The Catholic religone
The Greek Catholic Church is part of the universal Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of the Pope and the Holy See.
Under the national Constitution, the Greek Catholic community is a religious minority (but not ethnic). Greek Catholics are added to an even greater number of foreign Catholics who settled in Greece for several land reasons, thus contributing to create a Catholic community of about 200,000.
Most of them (40%) is concentrated in the megalopolis of Athens. A large number can be found in the Cycladic islands, especially Syros (8000) and Tinos (3,000), but also in Thessaloniki, Volos, Kavala, Corfu, Patras, Giannitsa and other cities of mainland Greece.
Inomma in a few words expressed the orthodoxy intimidation towards religions other than Orthodox.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Implantation 8days After Period
Piana degli Albanesi
* The island in the 'island * Piana degli Albanesi (in "Arbërisht" Hora and Arbëreshëvet In "Siciliano" Chiana) 30klm is far from Palermo. You
the most important and populous communities Arbëreshë of Sicily and the Byzantine Eparchy bishopric. The municipal government used in official documents also Albanian.
Founded in 1488 by a group of exiles
greek-Albanians, led by George Kastriota Skanderberg, fleeing from Albania '(Morea) where there was an invasion by the Muslim Ottoman Empire turkish. Over the centuries the people of Piana of the Albanians were able to jealously preserve their cultural roots, such as the Byzantine rite, greek, which need to be fair, the precious language, traditions, and women's costumes richly embroidered.
dynamic and vital, is conscious of having to defend
Albanians as their ancestors, with patient and dogged perseverance, have managed to pass in more than five centuries. * Represents, with other countries Arbëreshe 's southern Italy, a unique heritage.
* The island in the 'island * Piana degli Albanesi (in "Arbërisht" Hora and Arbëreshëvet In "Siciliano" Chiana) 30klm is far from Palermo. You
the most important and populous communities Arbëreshë of Sicily and the Byzantine Eparchy bishopric. The municipal government used in official documents also Albanian.
Founded in 1488 by a group of exiles
greek-Albanians, led by George Kastriota Skanderberg, fleeing from Albania '(Morea) where there was an invasion by the Muslim Ottoman Empire turkish. Over the centuries the people of Piana of the Albanians were able to jealously preserve their cultural roots, such as the Byzantine rite, greek, which need to be fair, the precious language, traditions, and women's costumes richly embroidered.
dynamic and vital, is conscious of having to defend
Albanians as their ancestors, with patient and dogged perseverance, have managed to pass in more than five centuries. * Represents, with other countries Arbëreshe 's southern Italy, a unique heritage.
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are listening to our section of the political scene in Serbia. Last Tuesday, 'the President of Serbia has submitted an application to obtain the official application for EU adesisone euroea. Some politicians and experts believed that the question should not be lodged before the thawing of the stabilizers and the association with the Union. Pero ', and the Serbian candidature' was supported by Sweden, which has the rotating presidency of the European Union, and Spain, which will replace 'Sweden 1 January 2010.
President Tadic said the Serbian demand delivery of pears obtain the official application for EU membership and 'a historic event for the Serbia. In the period of several years our country will fulfill 'all the necessary conditions for membership. The authorities' Serbia will do their best to arrest the fugitives who are accused by the Hague tribunal, said Tadic. Swedish Prime Minister Frederick Reinfeld gave satisfaction 'cause has received an application in person in Serbia. He said that Serbia's European integrations represent an important step towards stability 'of the old continent.
