Friday, September 28, 2007

Does The Corelle Plates Have Melamine

My sexual experiences by Robert Burton began after a dinner of the Academy. Avevo19 years and I have been to Renaissance for about a month. I had been to a dinner, but this time things went differently than I expected. After dinner, Robert asked me to stop for a minute. When all were gone she invited me in his office. " He sat on the couch and invited me to sit beside him. After some talk, I suddenly pulled down the zipper and began to give me a work of mouth. I was dazed, confused and paralyzed about what was going on. I do not expect it at all, and there was no time to say no. When I came I said I had to go to the bathroom (which was true). In the bathroom near his office I was alone for a moment, and I had time to recover from the shock and make the local mind. I really did not know what to think. It was something that was not for me, I never did. But I felt that I could not refuse that person, who was my teacher, and the fact that Robert said that this was for my own good gave him more weight. A few minutes later I came back, feeling the shame of star having sex with a man. When I returned he took me in his bed, where he continued to make me the subject of oral sex. Physically it was somewhat challenging, but emotionally it was repulsive. Robert noticed it because I had trouble maintaining an erection. He said he could "come between her legs if I wanted" but the idea sounds completely disgusting to me and said nothing. I wanted to finish it as soon as possible but still felt that I could not say no to Robert. In order to handle it yourself away star having sex with women. Once, while lying on his bed, the lights became intermittent. Robert said it was the influence of C, C, and the influence he wanted us to be intimate. Finally, Robert took me out the front door. I was so happy not having to go through the kitchen and not see other people. Ashamed, disappearing into the night. Although it may seem strange, none of this had undermined my confidence in Robert. Only I did not know how to handle the situation and my feelings. About a week later we were working in the vineyard of the Jeep when Robert came to our row and stopped. It was the time of harvest, the weather was hot and heavy work. At that time we had taken a break. Rosemary Rexford came up to me jokingly, "You have much pleasure to anyone, because you're going to get a swim." We went swimming in a river not far from the Renaissance. There were a dozen young men of my age and some older men who usually accompany him wherever he goes Robert (as his secretary and the two men who live at the Academy). All swam naked, which seemed strange given the narrow use of costume in the Fellowship of Friends. Only later I realized that Robert had brought his harem to swim. Some next day I was to lodge. It was a bit 'late and many had gone home. I was called on the phone because they wanted to talk to Robert. Robert asked me to go to him. I said that I would have liked to be near him, but I did not want to have sex with him yet. Apparently we were in agreement and I said that I would not go. Shortly after I was invited to a dinner, a small dinner in the cellar of the Academy. There were two small tables. I sat at a table with Robert. The secretary Robert sat down to another table with another man. I could not see them because I was sitting in the back. Robert was clearly "not amused" to our telephone conversation. Seeing that he was trying to hide his irritation, I said, "It 's a thrill negative 'conscious'? "He replied" Yes .... "With all my innocence I believed him. Afterwards, I thanked Robert for the nice dinner. I insisted that I did not want to have sex with him and went home. From that moment on, many things changed for me. When it became clear to Robert that I would never had sex with him, many doors were closed. No more attention or kind words from Robert. No more dinners. No more gifts. No more teaching. Not more than unconditional love . Even when he stopped his car completely ignored me (side note: his friends from inside the car gave me a look full of female domination that made my confusion even bigger). I I felt very alone at that time and not (dare) talk to anyone. He called me a few weeks later asking if I had taken into consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving sex with him, but I had already firmly established the connection that I'd never done anything like that. I continued to live at Renaissance until the end of my visa for one year. After returning to my country, I was in the Fellowship of Friends for three years. At the end of my membership in the Fellowship of friends stayed for all sincere people in the center, I was very helpful in many ways. However, there came a time when I saw those students become increasingly identified with the form, and I could not bear to support Robert with my stay in the Fellowship. At one point I tried to talk to our director of the center on my experience with Robert. She said: "Sometimes you have to turn the weaknesses of the teacher." It took me a long time to develop this thing. It was not a relationship of equals. Robert had indeed abused his authority and in my naivety to force me to have sex with him. If you had asked me immediately, saying that was for his personal pleasure and that there was no obligation to have sex with him, I certainly would have said no. Instead he jumped on me when all of my personality defenses were down. He used my innocence, saying that having sex with him was for my own good and the consent of influenza C. He used whatever was in its power to bring in his bed: dining, gifts, attention. And when that did not work took all these things to force me to do sex with him again. And most of all, I did something which I felt and I feel disgusted. I'm sure Robert has no conscience, and that can not be conscious. Sbagliai believing that "the lower can not see the higher." But in fact it should say "The lower can not see anything - neither above nor below. I think he is another kind of very special person. Ouspensky writes this: "A hobo is hasnammuss and moody at the same time. [...] never hesitates to sacrifice people or to cause an enormous amount of suffering only to pursue his personal ambitions. " Translated by More History Needed? No 584 of September 27, 2007 ( http://fellowshipoffriends.wordpress .com/2007/09/17/the-fellowship-of-friends-discussion-part-21 / # comment-8274 ).

