We are grateful to the Lord as He prepares for the times, circumstances and events, where His glory is manifested and the ministry may have expression and freedom in their movement. Alleluia! For several months we were praying for the missions program that the man of God has to be supported during the whole year. Among the missions and play in our nation, there are also different to be held between foreign nations. After returning from the wonderful mission held in Germany, Pastor Salvatore f.llo Fiorino has been preparing for the mission received by April 16 to 20 of the same month in the nations of Latvia and Lithuania. For this occasion, the man of God has brought with him his son and cherish our precious f.llo Christ in Daniel that the Lord wanted to encourage use in power but also for His glory! Alleluia!
As mentioned, the trip began Thursday, April 16 at Rome's Fiumicino airport, from where he left the flight to the Baltic countries where the arrival in Riga (Latvia's capital) was in the evening. Generally, when you travel, it is thought rather to use the first few hours of arrival (especially evenings) to arrange their things and rest a bit But none of that! Even as the Shepherd was with Nicola f.llo Janitor who accompanied him from Naples to Rome airport, he received a call from Latvia and from the other f.llo Nicholas, the "Latvian" for instance, (the brother that the missions in the Baltic countries have interpreted the man of God from Italian to their language and vice versa, N. d. R.), who reported that the man of God upon his arrival in Latvia would have found the souls " around a table "waiting for a word from this" pastor coming from Italy! God be praised! Personally I felt my own pastor in the juncture of the journey from
Naples to Rome and the man of God, looking surprised, informed me of this event outside the program and told me "I do not know what to expect, but God certainly already has the knowledge! Alleluia! So, arrive at your destination, waiting for the precious f.llo Nicola (pictured with the man of God) after the warm welcome that made the man of God and the beloved f.llo Daniel, accompanied them in where there were souls waiting for him, but to my surprise, before him, the man of God has found a real church waiting for him. The House of God was full of souls waiting for the word and, as we experienced
below to this wonderful man of God, the Lord fed them and filled his glory! God be praised! Li, in the House of God, waiting for the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino there was the pastor Agris, (Pictured with Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino) who regularly visit the community, supporting the work of local elders. With this event, was officially opened the service missionary who has committed the beloved Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele f.llo in seven other cults held between Friday morning and Sunday night, so in just three days! For our part, as children ministerial work, we prayed for our pastor also asserted that the Lord physically. In fact, the pace was exhausting, not even time to finish a cult that has already had to prepare for the next service that maybe would have taken place at different hours from the previous one! But God has been glorified!
These are the churches visited by Friday morning to Sunday evening, beginning with the schedules of the various services:
As mentioned, the trip began Thursday, April 16 at Rome's Fiumicino airport, from where he left the flight to the Baltic countries where the arrival in Riga (Latvia's capital) was in the evening. Generally, when you travel, it is thought rather to use the first few hours of arrival (especially evenings) to arrange their things and rest a bit But none of that! Even as the Shepherd was with Nicola f.llo Janitor who accompanied him from Naples to Rome airport, he received a call from Latvia and from the other f.llo Nicholas, the "Latvian" for instance, (the brother that the missions in the Baltic countries have interpreted the man of God from Italian to their language and vice versa, N. d. R.), who reported that the man of God upon his arrival in Latvia would have found the souls " around a table "waiting for a word from this" pastor coming from Italy! God be praised! Personally I felt my own pastor in the juncture of the journey from
These are the churches visited by Friday morning to Sunday evening, beginning with the schedules of the various services:
On Friday
1. 9:00 am - Jelgava, the prison, where the chaplain is the Shepherd f.llo Janis Tautuvaitis;
1. 9:00 am - Jelgava, the prison, where the chaplain is the Shepherd f.llo Janis Tautuvaitis;
2. 14.00 - Garden, a Pentecostal church;
3. Ore 19.00 - Jelgava, the center where the Pastor is the Pentecostal f.llo Agris Ozolinkevics;
On Saturday
1. 10.00 - Jurmala, a Pentecostal Church, which is the Senior Pastor f.llo Leonid Filimonov;
On Saturday
1. 10.00 - Jurmala, a Pentecostal Church, which is the Senior Pastor f.llo Leonid Filimonov;
2. 18.00 - Klaipeda (Lithuania), a Pentecostal Church led by Pastor Sergei f.llo Vostriacov;
1. 11.00 am - Liepaja, in the Church "Emmanuel", where the Pastor is the f.llo Daniel Pedraza;
1. 11.00 am - Liepaja, in the Church "Emmanuel", where the Pastor is the f.llo Daniel Pedraza;
2. 15.00 - Ventsplis, a Church "Zigana" (one of the Gypsy ethnic groups typical for Europe East) led by Pastor f.llo Raimonds Hrauds.