Politicians and analysts ricodano that Serbia must 'take a long hard road. The legal system must 'be aligned with the Union. The media pointed out last week that some of the countries in our region that have submitted the same questions are still waiting for positive response, 'cause the negotiations with the European Union last long and difficult. Our authorities' policies donvranno answer questions of the Union 4000 European Union, which will assess' if our country is able or not to move forward on the path and how dinamnica could be close to its institutions. One of the basic conditions and 'full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. If Belgrade does not close 'success with this partnership, the agreement on stabilization el'associzione probably will not be' ratified, experts believe. But they 'shared the view that the submission of the application was a good decision,' cause so Belgrade has demonstrated its determination. Europe will 'his answer probably in the spring. The question of Serbia will be 'inserted in the order for the next meeting of the Council of Ministers. If it is 'supported by all 27 EU member states, it will be' presented to the European Commission. The decision to hand the Serbian demand 'was supported by many countries, including Italy, France, Greece and Spain, while Britain and the Netherlands have expressly on the opinion that the delivery of the application was a decision early Serbian . Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic epsresso the opinion that Belgrade has made an important step towards EU membership. The Presidentes of Parliament Slavica Djukic Dejanovic said that the regional parliament has passed more 'than 300 laws, primarily legal ones, which are in line with European legislation. They are also important laws that have strengthened the fight against crime 'organized defense, dell'ambinete protection, agriculture, education and health care. By submitting our application, we have agreed to carry out our activities 'according to a specific dynamics, which must' be respected, said Djukic Dejanovic. The government announced that the process of EU membership will encourage 'the realization of political and economic reforms in our country.
are listening to our section of the political scene in Serbia. Last Tuesday, 'the President of Serbia has submitted an application to obtain the official application for EU adesisone euroea. Some politicians and experts believed that the question should not be lodged before the thawing of the stabilizers and the association with the Union. Pero ', and the Serbian candidature' was supported by Sweden, which has the rotating presidency of the European Union, and Spain, which will replace 'Sweden 1 January 2010.
President Tadic said the Serbian demand delivery of pears obtain the official application for EU membership and 'a historic event for the Serbia. In the period of several years our country will fulfill 'all the necessary conditions for membership. The authorities' Serbia will do their best to arrest the fugitives who are accused by the Hague tribunal, said Tadic. Swedish Prime Minister Frederick Reinfeld gave satisfaction 'cause has received an application in person in Serbia. He said that Serbia's European integrations represent an important step towards stability 'of the old continent.
Politicians and analysts ricodano that Serbia must 'take a long hard road. The legal system must 'be aligned with the Union. The media pointed out last week that some of the countries in our region that have submitted the same questions are still waiting for positive response, 'cause the negotiations with the European Union last long and difficult. Our authorities' policies donvranno answer questions of the Union 4000 European Union, which will assess' if our country is able or not to move forward on the path and how dinamnica could be close to its institutions. One of the basic conditions and 'full cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. If Belgrade does not close 'success with this partnership, the agreement on stabilization el'associzione probably will not be' ratified, experts believe. But they 'shared the view that the submission of the application was a good decision,' cause so Belgrade has demonstrated its determination. Europe will 'his answer probably in the spring. The question of Serbia will be 'inserted in the order for the next meeting of the Council of Ministers. If it is 'supported by all 27 EU member states, it will be' presented to the European Commission. The decision to hand the Serbian demand 'was supported by many countries, including Italy, France, Greece and Spain, while Britain and the Netherlands have expressly on the opinion that the delivery of the application was a decision early Serbian . Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic epsresso the opinion that Belgrade has made an important step towards EU membership. The Presidentes of Parliament Slavica Djukic Dejanovic said that the regional parliament has passed more 'than 300 laws, primarily legal ones, which are in line with European legislation. They are also important laws that have strengthened the fight against crime 'organized defense, dell'ambinete protection, agriculture, education and health care. By submitting our application, we have agreed to carry out our activities 'according to a specific dynamics, which must' be respected, said Djukic Dejanovic. The government announced that the process of EU membership will encourage 'the realization of political and economic reforms in our country.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Rosario Vampire Henti
I will remember the works of the Lord, yes, I will remember your wonders of yesteryear, Psalm 77:11
(See more images in slide show on the side)
Dear precious readers of our newsletter, I want to thank you very much for how you have continued to follow us, even if in this last time five months I could not keep updated as often as the principle. Of this I apologize to all of you and the Lord Jesus who is worthy in every time we receive the praise
p er who does the wonderful deeds in His Church.