Friday, September 14, 2007

Altima Coupe Insurance

A letter from KarmaG. A letter to Italian students

this letter is addressed to all those who want to know information About the Fellowsphip of Friends. As to those who already belong to, I just want to say that you have all the information available for questioning whether or not you are in a cult. I'm leaving school after 20 years and I guarantee you that for my ego, it was not easy to admit that they have spent money, time and half of my earthly part, not aware of a school, but rather, to a sect. I will spare you the philosophical discourse, analytical and poetic, with what I got in return. The power found in the previous post, written by students and I share. The following information I have gathered in Blogs in English. Recently, A__f B. and his new wife arrived at the center of Milan. For those who do not know, the truth is that A__f A. and his wife are in forced exile and unable to return to the U.S. because a federal crime was committed. The groom had forgotten one small detail: was already married to another, this is bigamy. The first marriage was intended to obtain the green card ... Their coming to the Centre of Milan is nothing but an act of survival, CdiM, with its wealthy students and not, should seek to ensure the same standard of living to which the little prince has been used by Robert. Various events and cost, are provided for a long time. It is said that Robert, after the failure of the last event FGBD, make a small replica in Europe to raise funds, the release of more than 400 students has brought a loss of over 4 million dollars to the coffers of the FoF. The U.S. immigration office, it seems, has revoked the religious visas to about 70 students, sending them to their native country. Many of them are part of the inner circle of Robert sexual, in fact, will travel to Europe for 5 weeks in order to stay close to many of them. there is already talk of keeping his favorites, with salaries, which come directly from California. Even our dearest A__a M.. F___i., Will return to his native country, having served for years as Robert "Madame." His job is to travel up and down the center of the world in the center, to generate new fans to his dear beloved master. If you plan to enter a school that is state of the Fourth Way, and you are young, cute, kind solar Venusian moon, you do not even meet with the teacher to be selected to be part of his Harem. M. A__a. F___i. has this specific task for him through your simple photo, showing Robert, you will get a visa as a religious minister of his church. You will be given the opportunity to leave your country to live in America (the American dream), live at the Gallery (museum house) with Robert. You will be salaried with their religious duties that are not, participate in orgies with his other students based on video porn, Viagra and who knows what else. In return, of course, be at his disposal day and night to satisfy his sexual appetites. I forgot: you must be of legal age and heterosexual. If you are lucky you will marry one of the daughters of students elderly, giving it the eternal residence in America. But do not worry if your conscience will tell you about: you will be ready for a group of students from the inner circle, first aid, specialized to help you turn all your suffering, humiliation, getting an apology for being able to transform all that, they will tell this is your payment to reach Robert Paradise. If you want to join a sect where Robert is the master, a man who claims to number 7.5, sex pervert, and needs constantly to young heterosexual students to satisfy their lower parts or, as he calls him, his King of Clubs , go ahead. They are out of this sect because after years of lies are no longer able to defend the indefensible.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bugatti Veyron Engine Blueprint

