Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Is My Name Snl Skit

Pastoral trips from May to December 2009 ...

Dear precious readers, God richly reward your love towards us. Of course if we wanted to speak in detail, we would need a lot of time and space for the activities which the Lord has given us a way to work in 2009 were really a lot. Until we have documented, that is, to May 9, 2009 (during his pastoral visit in Citta di Castello), man of God had fulfilled three pastoral visits and a mission trip ... but at the end of the year, the Pastoral visits amount to less than 9 while the missionary journeys were 5. The year 2009 was characterized not only by the travel of the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, but also by water baptism held May 29, the love-feasts held in the structure of the brothers of Tereflisco (EC), the Christian music concert held in the Town of Castle in August, the feast of the Bible school held at the end of September, held at the beautiful Shrine forty-fifth anniversary of the ministry of the man of God held November 1 and end in the customary worship of the first of the year 2010.
Let's go with order. Start with the pastoral visits in which the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino has been committed, bringing anywhere comfort, wise counsel and instruction for the Holy Spirit. Now after being in Città di Castello (PG), 23 and 24 May state of the precious Arco (TN), where the man of God is encouraging his brothers to form a work to the glory of the Lord. Saturday 23 was devoted to visits to the families, while the Sunday morning we "are" gathered in a room that the brothers have rented for special occasions. I have taken part in the event my dear wife and some of the Church leading to Città di Castello, f.llo s.lla Joseph and his wife Ines, their beloved Lois f.llo Roberto Di Rocco and Germany, the sisters Pina and Amalia da Pordenone, the beloved f.llo Lorenzo da Bassano del Grappa and, of course, the precious brothers with the beloved local f.llo Andrea Paduano and his family ... in short, a nice opportunity to share the wonders of the Lord as it has always been faithful to His servant, man of God! Arc the Lord began a work that should be very encouraged. To this end, the man of God sent me by the brothers in the month of March, when for a week I was in Trentino to comfort and encourage his brethren, to evangelize and pray with them. After the month of May, the Holy Spirit still pushing his servant to go right in Arco, where the first and 2 August, the brothers could still benefit from the Word preached and revealed by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
Staying on the subject of pastoral visits, 13 and 14 September, the man of God has been host our dear brothers and unforgettable in Palermo, where the Church of the Shepherd f.llo Augustine Valenti held a national conference very blessed by the Lord. At the conference we attended by myself, and my precious brothers Joseph and Nicholas, met on Sunday afternoon from the beloved f.llo Daniel Fiorino, who traveled with the beloved man of God Along with f. lli Joseph and Nicholas we arrived in Palermo by ship at 7:00 am, which was waiting for the beloved f.llo Sergio Collica, with which for years now we enjoy a good spiritual understanding. God rewards the beloved Sergio f.llo for the way they took care of us, accompanying us to worship services, taking care of our stay in the city, especially as it was available to man of God Pastor added f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was the terminal "Falcone - Borsellino" in Palermo in the afternoon of Sunday, September 13. His speech was expected in the evening of the conference. Me and my brothers traveling companions have taken part in the worship on Sunday morning, where the beloved Pastor Valenti f.llo Augustine gave us space to greet the brotherhood. We had the pleasure and privilege to make a valuable knowledge of many brothers and servants of God who did not know. This is a very interesting conference that is being able to broadening awareness of the brothers and evidence that they have gained with the Lord. The beloved f.llo Augustine Valenti, at the end of the worship of the morning we wanted to meet us for lunch with him and most of these servants of God. When in the late afternoon we found ourselves in God's House of Borgo Molara, we had great joy in re-embrace our precious and much esteemed pastor and f.llo f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele. With some brothers to pray and we have secluded the Lord's presence was powerful, to take that to mean a little later there would be a great and powerful "hurricane" in those parts! Alleluia! The worship was a powerful expression of power of God! Pastor Augustine f.llo Valenti wanted the beloved f.llo Daniel (pictured right) expressed witness who has matured in the spring of 2006, when God has snatched from the claws of death. The anointing of the Lord was a fire power on the head of the young and precious servant of Jesus Christ! It 'obvious that today, as in the past, the Lord pours out His glory with the Holy Spirit for His servants, so when it is time for preaching, that's the power of God the hurricane made landfall in His House! Pastor Augustine f.llo Valenti called the man of God that Palermo is not to be like one of the preachers of way. In fact everyone knows about his origins and Palermo, in Palermo, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino has started and consolidated his spiritual career. The same Pastor Valenti f.llo Augustine claims to have been encouraged to serve their God by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino when he was alongside the Pastor General f.llo Anthony Chinnici. The word we received in those precious moments was wonderfully appropriate and of great spiritual impact. Sergio F.llo Collica sang those wonderful old hymns that both raise our hearts to praise ... so, between the songs and the anointing poured out on His servant, we were filled with healing, blessing, deliverance ... and great joy!
The Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino always started from Palermo in the afternoon of Monday, September 14, after visiting dear souls of our dear brothers and comforted. While f.llo Joseph f.llo Nicola and I are broken down with the ship on the evening of that day.
Staying on the subject of pastoral visits in the nation, in October, the man of God has been a guest pastors f.llo Albarano Domenico and Alberto Reina, respectively, Saturday 10 and Sunday, October 11. The beloved f.llo Domenico Albarano serves the Lord in Vimodrone, near Milan and is a young pastor who has much respect the man of God, with whom he trusts, always searching for that good advice in the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino is well fitted by the power of the Holy Spirit. While the beloved Pastor f.llo Alberto Reina is a veteran of the faith. Have an evening (a Vimodrone) and a morning (in the Church of Milan) truly explosive! God has anointed His servant, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, with great power! The brothers were encouraged by the expression of the joy of the Holy Spirit.
Before the end of the year, in 11 days Friday, Saturday 12 and Sunday, December 13, the man of God has returned our dear brothers from Arco in the province of Trento, even to encourage, edify, but also to capture and redirect walk straight on what was going to be missed! Alleluia!
I do not want to neglect the regular visits completed for the Church led by the beloved f.llo Joseph Antonelli in St. Apollinaris, the province of Frosinone. Here the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino went there last Sunday of the month to celebrate the Holy Communion with our brothers. Each time is a great celebration and an explosion of God's power, like every move the man of God! Wherever the Lord sent him, there has been a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit, confirming the dedication of this beloved and precious man of God!

few days publish the report of the missions abroad and the events that marked 2009, in the meantime, I intend to inform our esteemed readers that in the 7-8-9 days in May 2010, in Naples we will have the first international conference, where he will speak a precious man and prophet of God from South Africa. On this occasion we will also have more expensive abroad and servants of God from our nation ... I take an occasion to extend an invitation to all!! Do not miss it! Visit us! God bless you in Him, f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo


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