Among other things, these five months (May to late September), there have been the glorious blessings of the Almighty, many of which I was able to attend in person, having been involved in missions with the Pastor Salvatore f.llo Fiorino and working hard in the field of God in His work in Naples. This was also one of the reasons why our newsletter is updated constantly, because we have been actively engaged full-time in the operational work of God
Among other things, these five months (May to late September), there have been the glorious blessings of the Almighty, many of which I was able to attend in person, having been involved in missions with the Pastor Salvatore f.llo Fiorino and working hard in the field of God in His work in Naples. This was also one of the reasons why our newsletter is updated constantly, because we have been actively engaged full-time in the operational work of God
Love, Toni f.llo
The latest news with which we we left it was a wonderful mission in Gambassi Terme, near Florence. Even as that meeting with the man of God we'd meet in Citta di Castello, in the work that I lead with love. The pastor wanted to keep his visit he
the day Saturday, May 16, but as a spiritual son of the beloved man of God, I insisted that with love and tenderness He gave us the honor to celebrate his birthday (which falls on May 8) in our church in Citta di Castello, and so, being able to "tick", we gathered for
Day Saturday, May 9. Alleluia!
(at right, the beloved man of God and left the beloved conductor f.llo Joseph A. Church of St. Apollinaris in prov. Frosinone)
I believe that every child would have a heart to honor their Pastor in whatever way was given the opportunity! Amen!
Thus, involving the whole the children of God, I wanted to prepare a special welcome to Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. The man of God, with his wife, our beloved s.lla f.llo Anna and their son Daniel, came to the Town of Castle in the early afternoon and were welcomed by the local brethren in the House of God
the occasion, now as always, we had with us the precious S. Apollinaris f.llo with his friend Joseph. By Arco (TN), we visited the beloved f.llo Andrea with her little family. Now we have a climate of great celebration!
Thus, involving the whole the children of God, I wanted to prepare a special welcome to Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. The man of God, with his wife, our beloved s.lla f.llo Anna and their son Daniel, came to the Town of Castle in the early afternoon and were welcomed by the local brethren in the House of God
(The beloved f.llo Daniel Fiorino. On the right, the couple Okin ready for their little boy)
For the special occasion the beloved s.lla Linda Okin and his partner, wanted to present to God their little Daniel. Do you think that the Church was so crowded we had to open the door to arrange a few chairs on the sidewalk before the house of the Lord! Alleluia! At that point, the cult has become a "blatant"! There were many souls who have followed us from their windows and many others from the small park adjacent to the road
to where is the house of the Lord.
(The choir of the local church)
God has greatly blessed! At the end of the extraordinary service of worship, we wanted to honor the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino for his birthday but we wanted to reserve for him a "little surprised"! When everyone has taken their place, the man of God prayed for the conclusion of worship. At that point, I approached him and suggested him to change before the greetings of love, because it was very sweaty. So, Pastor entered in the closet to get changed and all the brothers left the house of God, including me! When the man of God left the room, he found only f.llo Nicola Janitor and his wife, Melanie loved s.lla would accompany him to a certain place! You can imagine the surprised expression of the Shepherd, "but where are the
between brothers! Alleluia!
(The beloved f.llo by Andrea Paduano Arch prov. Trento. On the right we see the chairs placed on the pavement before the House of God)
Meanwhile, me and the rest of those present, we reached a house which the Lord had provided for the special occasion. We've been inside all ... and the arrival of Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino we all cried together: "Happy birthday! Beloved man of God! " Glory to Jesus! It was certainly a very blessed! Especially when you consider the immense struggle and suffering of the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. We wanted to give him the sincere moments of showing love. What we wanted to prepare his charge, was the fruit of love and gratitude that we have in regard to this extraordinary man of God!
Towards the end of the evening, we prayed with the man of God, putting everything back in the hands of the precious Lord. Around 23.00
Pastor Salvatore Fiorino f.llo with his family and all the brothers who came from afar we were greeted each taking the direction towards their home.
will be an unforgettable day for us to be the overwhelming
Nign the Mighty Lord who has manifested in our midst! God be praised!