The following letter, written by DG Fof when he left in 1997, was mailed to the members of the center of Milan at that time. The intends to follow
Dear student, my student, I write as a result of your membership in the Fellowship of Friends. My name is XYZ XYZ, and I was a student at the center of Milan from August 1988 to March 1997. I ask you please to have the patience to read till the end of this letter. Also, if you know of students who have not received, I ask you to please read it to them. In my last year of staying in school, and especially in recent months after leaving, I heard things about Robert and the Fellowship of which I wanted to be informed when I was part of and that is your right to know, as student and school finance. In recent months I have come in contact with some of the first students of the Fellowship, I have read copies of letters sent by students to the Fellowship and Robert himself, articles about the school appeared on local and national U.S. newspapers, and excerpts of the cases against Robert and the Fellowship . I was thus possible to know some of the lesser-known aspects of the school: the sexual behavior of Robert towards its students, the relationship between the Fellowship and students, and the use of money. These facts have led to the inclusion of the Fellowship of the potentially dangerous cults in the United States, the expulsion of some students and the defections of hundreds, mostly Americans, and two lawsuits. Here is a summary of information which has come into possession of these topics. Over the past two months has been my care to verify the accuracy of the information reported by comparing two independent sources who have had a direct and personal knowledge of the facts. Instead, I omitted all the news that I have not been confirmed or were based on second hand information or hearsay. At the end of the letter you will find the list of documents and sources from which I got the information you read. ******* Even though Robert has repeatedly left to believe in the years to many of his students to live in abstinence, and although homosexuality has been officially banned from the school until 1993, since the beginning of Fellowship Robert had (and usually) sex with hundreds of his students, all male and none of them homosexual. For most students chose Robert Young and more recently in the school, but in some cases it was married men. Sometimes these students are 'recruited' as watchmen of Robert, so you can always be available. Samuel Sanders reaches the school in 1975 and 1979 to 1984 is part of the Fellowship Board of Directors (the Board of Directors of the Fellowship). In March of 1984 presented a letter to Council members in which, aware of the sexual behavior of Robert, asked Robert to do something to help itself and the students involved. Here are the main steps of the letter: "Dear friends [..] For a long time we were part of a criminal trial that has hurt many people. Some of these people have been sacrificed because we chose not to listen to our consciences. Robert persecuted over the years and sodomized young men. He used his position to seduce these young men with the promise of immortality. His actions are simply those of a degenerate be fine no matter what. We, in our blindness we have allowed some people care were violated and damaged by his appetites. Our failure, in the strictest sense, is making sure that everything continues. Some of these young men were seriously psychologically damaged by this process. Yet still we minimize because it is safer not to know. These acts are a violation of Robert's position. If you justify saying that this is his privilege or his own personal weakness at the same time we are accomplices and victims. [..] These words can cause much discomfort. But please try to think of the anguish in which some of these young men were subjected in the name of evolution, and ask yourself if you, consciously, as higher beings, condurreste your life this way. You can truly accept that we can enter the higher worlds through these actions? Would you like to enter this world through these acts? [..] Robert is also a victim. The maximum that you can offer is sympathy and help. If you are angry against themselves or with me or with the cycle continues. He is and will be confused and hurt by these actions. Still, firmness and fairness is what is needed. Greatly harmed our school and our being if we choose not to act. We talked and preached an ethic of love and acted on the upper right. Now is the time to be words. It would also be a solemn act, and human for us to help young men who have been injured and damaged by Robert. It would be an appropriate legacy we leave for the next generation. If you find when you are alone, that fear and / or the desire to defend prevented you from hearing what was said, you will lose a dear friend. You will lose yourself. "The day after the submission of the letter, unknown to Sanders, three members of the Council shall meet and decide that," because dell'incorreggibilitĂ  Samuel Sanders in fomenting divisions in the school and threaten its stability and its spiritual purposes, Committee [..] agree unanimously as determined by the doctrine of the Church, Samuel Sanders to expel the Fellowship of Friends. "In June 1984, Sanders institute any legal action against the Fellowship, Robert Burton, and some of the smaller members in view of the school, including Girard Haven, Abraham Goldman (one of the lawyers of Robert and the FOF), Helga Mueller and Charles Randall, with a damage claim for $ 2.5 million and a court injunction to refrain from Robert sexual acts with his students "without first having informed in writing that such acts have no relation with the philosophy of the Fellowship." 26 students who had sex with Robert were willing to testify about it. However, Goldman, counsel for the Fellowship, asked for and obtained an order of withholding of all acts of the case, and three years later this is ironed out of court with payment by the Fellowship Sanders a figure which is not permission to disclose the amount. (Charles Randall, personal communication, which Sanders said he received $ 500,000 from the Fellowship --- about 850 million pounds at current exchange rates). During the proceedings, Goldman said, inter alia: "The Fellowship believes that the sexual life of an individual is his private affair. This includes also that of the head of an organization." Following Robert had this to say to the students of the Fellowship that the case had been closed for apparent absence of the facts, lying. 'Churches' even among students who did not speak of this case, adding a reprimand to censure imposed by the legal counsel. It is estimated that in a short time, about 100 students left the school as a result of the letter to Sanders, his deportation and subsequent proceedings. Wim Pieters was in the Fellowship from 1985 to 1994. In 1986 he moved to Apollo. He writes in a letter sent to students shortly before leaving the school: "Dear friends, in an attempt to avoid talking to others about my experience with him, Robert has forbidden me to come to Reinassance (or Apollo). I am writing this letter for those who are interested. When I was in Reinassance spring of 1986, I entered the school for a year. In the middle I heard the numerous stories about how great directors, almost holy, was the master. Since we came to the Fellowship with a need for emotional and spiritual support, I thought I willingly to these stories. A few weeks later I was in Reinassance, after a 'symposium' in which he had drunk a lot Robert took me to one of the rooms of the Academy and wanted to have sex with me. When I told him I did not want to because I had homosexual feelings and did not want to see me involved in these practices, Robert said that I should consider it externally as his teacher. In part because of fear of this being so full of power, partly because I did not want feel guilty or judged, but mainly because of the energy with which Robert had approached me, I felt I had no choice. While Robert tries to stimulate an orgasm orally told him that I was covering his face with his hands in shame. Robert replied that this was a good job opportunity. I began to serve sexually [Robert], a function that lasted for several years. To be able to endure my situation, I began to tell myself that it was part of my play make this kind of suffering, and learn to serve without thinking to myself was finally done right to my soul. I also tried to stimulate in me the idea that because Robert was aware, being in his presence was to be for if a good thing. Robert tried to make sure that what was happening between us was the will of influenza C, and that the worst thing I could do was to resist their plans. He also explained that his attraction to men was not homosexuality, but the consequence of being an angel and a universe above the men, just as the attraction of men and women benefit, he added, from the men over a cosmos of women. (As stated in an article in the San Diego Union-Tribune in 1995, Pieters Robert becomes a night watchman, and have a relationship with him --- even three a week, according to him --- until 1990, where he married and with the help of his wife, unable to resist further requests for sexual relations.) It was when I finally met a woman (who would soon become my wife) I remarked that I had to take responsibility for my life, I found that a third force needed to tell Robert that I wanted to continue to serve in that way. He was very upset, and overnight what he called 'love' turned into hostility and resentment, and my wife and we were totally ignored as students. I became really clear that I had never been a friend or a student, but I had been used for one purpose: the sexual gratification of Robert. There had been no love, forget love conscious. In the five years that followed there was never allowed [to Pieters and his wife] to attend dinners with our 'Master', or were never taken into consideration our requests for financial assistance as we worked to pay for Reinassance when we had need of expensive medical care. However, in this period Robert called me several times on the phone asking me if I still wanted to 'come in his mouth' (his words), and then he would, among other things, offered to pay some of the costs. [..] Never responded to its requests and 'offers'. Many efforts have been made to cover information such as contained in this letter. There are also collective buffers between members of the Fellowship about the practices of Robert. As people can be proud of the levels that have reached tolerate all this? I am convinced that many of the behaviors of the Fellowship are based on religion, such as those affecting things can not be verified as the awareness of Robert, the fact that the Fellowship is an ark for a new civilization, and the division