On Friday morning, after getting up early, were accompanied to the prison in Jelgava, where there is a blessed work sustained by the Pastor f.llo Tautuvaitis Janis, a precious servant of God, known nationally as a prison chaplain. Here there was a cult of g
loria to the faces of our brothers killed in that prison inmates have been able to shine for the glory of God loved f.llo tell Daniel "God has literally resurrected! Alleluia!
On Friday morning, after getting up early, were accompanied to the prison in Jelgava, where there is a blessed work sustained by the Pastor f.llo Tautuvaitis Janis, a precious servant of God, known nationally as a prison chaplain. Here there was a cult of g
(pictured at right, before the group the prison in Jelgava)
In this prison there was a veritable feast for the presence of the Lord! Through the Word of God, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was able to see those young smile of joy and hope! God be praised! Even through the songs of a group of gypsies brothers, spoke for the occasion, the Lord is glorified. His experience in prison has been very uplifting and special blessing for the pastor and his son Daniel f.llo. The Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was greatly cheered to learn that many of the young prisoners who had met during his mission a few years ago, were released for good behavior! He transforms and free!
ppena time to greet the brothers in prison
Jelgava (Latvia) that the missionaries have been taken to a new location where there was still waiting for a church was so crowded and for all religions. E 'to notice them where you left room for the destructive spirit of the world, God has put to rout all the evil forces that the presence of the holiness of the Lord had to change the "air". Through the power of the ministry entrusted to Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, God has spiritually resurrected the Churches, freed souls from demonic possession and how many cures we'll know he has worked for the following, as happened to a woman who testified in his recovery from asthma, brought about through the prayer of faith this woman was the man of God been present in the meeting in Riga and had continued to follow the movements of man of God, telling him exactly that during the first worship God had restored through the Power of the Word preached prophetically! Alleluia! The men of God that our pastor has met have been very joyful to receive it in their churches. Just as the beloved pastor f.llo Agris Ozolinkevics (with whom the man of God share a great community for many years) with great love that the pastor wanted f.llo Salvatore Fiorino pray for his wife, afflicted with some sickness in my stomach. The Lord Jesus brought, leaving them the joy and confirmation that he lives with true power in the ministry who have enjoyed for many years in the man of God
Thank God for our beloved Pastor Daniel Pedraza f.llo and how many others have given hospitality to the Pastor and the beloved f.llo f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele.