Towards the end of the evening, we prayed with the man of God, putting everything back in the hands of the precious Lord. Around 23.00
Pastor Salvatore Fiorino f.llo with his family and all the brothers who came from afar we were greeted each taking the direction towards their home.
will be an unforgettable day for us to be the overwhelming
(At right, the beloved man of God with his family at the time to cut the cake in his honor)
(See more images in slide show on the side)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Emily Haines Sheet Music Reading In Bed
Gambassi Terme (FI), April 25, 2009: Report of the Pastoral Mission
"What man of you having a hundred sheep and loses one, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after the lost until he finds it"? Luke 15:4
"What man of you having a hundred sheep and loses one, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after the lost until he finds it"? Luke 15:4
I recently had the joy of the precious knowledge of some souls who, having received the word of truth in their hearts, they felt the need in their to be followed by a pastor who, from time to time they have ministered the Word of God is clear the brothers turned to the shepherds who live in a radius of several hundred of miles from them. The brothers received the response that surprised me a lot! They said that would not move for only a "handful of souls," but if the group had been more "great" then he could talk! It is now increasingly clear that you are looking for large crowds because of "personal" glory and prestige that it can get! I know they are strong words, but it is necessary to point out that God never sends us only for the crowds to m
for those individual souls in need of care through the Word of God! I warmly thank the Lord for entrusting me with a true man of God and called directly from him! Alleluia! In fact, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino (pictured right) for years by every soul that continues to bleat behind the pace of the Lord and just like the biblical passage quoted in the head, he goes in search of the lost sheep to bring it back to the fold, it should be dell'afflitta looking for her courage and appropriate rest, goes in search of the sick and wounded to heal its wounds and bind up the wounds ... it goes in search of that one sheep than he feels the same if the need for God! This is the sentiment that gave rise to the mission in Gambassi Terme, a beautiful town in the province of Florence, where there is a simple and humble sheep of the Lord, our am
ata s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo. On this occasion we have moved from three regions with the aim of encouraging our sister alone, being a widow and her daughters who live far from her, trying to move forward in the Lord.

(The beloved f.llo Nicola while presiding)
The beloved s.lla Anna has recently undergone a delicate operation on his bladder, but thanks be to God for how it was from him and looked Help!
So, the man of God moved from the Campania region along with his precious family, but instead we daughters of the works of the ministry we have moved from Umbria with the beloved work of Città di Castello (PG) I lead personally by Lazio with the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli and his group of brothers of the work of St. Apollinaris (FR). Our one feeling was to support the mission of Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino to encourage s.lla Annamaria. For us it was also another opportunity to share the precious moments with the man of God that we love from my heart.
Already during the journey God has so blessed us, letting us enjoy a precious com
union with one another. With our beloved brothers from the province of Frosinone we found ourselves in the service of Reggello East, a few kilometers from Florence. From there the rest of the journey we shared together. Joints home of Anna s.lla we ended up with the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, with his wife, our precious Anna and their fourth child s.lla f.llo Daniel. (Left, the beloved f.llo Joseph during his speech) The joy was indescribable! The Lord has blessed us with so much to enjoy right away His precious presence.
At the appointed hour, Nicola f.llo Janitor (which has been entrusted with the responsibility to take care of this' seminal work) has followed the opening of the worship service. The opening prayer, songs and action you are guided by the Lord diligently and in large buildings. Even s.lla Anna thanked God for all His gracious intervention. In the meantime we also had the joy to embrace the beloved f.llo Salvatore Viola (resident for several years in the city of Prato). The jubilation in the presence of the Lord was precious, since we sperim
ntato what the Psalmist says that when he says "is good and pleasant when brothers dwell together in unity!" Alleluia! Time to leave the presidency to the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, the beloved f.llo Nicola has called the song "My Lord gave me life" now that is going around the world, having been inspired by the Holy Spirit to our general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinnici. (sisters who are visit by the Holy Spirit) Man of God has preached a great message. Through the Word of God we are reborn, satisfied and comforted. We have enjoyed great freedom of spirit and the Lord is glorified through His servant. We know that the Word preached by King Meal
f.llo Salvatore Fiorino is the word of truth, as revealed by the Lord directly. And there is big difference "between the Word revealed by the Holy Spirit and that man-made"!
So, the man of God moved from the Campania region along with his precious family, but instead we daughters of the works of the ministry we have moved from Umbria with the beloved work of Città di Castello (PG) I lead personally by Lazio with the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli and his group of brothers of the work of St. Apollinaris (FR). Our one feeling was to support the mission of Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino to encourage s.lla Annamaria. For us it was also another opportunity to share the precious moments with the man of God that we love from my heart.
