give the glory to God! Alleluia!
(The beloved f.llo Andrea Padovano closed the cult that has been an explosion of God's power)
At the end of worship we had still some moments to share with the man of God and neighbor that we said goodbye then return to Citta di Castello, where we arrived thanks to God to 2.30 in the morning.
I thank the Lord for the wonderful opportunities that I have been given to serve his holy name next to my Pastor. I thank the Lord for as I have seen with my own eyes how the servant of God is in the heart lightened when it is out of place, considering that perhaps it is time for the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino are cool even among those who have given birth in the Lord through legitimately in office. God Bless the loved ones of the Province of Trento, who accepted the man of God with love and gratitude, especially the family with love Padovano that they stayed at home until Sunday morning, when at 7.00 is broken down ' Verona airport to return to Naples, where he serves the Lord.
God bless us, love your brother in him Tonino Di Lorenzo
I thank the Lord for the wonderful opportunities that I have been given to serve his holy name next to my Pastor. I thank the Lord for as I have seen with my own eyes how the servant of God is in the heart lightened when it is out of place, considering that perhaps it is time for the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino are cool even among those who have given birth in the Lord through legitimately in office. God Bless the loved ones of the Province of Trento, who accepted the man of God with love and gratitude, especially the family with love Padovano that they stayed at home until Sunday morning, when at 7.00 is broken down ' Verona airport to return to Naples, where he serves the Lord.
God bless us, love your brother in him Tonino Di Lorenzo
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