of humanity in 'students' and 'people in life', and the alleged spiritual superiority of the members of the Fellowship for those that do not belong. I hope that you will have the courage to confront your behavior and see them for what they are. For the sake of your own evolution. "Wim Pieters left the school in October 1994. Richard (Laurel) Buzbee was a member of the Fellowship 1976 to 1994. When he entered the school he was told that Robert was living in celibacy. Shortly before leaving the school Buzbee writes a letter to the students of the Fellowship in which he talks about how Robert had a relationship with him after inviting him to his room on the pretext of a massage: "Dear friend, I write to you and many others because I value your friendship and someone with whom you consider to be honest and frank. I decided to write to you [..] because I suspect that what happened to me is already being covered, and may soon disappear, like so many other things that are happened to others before me. Robert asked me to buy a gun and become one of its watchmen. [..] accepted with confidence in Robert and desire to serve. I was told that one of the duties of the guards was to massage when Robert had requested. One morning, while massaging, without saying a word made me sit on his knees on the bed, pulled my pants down, he began to suck my penis and asked me to come to his mouth. All this without asking permission, very impersonal, no care for me as a human being (married with a family), and no care for me as a guide for students wishing to evolve. I felt betrayed and used by men who felt like my spiritual father. I left work and left the wage. You might think that having sex with Robert is different than with other people, which in some Robert uses sex as a way to teach, or what will make you more emotional, more close to miraculous. But it was emotional and there was no teaching. While Robert was using me, I was nothing but an object, something you use to satisfy his desires. Later, I began to discuss this experience with some of my closest friends, and discovered that many of them had been used by Robert in a similar way. But the biggest shock came from my son Troy, who told me that Robert had tried to have sex since he entered the school at the age of seventeen. While growing up, I was taught that Robert Troy was like a god, someone you can trust under any circumstances. So without knowing it, I had prepared to be used by Robert for sex. Robert Troy said (and many others with whom I spoke later) that the influence of C wanted that Troy did have sex with him. [..] During the relations Robert does not use any protection against AIDS, herpes or other sexually transmitted diseases, despite having so many partners. Many a night during which I worked as a guard at his house, there was a succession of male students coming and going from his room. Shortly after the letter [..]" Buzbee, in 1994, during a meeting headed by Linda Kapland to Apollo (the former director of Apollo), some students ask that you speak of the sexual habits of Robert. Linda refuses and, following the their insistence, suspended the meeting. The day after four of these students are expelled from the Fellowship. Among them, a student, Ramona Merryweather, who was part of the school since the seventies. Following these events, approximately 250 other students left the school soon. Troy Buzbee institute any legal action against Robert and the Fellowship in April 1996. He claims to have sexually Robert served 17 years of age in 1986 until his departure from the school in 1994. The tale of Troy (as reported in an extract of the proceedings of the case) is identical to that of other students who have openly denounced the behavior of Robert. Troy also became after a while one of the bodyguards of Robert and Case says he has seen, over the next four years, many men in the room of Robert in a single night. In Case Troy also argues that "Burton used the money to pay other members of the association for the provision of specific sexual acts, to the extent of 50 or 100 dollars." Apollo, in 1996, I spoke personally with a person who worked in the legal department of Abraham Goldman, who explained that the strategy used by lawyers in the case of the Fellowship was to avoid or delay with all the possible ways the conduct buorcratiche the process, so that Robert had not called in any case in court. And speaking of letters and Pieters Buzbee, Goldman said in an interview with the San Robert Diego Union Tribune that he has not deceived, but that "sexual relations may occur as a result of a mutual attraction." However, Pieters and Buzbee said they were not being homosexual. The cause of Buzbee has been resolved outside the court in October 1996. Other students subject to the attention of Robert have made known their story. Thomas Easley, the Fellowship for 18 years, was the personal driver and secretary Robert. In 1990, he asked Robert in a letter to apologize for sexual behavior that he had with him. According to an interview with the appeal-Democrat in 1993, "Robert responded with an apology rather than a further insult and asked to leave the Fellowship. However, few days after Goldman responds to Easley that "[Robert] is willing to send a letter of apology [..] but I ask you to sign some papers that legally confirming that you will never make the case in Robert and that the letter of apology is not can be used by others in the future. " Yamasaki Norman remains in the Fellowship for 15 years, starting in 1974. Always sull'Appeal-Democrat, Yamasaki said, "is still struggling to forget that he was seduced to have sex with Burton. [..] At that time he lived with many unmarried men." Yamasaki, however, was married for four years, until their removal from school, his wife knew nothing of her husband's relationship with Robert. Bruce Levy, a former student who has had dealings with Robert, said in 1996 at the Los Angeles Times, "nobody put a gun to his head, but in a spiritual sense it was as if it were. Under his [Robert's] teaching is to do what you do not want to evolve spiritually ... is the least you can do to your teacher. " ******* As long as I was in school, I never worried much know how it was used the money that pays for each student receive an education. Simply, I assumed that would be made correct use. Now I have some more information, that is your right to know. The Fellowship has a property estimated by the officers of Yuba County in 1995 of approximately $ 21 million (approximately 36 billion lire). In 1996 the estimated value of the property was 26 million dollars (45 billion lire), not counting the value of works of art purchased over the years (the only sale of the collection of China, a year ago, has yielded 11, $ 2 million --- about 20 billion lire). The only income comes from the Fellowship of the actual fees paid by students in 1994, donations have exceeded $ 5 million (ie about 9 billion pounds). At least until 1995 (latest year for which I was able to get information), the Reinassance Winery has never been profitable, and would normally absorb from one to one and half million dollars a year (ie plus or minus two billion lire ). On average, for half a million dollars (850 million to one billion and 700 million pounds) are spent each year for the purchase of various works of art. The Fellowship, as a religious body, the sun is required to pay property taxes. In 1996 the tax authorities still had almost five hundred thousand U.S. dollars of back taxes for the period 94-95. Robert receives an annual salary which currently amounts to at least $ 250,000 (nearly 450 million pounds), uses a Mercedes for her trips (before it was even used a Rolls ROIC), and some sports cars can be parked at the Academy normally see. These cars are for use by students 'close' to Robert. Girard Haven receives a salary Annual ranging between 30,000 and 50,000 dollars (50 million to 90 million lire), depending on whether you're in the U.S. or Europe. A few other students receive similar salaries. For example, at least until a few years ago Barbara Haven received an annual salary of about $ 24,000 (about 42 million pounds). The students closest to Robert, or his sexual partners, his 'bodyguards' and 'night', the Fellowship receive a nominal salary of $ 5,000 (almost 9 million pounds) each. For example, in 1993 these students were at least 10 for a yearly total of $ 600,000 (ie more than one billion lire). This money is flipped to a fund administered directly by the Secretary of Robert, Wayne Mott, and is used to pay travel and housing of these students when Robert accompanied on his travels, and all other expenses that Robert can not be covered by the official accounts of the Fellowship. The approximately 200 students working in the property receive a salary which is around $ 350 per month (about 600 thousand pounds). This figure is almost impossible to survive to Apollo, and of course even less outside of the community. Almost all students must pay to use the money themselves or have a second job. However, $ 350 is well below the minimum wage in California admitted that, net, currently hovers around $ 700 per month. For students work for the Winery, the official explanation is that they 'give' the difference to the school. In short, Apollo gives a student some 50% of its already poor wages to the school. Students work for nine hours a day, five days a week. For more than two years to Apollo meals for students in salary are no longer free. Of course, each student must also pay rent for the place where he lives. Finally, the Fellowship receives a substantial help in the labor force by the students who regularly spend their holidays working free for Apollo (especially during the harvesting period). ******* Here is some more information about Robert not very well known in the school. As know, he has provided for the drop in California for 1998, and nuclear war in 2006. He also predicted a severe global economic downturn for 1984, but no recession occurred. This does not mean that Robert is not paying attention to the financial management of the Fellowship, even the smallest detail. Here's an example. In 1980, the student Sheila Cousins \u200b\u200b(also known as Sharol Manering) is hospitalized, and because of that fall behind with paying the monthly fee to the school. However, requests that the send Robert some point of view, and Robert makes you write a brief letter containing two points of view and which ends: "Remember to Sharol that is the influence C that communicates with her through me. Tell her that this is the way they tell you that must come into compliance with the payments now, or will leave school. Tell her that the only other place to go is hell. "Sharol died two years later of cancer. During his stay in hospital, some students visited it and they gave her back a cameo by Robert (but paid