Already during the journey God has so blessed us, letting us enjoy a precious com

At the appointed hour, Nicola f.llo Janitor (which has been entrusted with the responsibility to take care of this' seminal work) has followed the opening of the worship service. The opening prayer, songs and action you are guided by the Lord diligently and in large buildings. Even s.lla Anna thanked God for all His gracious intervention. In the meantime we also had the joy to embrace the beloved f.llo Salvatore Viola (resident for several years in the city of Prato). The jubilation in the presence of the Lord was precious, since we sperim

(F.llo Tonino during his speech)
The revealed Word is confirmed by the same Word of God and is called "revealed" because it is predicated properly in order to time and circumstance, touching the hearts that are investigated and opened by the Lord! To God be the glory! While the word "invented" is the result of the thoughts of the man who is impressed by the spirit of knowledge of this world, which is behind their sophistry to mislead the biblical truths flowing in what are called "doctrines of de
monitor ! Brethren, it is sad that today, unfortunately, it's "invented word" is a growing reality.

(F.llo Salvatore Viola waving to the brothers and tells the wonders of God)
But God be praised for the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino part of that ancient race of men chosen the Lord who preach only what they receive from Him, and who actually wishes he hears and sees that the hearing is supernatural and spiritual domain sent by Almighty God, the sole and true God who saves and liberates man through power of His Word, through which he created heaven and earth all that is contained in them! God be praised! The wonderful
cult ended in a atmosphere of joy and happiness, leaving us still a precious gift and loving s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo encouragement to go forward, because it is not alone in this journey, in which God takes care of her through the ministry. God be praised and blessed for ever!
cult ended in a atmosphere of joy and happiness, leaving us still a precious gift and loving s.lla Annamaria Rapagiolo encouragement to go forward, because it is not alone in this journey, in which God takes care of her through the ministry. God be praised and blessed for ever!
With love, f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
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The islands that make up the archipelago of the Ionian islands in Greece, are not be unique in the Aegean Sea. The seven main islands: Corfu, considered by many one of the most beautiful islands of Greece, Paxos, Kefalonia, Zakynthos (Zante), Ithaka (Ithaca), Lefkada and Kythira.
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Saronic Gulf Islands Greece Islands Ionian Greece
In the Gulf of sardonic near Athens are the islands of Salamis, Aegina, Hydra, Spetses and Poros. Salamis is virtually a suburb of the capital, while the others are very popular because of its scenic beauty and architectural features. Of these Hidra certainly deserves to be cited, where all motorized vehicles are prohibited and which has been a popular destination for artists and the jet set in Greece
In the Gulf of sardonic near Athens are the islands of Salamis, Aegina, Hydra, Spetses and Poros. Salamis is virtually a suburb of the capital, while the others are very popular because of its scenic beauty and architectural features. Of these Hidra certainly deserves to be cited, where all motorized vehicles are prohibited and which has been a popular destination for artists and the jet set in Greece
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Meteora in Greece
The monasteries of Meteora, located in Thessaly, is one of the most unbelievable views of mainland Greece. Built into and on top of huge pinnacles of smooth rock, they provided a refuge for monks from the massacres that marked the sunset of the Byzantine Empire thanks to the fact that the oldest buildings in the complex could only be reached through mobile and articulated ladders.
The monasteries of Meteora, located in Thessaly, is one of the most unbelievable views of mainland Greece. Built into and on top of huge pinnacles of smooth rock, they provided a refuge for monks from the massacres that marked the sunset of the Byzantine Empire thanks to the fact that the oldest buildings in the complex could only be reached through mobile and articulated ladders.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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Speed \u200b\u200blimits in Greece
Speed \u200b\u200blimits (km / h):
Vehicle: Cars
Urban Roads: 20-50
By motorway: 120 km / h
motorways: 110 km / h
Other roads: 90 Km / h
Motorcycles over 125 cc
Roads Urban: 20-50 km / h
By motorway: 120 km / h
motorways: 110 km / h
Other roads: 90 km / h
Moto 125cc
Urban Roads: 20-50 km / h
By car: 70 km / h
fast roads: 70 km / h
Other roads: 70 km / h
urban roads: 40 km / h
Speed \u200b\u200blimits (km / h):
Vehicle: Cars
Urban Roads: 20-50
By motorway: 120 km / h
motorways: 110 km / h
Other roads: 90 Km / h
Motorcycles over 125 cc
Roads Urban: 20-50 km / h
By motorway: 120 km / h
motorways: 110 km / h
Other roads: 90 km / h
Moto 125cc
Urban Roads: 20-50 km / h
By car: 70 km / h
fast roads: 70 km / h
Other roads: 70 km / h
urban roads: 40 km / h
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links between the islands Greek
The movements between the islands Greek is very easy and well serviced.
