Friday, September 14, 2007

Altima Coupe Insurance

A letter from KarmaG. A letter to Italian students

this letter is addressed to all those who want to know information About the Fellowsphip of Friends. As to those who already belong to, I just want to say that you have all the information available for questioning whether or not you are in a cult. I'm leaving school after 20 years and I guarantee you that for my ego, it was not easy to admit that they have spent money, time and half of my earthly part, not aware of a school, but rather, to a sect. I will spare you the philosophical discourse, analytical and poetic, with what I got in return. The power found in the previous post, written by students and I share. The following information I have gathered in Blogs in English. Recently, A__f B. and his new wife arrived at the center of Milan. For those who do not know, the truth is that A__f A. and his wife are in forced exile and unable to return to the U.S. because a federal crime was committed. The groom had forgotten one small detail: was already married to another, this is bigamy. The first marriage was intended to obtain the green card ... Their coming to the Centre of Milan is nothing but an act of survival, CdiM, with its wealthy students and not, should seek to ensure the same standard of living to which the little prince has been used by Robert. Various events and cost, are provided for a long time. It is said that Robert, after the failure of the last event FGBD, make a small replica in Europe to raise funds, the release of more than 400 students has brought a loss of over 4 million dollars to the coffers of the FoF. The U.S. immigration office, it seems, has revoked the religious visas to about 70 students, sending them to their native country. Many of them are part of the inner circle of Robert sexual, in fact, will travel to Europe for 5 weeks in order to stay close to many of them. there is already talk of keeping his favorites, with salaries, which come directly from California. Even our dearest A__a M.. F___i., Will return to his native country, having served for years as Robert "Madame." His job is to travel up and down the center of the world in the center, to generate new fans to his dear beloved master. If you plan to enter a school that is state of the Fourth Way, and you are young, cute, kind solar Venusian moon, you do not even meet with the teacher to be selected to be part of his Harem. M. A__a. F___i. has this specific task for him through your simple photo, showing Robert, you will get a visa as a religious minister of his church. You will be given the opportunity to leave your country to live in America (the American dream), live at the Gallery (museum house) with Robert. You will be salaried with their religious duties that are not, participate in orgies with his other students based on video porn, Viagra and who knows what else. In return, of course, be at his disposal day and night to satisfy his sexual appetites. I forgot: you must be of legal age and heterosexual. If you are lucky you will marry one of the daughters of students elderly, giving it the eternal residence in America. But do not worry if your conscience will tell you about: you will be ready for a group of students from the inner circle, first aid, specialized to help you turn all your suffering, humiliation, getting an apology for being able to transform all that, they will tell this is your payment to reach Robert Paradise. If you want to join a sect where Robert is the master, a man who claims to number 7.5, sex pervert, and needs constantly to young heterosexual students to satisfy their lower parts or, as he calls him, his King of Clubs , go ahead. They are out of this sect because after years of lies are no longer able to defend the indefensible.


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