for by Sharol!) . Here are some things that Robert said about herself. In the "Via del Sol Journal (The Journal of the Fellowship of the time) of 16 November 1971 he said:" I am the Avatar, who was born in 1939. I am not Christ, I am the Christ of our time. "And in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle in 1981, the journalist who asked him if he thinks to be Jesus Christ, after a long pause Robert murmured: "Thou hast said" (Mark 15:2). A former student, Randall Moffett, in this regard stated that "Burton was usually leave from spreading the rumor that he was the second coming of Christ:" These two angels took me away from my body. "[..] Burton repeated this story for months. " However, there is at least one thing that distinguishes Christ from Robert: the attitude towards children. In the early school years, Robert 'suggested' that the couple had no children in the first five years of marriage. In some cases, this request was not respected, and Robert asked some students to go and tell these people to have abortions. Some women have abortions. Linda Kapland was one of the persons appointed by Robert. Later he said that she "was just following orders." In what school he studied the Fourth Way Robert? In a school called "The Theatre of All Possible," made in the 60's in San Francisco by a certain Alex Horn. Robert was a member of this school for about a year and a half before leaving to found the Fellowship. Nonstante than I have heard from many American students, you can not find any link between Alex Horn and Rodney Collin, and other students of Gurdjieff or Ouspensky. Greg Loy, of Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing has confirmed to me that does exist is no transmission line between Gurdjieff or Ouspensky and Alex Horn and his school. The Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing maintains a website where they are given information on all the schools in the Fourth Way that can demonstrate a direct or indirect connection with the teaching of Gurdjieff. The Fellowship is not mentioned. However, even if the links with the schools of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky are not very close, in 1977, Robert said: "We are the ones who have the right to teach the system at this time of the century [..]. No matter how many groups exist on earth using the names of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, these groups remain influenza B. [..] We deal with the position of most high school on earth. The Fellowship of Friends is the greatest mystery of the twentieth century. " (Mount Caramel Journal of 11 July 77). ******* In recent years, many older students, even with a strong position in the school, left the Fellowship as a result of the conduct of Robert. Charles Randall has left the school after 21 years in 1994 following the letter of Richard Buzbee. Member of Fellowship Board of Directors, for years was the financial manager of the Fellowship. He told the San Diego Union Tribune in March 1995 that "Burton has manipulated the minds and bodies of members," and he "felt humiliated by the whole story. I thought it was the right way, but from what came out, it was just a cult. " Carl Mautz, also a member of the Council, a spokesman for Fellowship and a student of 18 years, was one of the lawyers Robert defended the school and in the case of Sanders in 1984. However, he has left the school in 1994, shortly after the letter Buzbee, and the San Diego Union Tribune, regarding the letter from Sanders to that, "when Sanders said he had been brainwashed, I looked down ' top to bottom and told him, 'You (idiot).' But he was right, "Burton relations with students are" an obvious abuse of power. " Joel Friedlander has been in the Fellowship for 22 years. He is the author of "Body Types", was publisher of the book by Robert "Self Remembering" and he was spokesperson for the Fellowship. He also left school in 1994 and always on the San Diego Union Tribune said, in About the teaching of Robert: "The group has virtually nothing to do with the system of Gurdjieff ... is basically the ideology of Burton engaged on a Gurdjieffian." He also noted that the recruitment process (through bookmarks with pictures of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky) is misleading. Bookmarks "using the image of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky to entice people to call it." Frielander says that has now become a hobby for him to visit the library and remove bookmarks. In another article published on the front page of the Los Angeles Times in 1996, he also said: "When people join this group does not plan to abandon his critical sense and its autonomy to the will the great leader, but that is exactly what happens. The indoctrination is so complete and the pressure so great that if the old is gradually replaced by a new one that believes in the propaganda, including the idea that eternal damnation is the price you pay for with the exit from the school. "Pamella Cavanna She left school after about twenty years, in 1995, told the Los Angeles Times in reference to the letter of Buzbee and the facts that: "For years I have ignored or justified a lot of things, but I could not ignore this . A teacher should have moral standards to which we aspire. Robert has standards that we are forced to ignore. "Barbara Bruno Lancaster was in the school since 1972, when he was 27 years, to 1984. She is the author of a chapter in a book published in the United States in 1988 and entitled "Cults and Consequences." In this chapter she recounts her experience in the Fellowship. Here are the words with which ends the chapter: "I have met many ex-students, and are not stupid. The majority are highly intelligent. These groups are particularly attractive to educated people. The recruitment will be directed to the best, the most brilliant, the most idealistic. Each member in turn becomes a recruiter whose sincerity is contagious. Note, since the members often have contact only with other members within the group, they see those outside only as potential to recruit members or as failures. [..] The mind control does exist --- produces an inability to act in his own integrity. The brainwashing is a spiritual rape. Remember, no one thinks to be part of a cult. "Wirk Stella was the sixth time student in order to reach the school, along with her husband. They left the school in 1982, after refusing to pay a fine of $ 3000 Due to the rules on smoking, recently established at the time. Stella recalls how he spent years defending against Robert entries on his sexual behavior, to discover that it was true. In the early eighties Stella was able to speak with Lord John Pentland of the Gurdjieff Foundation (the most great Fourth Way school, founded by Jeanne de Salzmann shortly after the death of Gurdjieff). He said about that Robert "was transforming his students in children dependent on him (the figure of 'father')." Lord Pentland described the situation as very unfortunate. (John Pentland, who died in 1984, worked with Ouspensky for a long time in the 30 and 40, and has worked with Gurdjieff in his last year of life. From 1953 to 1984 he was president of the American section of the Gurdjieff Foundation). For my part, I could see that outside the school, in life, there is the 'desert', but many people who try and work sincerely. Many former students are normally in contact with each other, both in local groups in different cities and countries. Many schools were founded by students of the Fourth Way of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky operating in America, Europe and in Italy. Because of the sexual habits of Robert and money management, the Fellowship has fallen under the coverage of CAN: The Cult Awareness Network, the world's largest organization for monitoring and control of sects and cults, and self- active until 1996. In a brochure of the ANC in 1991 in which it is a partial list of potentially dangerous cult, the Fellowship is cited in the company of Scientology, of Are Krishna and other groups known to be much discussed. ******* The information and news reported in this letter have been taken from: Mystical Cult Prospers and stirs Some Fears - San Francisco Chronicle, April 20, 1981; Sex Suit Hits Cult Chief - Yuba City Valley Herald June 13, 1984, Looking back - Cult and Consequences (Chapter 7) , 1988; Cults' - Predators or Victims of persecutions? - Appeal-Democrat on May 5, 1993 In the Name of Religion - San Diego Union Tribune, March 12, 1995; Trouble Taints in Cerebral Sanctuary - Los Angeles Times, November 4, 1996 - Copy of letter sent March 27, 1980 by James B . at the request of Robert Sharol Manering - Copy of letter from Samuel L. Sanders to the Fellowship of Friends Board of Directors March 4, 1984 - Copies of letters sent by Wim R. Pieters and Richard (Laurel) Buzbee students of the Fellowship of Friends, Apollo. - Excerpts from the lawsuit by Samuel L. Sanders against the Fellowship of Friends and Robert Burton, presented to the court --- California Yuba County, June 6, 1984 - Excerpts from the lawsuit filed by Troy Buzbee against the Fellowship of Friends and Robert Burton, presented to the court in California - - Yuba County, April 29, 1996, on the Internet: - History of FoF - (The birth of the Fellowship of Friends told by Bonita Guido, the first student of the school.) - Learn About Cults - (Wirk Stella's experience, sixth student at the school. In these pages are also reproduced a copy of the letter of Samuel Sanders and the letter sent to Sharol Manering.) - Esoteric History Project - (with reproductions of some original documents and photos the early years of the Fellowship of Friends.) - The System - (These pages are also reproduced the articles in the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union Tribune. ) - Gurdjieff Home Page - (The Fourth Way schools with a direct or indirect connection with the teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspenski.) - Of, By & For the People - http:/ / ~ www.oronet./ ofbyfornews (In these pages are also reproduced in the extract of the lawsuit filed by Troy Buzbee.) If you want to know more about what you read, do not settle for answers that you receive in school. Most students do not know anything or have a partial or distorted knowledge of the facts, especially in European centers. This was exactly my situation in my eight years in the Fellowship. If you'd like to see the documents listed above, you can of course get in touch with me and I'll be happy to do with it have a copy. I know that there is a rule in the school that you forbid it. But if the rule's goal is to act as a third force to allow former students to return to school, then contacted not violate it. It is not my intention to return to join the Fellowship of Friends. Thank you for your attention and I cordially greet you,