Ferry boats and hydrofoils
in the Greek islands is an organized network of ferries, catamarans, hydrofoils and boats and tickets can be purchased at the offices in the ports. More information can be updated
find on the Internet at
most popular lines are those that derive from:
Volos Piraeus Rafina
In the archipelagos are the most important nodes :
PAROS to the central Cyclades, the Ionian to
MIKONOS to Greece for the northern
KOS Dodecanese
SAMOS for the eastern Aegean,
SKIATHOS the northern Aegean, the Cyclades east to Naxos
POROS for Argosaroniche.
shipping companies:
The movements between the islands Greek is very easy and well serviced.
Ferry boats and hydrofoils
in the Greek islands is an organized network of ferries, catamarans, hydrofoils and boats and tickets can be purchased at the offices in the ports. More information can be updated
find on the Internet at
most popular lines are those that derive from:
Volos Piraeus Rafina
In the archipelagos are the most important nodes :
PAROS to the central Cyclades, the Ionian to
MIKONOS to Greece for the northern
KOS Dodecanese
SAMOS for the eastern Aegean,
SKIATHOS the northern Aegean, the Cyclades east to Naxos
POROS for Argosaroniche.
shipping companies:
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Greece is easily accessible from the 'Italy. E 'possible by air or by boat. All the islands are well connected and serve.
reach Greece by air is possible from Milan, Rome, Bari, Naples and Venice.
Internal flights are carried out by airlines Hellenic Aegean Cronus
E 'can also reach Greece with charter flights
departures for Greece Italian ports are carried by the following:
VENICE: To Corfu-Igoumenitsa-Patras
TRIESTE: to Corfu-Igoumenitsa-Patras
ANCONA: Corfu to Patras-Igoumenitsa-Bari
: to Corfu-Igoumenitsa-Patras
BRINDISI: to Corfu-Igoumenitsa-Patras
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Motel Guest Registration Form
trip to Latvia Lithuania last April:
2. 18.00 - Klaipeda (Lithuania), a Pentecostal Church led by Pastor Sergei f.llo Vostriacov;
We would be grateful to God to see realized our vision of a great people saved in the city of Naples, where until now, many thousands have received grace through this precious and special man of God but very few to date have remained loyal and the rest, the most would say, they took notes from the Lord and went away, leaving the deserted house of God, to justify themselves have poisoned other poor simple souls. But surely God will render each according to his actions, knowing what happened to Judas Iscariot who found no place for repentance after having hurt the Lord Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God! This will be the fate of those who have plagued the ministry and their fight to condemnation! But for those few of all time to date, have remained loyal and will want to cling to below the "hem of his garment of the Lord through the ministry, God will sustain them, giving him precious victory with his servant, the man of God Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
We are grateful to the Lord as He prepares for the times, circumstances and events, where His glory is manifested and the ministry may have expression and freedom in their movement. Alleluia! For several months we were praying for the missions program that the man of God has to be supported during the whole year. Among the missions and play in our nation, there are also different to be held between foreign nations. After returning from the wonderful mission held in Germany, Pastor Salvatore f.llo Fiorino has been preparing for the mission received by April 16 to 20 of the same month in the nations of Latvia and Lithuania. For this occasion, the man of God has brought with him his son and cherish our precious f.llo Christ in Daniel that the Lord wanted to encourage use in power but also for His glory! Alleluia!