The Power of the Word of God has ignited many hearts. Also because in modern times, by now, many churches have complied with their customs and traditions in this century, creating in them the spirit rather depressed, sad and even death! But in contact with the living Word, the soul seems to be crossed by a high voltage electric shock! To which, God removed the sorrow, the slaughter and the spirit of death, instilling in the hearts of the Fire Power of the Holy Spirit! The Pastor f.llo Agris continued to say that with the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino you can not be sad, but it must be rejoicing! Alleluia! It is the Word of God that puts us into His presence by making the heart rejoice! God be praised! Even those who were being possessed by strange spirits have been released! Poignant was the testimony of a woman who, in a certain church did nothing but laugh. His was a laugh Satan, who wanted to ridicule and make fun of the Word of God and tries to confuse the minds of the brothers and stop the great work of God! We remember the Apostle Paul and Silas, Acts ch. 16, when a young woman bothers you through a strange spirit in her and this lasted until the Holy Spirit intervened through His servant Paul, who could rebuke that demon and the young woman was released. Alleluia! The Holy Spirit works today and with the same power through His servants of this generation! God be praised! At the right time during the worship service in which the strange spirit was manifesting, the shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino scolded that demon importunate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia! So the woman was freed and could now enjoy the Word together with the whole Church! The power of God fell between the nations, to which, as the man of God moved among the ranks as touching the Holy Spirit gave to lay hands were all overwhelmed by the power of the Lord and fell to the ground as dead! Alleluia! God be praised! Relevant
was the last evening, in which the man of God and f.llo Daniel Church, were guests in a gypsy, where men and women of this ethnic group have given their hearts to Jesus, being transformed by him for His glory, being now valuable tools for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is evident that
we had to make a summary of the mission, because if we were to tell the details we would need much space. But it is equally clear that from today, wherever the Holy Spirit sent Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, there was made all sorts of miraculous miracle, God is glorified among the nations of every nation under heaven, and the Churches have received have enjoyed wonderful Pentecostal revival. We would be really very joyful if direct children of the ministry are beginning to appreciate the endless love they have received, we would be joyful to see the pastor and his family comforted by the love and support of God's people
Thank God for our beloved Pastor Daniel Pedraza f.llo and how many others have given hospitality to the Pastor and the beloved f.llo f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele.
The Power of the Word of God has ignited many hearts. Also because in modern times, by now, many churches have complied with their customs and traditions in this century, creating in them the spirit rather depressed, sad and even death! But in contact with the living Word, the soul seems to be crossed by a high voltage electric shock! To which, God removed the sorrow, the slaughter and the spirit of death, instilling in the hearts of the Fire Power of the Holy Spirit! The Pastor f.llo Agris continued to say that with the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino you can not be sad, but it must be rejoicing! Alleluia! It is the Word of God that puts us into His presence by making the heart rejoice! God be praised! Even those who were being possessed by strange spirits have been released! Poignant was the testimony of a woman who, in a certain church did nothing but laugh. His was a laugh Satan, who wanted to ridicule and make fun of the Word of God and tries to confuse the minds of the brothers and stop the great work of God! We remember the Apostle Paul and Silas, Acts ch. 16, when a young woman bothers you through a strange spirit in her and this lasted until the Holy Spirit intervened through His servant Paul, who could rebuke that demon and the young woman was released. Alleluia! The Holy Spirit works today and with the same power through His servants of this generation! God be praised! At the right time during the worship service in which the strange spirit was manifesting, the shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino scolded that demon importunate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia! So the woman was freed and could now enjoy the Word together with the whole Church! The power of God fell between the nations, to which, as the man of God moved among the ranks as touching the Holy Spirit gave to lay hands were all overwhelmed by the power of the Lord and fell to the ground as dead! Alleluia! God be praised! Relevant
was the last evening, in which the man of God and f.llo Daniel Church, were guests in a gypsy, where men and women of this ethnic group have given their hearts to Jesus, being transformed by him for His glory, being now valuable tools for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is evident that
we had to make a summary of the mission, because if we were to tell the details we would need much space. But it is equally clear that from today, wherever the Holy Spirit sent Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, there was made all sorts of miraculous miracle, God is glorified among the nations of every nation under heaven, and the Churches have received have enjoyed wonderful Pentecostal revival. We would be really very joyful if direct children of the ministry are beginning to appreciate the endless love they have received, we would be joyful to see the pastor and his family comforted by the love and support of God's people
We would be grateful to God to see realized our vision of a great people saved in the city of Naples, where until now, many thousands have received grace through this precious and special man of God but very few to date have remained loyal and the rest, the most would say, they took notes from the Lord and went away, leaving the deserted house of God, to justify themselves have poisoned other poor simple souls. But surely God will render each according to his actions, knowing what happened to Judas Iscariot who found no place for repentance after having hurt the Lord Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God! This will be the fate of those who have plagued the ministry and their fight to condemnation! But for those few of all time to date, have remained loyal and will want to cling to below the "hem of his garment of the Lord through the ministry, God will sustain them, giving him precious victory with his servant, the man of God Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
(To see photos of the Mission look on the left side of the blog ...)
With love, God bless him in your f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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