Monday, July 30, 2007

Crosman Pulse R76 Jg Gearbox

How money is used / 2

From the July 29 post Unoanimo us ( # comment -4394 ) Misappropriation 'The Kitchen' is the restaurant on the property that burned a couple of years ago. First, we put aside the fact that originally had been paid by the FOF (osssia, our donations). But ... the insurance money: where is he? It has been spent on God knows what. So, you know the many "poles" pursued in the last two years specifically to raise money so that "we" could rebuild our beautiful ... The Kitchen Well, they were collected more than $ 100,000. And then, what is "was silenced." So where's the money? and where the new restaurant? "We" have paid three times for a restaurant that is not there. Any comments?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Can U B Pregnant N Have Firm Low Cervix

How money is used / 1

From post by Janna No 23, 23 July: About a year ago I was in the gallery with a friend, just looking around, admiring the beauty. I showed my friend the different rooms, the kitchen, the library ... The door of the master's room was wide open and I remembered that it was allowed in the past to get in, no problem ... So we went. There was none. I said: This is the room of the Master ... And my friend on the bed he noticed a pile of new shirts for men ... They were beautiful in their box ... The price, loud and clear on every package, was $ 1500. For every shirt. ... We were a bit 'shocked. These are the shirts worn by the "boys" ... Another true story: once at our house a "boy" got drunk and started bragging to other students of the many gifts received by the master. Showed us his ring, tie, pants, shirt - list price: It costs $ 1800, this 900, 2400 ... And this went on. It was just pathetic. We had enough we went away and my boyfriend told me: That guy there wearing 10 payments of my teaching! So if you think those "boys" are there and the amount of expensive shirts, rings, pants, suits, etc. that dress ... ..