As mentioned, the trip began Thursday, April 16 at Rome's Fiumicino airport, from where he left the flight to the Baltic countries where the arrival in Riga (Latvia's capital) was in the evening. Generally, when you travel, it is thought rather to use the first few hours of arrival (especially evenings) to arrange their things and rest a bit But none of that! Even as the Shepherd was with Nicola f.llo Janitor who accompanied him from Naples to Rome airport, he received a call from Latvia and from the other f.llo Nicholas, the "Latvian" for instance, (the brother that the missions in the Baltic countries have interpreted the man of God from Italian to their language and vice versa, N. d. R.), who reported that the man of God upon his arrival in Latvia would have found the souls " around a table "waiting for a word from this" pastor coming from Italy! God be praised! Personally I felt my own pastor in the juncture of the journey from
Naples to Rome and the man of God, looking surprised, informed me of this event outside the program and told me "I do not know what to expect, but God certainly already has the knowledge! Alleluia! So, arrive at your destination, waiting for the precious f.llo Nicola (pictured with the man of God) after the warm welcome that made the man of God and the beloved f.llo Daniel, accompanied them in where there were souls waiting for him, but to my surprise, before him, the man of God has found a real church waiting for him. The House of God was full of souls waiting for the word and, as we experienced
below to this wonderful man of God, the Lord fed them and filled his glory! God be praised! Li, in the House of God, waiting for the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino there was the pastor Agris, (Pictured with Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino) who regularly visit the community, supporting the work of local elders. With this event, was officially opened the service missionary who has committed the beloved Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele f.llo in seven other cults held between Friday morning and Sunday night, so in just three days! For our part, as children ministerial work, we prayed for our pastor also asserted that the Lord physically. In fact, the pace was exhausting, not even time to finish a cult that has already had to prepare for the next service that maybe would have taken place at different hours from the previous one! But God has been glorified!
These are the churches visited by Friday morning to Sunday evening, beginning with the schedules of the various services:
As mentioned, the trip began Thursday, April 16 at Rome's Fiumicino airport, from where he left the flight to the Baltic countries where the arrival in Riga (Latvia's capital) was in the evening. Generally, when you travel, it is thought rather to use the first few hours of arrival (especially evenings) to arrange their things and rest a bit But none of that! Even as the Shepherd was with Nicola f.llo Janitor who accompanied him from Naples to Rome airport, he received a call from Latvia and from the other f.llo Nicholas, the "Latvian" for instance, (the brother that the missions in the Baltic countries have interpreted the man of God from Italian to their language and vice versa, N. d. R.), who reported that the man of God upon his arrival in Latvia would have found the souls " around a table "waiting for a word from this" pastor coming from Italy! God be praised! Personally I felt my own pastor in the juncture of the journey from
These are the churches visited by Friday morning to Sunday evening, beginning with the schedules of the various services:
On Friday
1. 9:00 am - Jelgava, the prison, where the chaplain is the Shepherd f.llo Janis Tautuvaitis;
1. 9:00 am - Jelgava, the prison, where the chaplain is the Shepherd f.llo Janis Tautuvaitis;
2. 14.00 - Garden, a Pentecostal church;
3. Ore 19.00 - Jelgava, the center where the Pastor is the Pentecostal f.llo Agris Ozolinkevics;
On Saturday
1. 10.00 - Jurmala, a Pentecostal Church, which is the Senior Pastor f.llo Leonid Filimonov;
On Saturday
1. 10.00 - Jurmala, a Pentecostal Church, which is the Senior Pastor f.llo Leonid Filimonov;
2. 18.00 - Klaipeda (Lithuania), a Pentecostal Church led by Pastor Sergei f.llo Vostriacov;
1. 11.00 am - Liepaja, in the Church "Emmanuel", where the Pastor is the f.llo Daniel Pedraza;
1. 11.00 am - Liepaja, in the Church "Emmanuel", where the Pastor is the f.llo Daniel Pedraza;
2. 15.00 - Ventsplis, a Church "Zigana" (one of the Gypsy ethnic groups typical for Europe East) led by Pastor f.llo Raimonds Hrauds.
On Friday morning, after getting up early, were accompanied to the prison in Jelgava, where there is a blessed work sustained by the Pastor f.llo Tautuvaitis Janis, a precious servant of God, known nationally as a prison chaplain. Here there was a cult of g
loria to the faces of our brothers killed in that prison inmates have been able to shine for the glory of God loved f.llo tell Daniel "God has literally resurrected! Alleluia!