Monday, July 23, 2007

Why Do Cats Put Their Paws Under Their Body

Kosta's letter to Russian students

Dear Friends, Thank you very much for the time we spent together, it was great. Like many before me, I decided to leave school when I discovered the details of the 'adventures' of sexual master. Of course, like everyone in school, I knew that Robert is gay. So what? Many important people and also our friends were and are gay, bi-sexual, transvestites - no one is shocked these days, especially in the environment of 'seekers', among which there are many people, so to speak, "exotically-oriented." Returning to the issue, here are the results of my observations and inquiries. The school as an organization and its exercises help you: 1. Supporting special and very expensive erotic games of Robert and company. Payments from students are spent on expensive clothes, often tailor-made for boys el'entourage; original Viagra pills that cost $ 50 each (completely identical in India cost 50 cents). Airline tickets and luxury 5-star for the harem, bought fake passports from the Russian mafia for the esteemed lovers, and of course for the new centers in developing countries where the new 'members' are very cheap. Moreover, the sums must be set aside for lawyers and relatives of the young victims 'waking up' and claim damages for the reprehensible activities of the master. 2. Conceal the fact that those orgies take place immediately before and after the meetings and are the main interest of the teacher in his school and the reason for its existence. Hiding it is necessary to prevent the students think about how the teacher used his mouth just before you kiss on the forehead. In many would like to think about these things. However, there will always be those who will work with the acceptance and will continue to be present at all sorts of madness. But many students left school to be present somewhere else. Robert is only interested in young men, only regular ones (otherwise would not be as tasty circuit), usually in need from the financial point of view, if possible, and spiritually immature, as they say in Russia, 'without a king in the head' , and with a high level of compliance behavior. That's it. Yes, my friends, everything revolves around 'members, members and member yet'. Preferably large and many at the same time. But if it all ... The stories of the participants are beyond the most perverse sexual imagination. One student was nearly choked on his penis while the teacher gave him a blowjob. He had to be rescued by his companions who attended the orgy, which have stolen all'irrefrenabile sexual urgency of the master. The 'highlight' of these stories is the 'Fountain of Youth'. What do you mean? Very simple. Students piss in the mouth of the master. One at a time or all at once. I asked, you know, the next logical step ... They told me - yes! That step was taken. Sometimes all (censorship). And why? You will not believe ... Gurdjieff ordered it from the astral plane! To be more present! It is understandable that these moments of presence will no longer be forgotten. You will be the third state without any effort, and perhaps even beyond the third state. I wonder, what makes people do this? It is very simple, really: everybody does it, so they say. It is acceptable behavior. You know the 'rules of group behavior in the totalitarian regimes'?. Strange, but many continue to interpret what happens in terms of awakening. As a mystical, special experience of presence, that they would not live anywhere else. And yet, they hate it for Robert that is being done and hatch plans for revenge (usually some kind of blackmail). It is understandable, because otherwise would have to admit that they were simply ... .. . Some have invested too much in school, suffered, paid, while others simply have no place else to go. Many students simply do not know many things, despite the fact that all information is published on the internet, except the special 'special', aware of the 'old' students. I myself did not know the details, and I thought that the 'antics' by Robert were simply' free love 'with a little' of tantra. But, according to participants, the whole What is completely rotten and Robert is a typical 'post-traumatic psychopath'. Of course, you can continue as if it were not true, but then you will pay, and is therefore a matter of moral standards, as in every case where it is dealing with his own conscience, is deeply personal. For me, it's just too much. Now it's just none of your business, think to yourself. I pray with all my heart to wake up first, and not when you are asked to pee in someone's mouth, with the motivation to work on the third line of work. Thanks. You can write me or call me whenever you want. Kosta

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Red Bumps On Stomach Herpes

Why questions and points of view have been banned from meetings

What follows is a brief account of a direct encounter Robert held in Russia, St. Petersburg, more or less in 2000. Following this meeting, in which Robert has seen "cornered" and embarrassment to the students' questions, questions and points of view have been banned from meetings . Students who have spoken with the "wrong questions" have been driven (as a "poison") from the school. You can be assured that you will never see the video of this meeting. The meeting began with the words of Robert C. Influenza So a question: "Robert, having recently seen the video, I feel that the direction of our school is becoming more religious, by proposing ideas that can not be verified. Why do we need faith, which is contrary to the principles of the fourth way. For example, the idea that influenza C works directly with us. What can I do with this idea? "The question was asked in English and Robert made a mistake - who asked not to be translated into Russian, said that the application did not like and would not respond. The meeting went on. Robert talked about the fact that we have little time to be used wisely without question "wrong." After a while, 'was made to the following question: "Robert, you have pointed out that the immortal Gods work directly with our school. What, Therefore, the main reason why in the past 30 years none of your students woke up fully? ". The calm of Robert disappeared completely. He repeated that the claims were wrong and did not help. He was shocked. He said that he was being fully awake. Then he added that the meetings to Apollo were also somewhat strange that a good idea was to have a list of questions before the meeting that would allow him to delete the wrong questions. He began to speak more "normally" and the influence of Plato C. He spoke especially Robert. There was a question about giving practical purposes, as the awakening seemed a bit 'out of reach. Robert spoke Charity the body to create the third state to develop Apollo etc.. Then he spoke of being present to the beauty of the room and the appreciation of art. then the efforts to separate me from negative. One student asked: "Are you currently looking to separate from me, keep the inner silence and separate from the objects that present themselves to our senses, we come to the realization of his true self. And it is obvious that there is no "Me" and "You", not words, but only an illusion, Maya, and that is precisely the consciousness that perceives it. " The view was neutral, there was nothing to add or remove. Did not belong to student, but at a higher level of being. Robert looked around and said, "Yes ..." and then continued: "You, Me, the real school, the angels in the room, sleeping cars and other things that make this world seem real and you as one of its objects .... "Then another question:" Robert, why do I want sex with your male students? "For a while, 'Robert seemed to digest the question, then gave a series of points of view starting from the idea that one should not occupy the sex lives of others, moving on to Plato, Leonardo and Shakespeare having sex with males. Then he spoke of Sappho, a lesbian from the magnificent be. He said that this was the best part of his life. What could be better than this to be your lover? He added that the men who had sex with him, had sex with an angel in human form. We are accustomed to sex unconscious while he practiced sex conscious. A few point of view, one from the jack of hearts, with all the laughs that relieve tension, and then a quote poetry and the meeting ended.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Can I Fight With Herpes Mma

What happens if you get warning young students who will be the subject of seduction? The case of Troy Buzbee

Fof Shelley Mitchell has been in 17 years, from 1975 to 1992. For many years close to Robert in the late 80s he ran the center of Venice. In his post on April 16, 2007 is all about how he started having problems when in the center of the young Italians have recently entered the school began to make travel or move to Renaissance. Shelley began to feel these young students just before they left, that could have been the subject of the sexual attention of Robert. Not long after that Shelley received a phone call in which Guinevere was asked to never speak to anybody's personal life of Robert . Shelley said that it was necessary for his own ethics to be honest with these young international travelers about the possibility that they might be seduced. Then Robert the same phone. He did not want the young people were warned. Shelley said he has nothing against homosexuality. He said not to be homosexual, stating that when he was with these young people really become a woman, and that sex was part of his and they wake up. Shelley reiterated that he would continue to warn young travelers, who would then freely made their choices. Robert Shelley told of her love for him and that there were no words to express how assessing what he had learned through the efforts of Robert as a teacher. This phone call ended in the experience of Shelley Fof.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Burst Capillary On Face Of Baby

Troy Buzbee The criminal proceedings against Robert Burton was held in April 1996. The following is what emerges from the records of the trial. Troy's father, Richard Buzbee, Fof entered in 1976, when his son was 7. At that time, and for many years, members of the Fellowship of Friends believe the remarks of Burton, who claimed to practice celibacy and had no sexual activity. Growing up, Troy was used to treat virtually Robert Burton as a God He was not very clear distinction between Burton and his father. Troy entered the school in 1986 at the age of 17, when he still had not had any sexual experience. Troy was just entered the school, Robert began to invite him to dinners and teaching him to drink alcohol. After dinner, in particular, gave instruction at Troy to come to his room and locked the door. In the room, the said to be "an angel in a man's body" and that the gods wanted Troy to be close to Robert. Then embraced him. Influenza C repeats that wanted them were together. Troy repeatedly assured that "his soul was not his body" and that the Angels wanted the two of them were together. Then he said that the Angels wanted it svestisse and accept his sexual advances, because Robert himself was an angel, a goddess in a man's body. Robert Troy said: "I swear I'm an angel in a man's body." "You have to remember that I did not write the play by Robert Burton." Robert Troy kissed her forehead, the seat of the soul, and then instructed Troy to "separate" and simply let go. Robert Troy reminded that his body would have fallen, while his soul was immortal. Robert said to Troy that he would speak after his death, with the same soft voice he used at that time. Robert said that for him the interaction with Troy went beyond the conventional sex, towards the "supersesso", and that this was changing. He said: "My sexuality is on the level of Super Sex." From December 1986 to April 1994 Troy seconded the demands of Robert, that is: withdraw from college, to provide sexual favors to Robert and massages him long after sexual intercourse. Robert used the money of the corporation to pay other members for specific sexual acts. Robert spoke openly in the luxurious symposia his sexuality in the form of a joke, boasting that "100 guys would not be enough" for his sexual appetites. Troy worked at the Gatehouse, nalla Properties, as a guard. The guards were armed with firearms. So guard Troy became "personal" for Robert. In subsequent years, many times Troy saw several men in a single night in the room of Robert. A Robert Troy was asked to massage after her lover had left. According to the documents, Robert suffers from sexually transmitted diseases. Made no effort to tell Troy. As a result, Troy contracted herpes. This fact is a charge for other members (Girard Haven, Abraham Goldman, Helga Ruth Mueller, etc.). accused to know the behavior of Robert and his illness and had not warned the people involved. Instead, they accepted, allowed and ratified the conduct of Robert. It also accused many members have acted as agents for the recruitment of more new young flesh. Troy suffered fear, horror, grief, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, humiliation, worry, disgust and lack of confidence in himself.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Inebrya Ice Cream Coulor

The property is mortgaged

Maybe because for years have not paid taxes, in view of the decline in California. According to some reports, much of the property is mortgaged. Creditors have demanded that Robert does not "touch" teaching the payment, which are so armored. For this Robert makes so many events for a fee. Through them shall bear its own costs, shopping, etc..