On Friday morning, after getting up early, were accompanied to the prison in Jelgava, where there is a blessed work sustained by the Pastor f.llo Tautuvaitis Janis, a precious servant of God, known nationally as a prison chaplain. Here there was a cult of g
(pictured at right, before the group the prison in Jelgava)
In this prison there was a veritable feast for the presence of the Lord! Through the Word of God, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was able to see those young smile of joy and hope! God be praised! Even through the songs of a group of gypsies brothers, spoke for the occasion, the Lord is glorified. His experience in prison has been very uplifting and special blessing for the pastor and his son Daniel f.llo. The Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was greatly cheered to learn that many of the young prisoners who had met during his mission a few years ago, were released for good behavior! He transforms and free!
ppena time to greet the brothers in prison
Jelgava (Latvia) that the missionaries have been taken to a new location where there was still waiting for a church was so crowded and for all religions. E 'to notice them where you left room for the destructive spirit of the world, God has put to rout all the evil forces that the presence of the holiness of the Lord had to change the "air". Through the power of the ministry entrusted to Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, God has spiritually resurrected the Churches, freed souls from demonic possession and how many cures we'll know he has worked for the following, as happened to a woman who testified in his recovery from asthma, brought about through the prayer of faith this woman was the man of God been present in the meeting in Riga and had continued to follow the movements of man of God, telling him exactly that during the first worship God had restored through the Power of the Word preached prophetically! Alleluia! The men of God that our pastor has met have been very joyful to receive it in their churches. Just as the beloved pastor f.llo Agris Ozolinkevics (with whom the man of God share a great community for many years) with great love that the pastor wanted f.llo Salvatore Fiorino pray for his wife, afflicted with some sickness in my stomach. The Lord Jesus brought, leaving them the joy and confirmation that he lives with true power in the ministry who have enjoyed for many years in the man of God
Thank God for our beloved Pastor Daniel Pedraza f.llo and how many others have given hospitality to the Pastor and the beloved f.llo f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele.
The Power of the Word of God has ignited many hearts. Also because in modern times, by now, many churches have complied with their customs and traditions in this century, creating in them the spirit rather depressed, sad and even death! But in contact with the living Word, the soul seems to be crossed by a high voltage electric shock! To which, God removed the sorrow, the slaughter and the spirit of death, instilling in the hearts of the Fire Power of the Holy Spirit! The Pastor f.llo Agris continued to say that with the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino you can not be sad, but it must be rejoicing! Alleluia! It is the Word of God that puts us into His presence by making the heart rejoice! God be praised! Even those who were being possessed by strange spirits have been released! Poignant was the testimony of a woman who, in a certain church did nothing but laugh. His was a laugh Satan, who wanted to ridicule and make fun of the Word of God and tries to confuse the minds of the brothers and stop the great work of God! We remember the Apostle Paul and Silas, Acts ch. 16, when a young woman bothers you through a strange spirit in her and this lasted until the Holy Spirit intervened through His servant Paul, who could rebuke that demon and the young woman was released. Alleluia! The Holy Spirit works today and with the same power through His servants of this generation! God be praised! At the right time during the worship service in which the strange spirit was manifesting, the shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino scolded that demon importunate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia! So the woman was freed and could now enjoy the Word together with the whole Church! The power of God fell between the nations, to which, as the man of God moved among the ranks as touching the Holy Spirit gave to lay hands were all overwhelmed by the power of the Lord and fell to the ground as dead! Alleluia! God be praised! Relevant
was the last evening, in which the man of God and f.llo Daniel Church, were guests in a gypsy, where men and women of this ethnic group have given their hearts to Jesus, being transformed by him for His glory, being now valuable tools for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is evident that
we had to make a summary of the mission, because if we were to tell the details we would need much space. But it is equally clear that from today, wherever the Holy Spirit sent Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, there was made all sorts of miraculous miracle, God is glorified among the nations of every nation under heaven, and the Churches have received have enjoyed wonderful Pentecostal revival. We would be really very joyful if direct children of the ministry are beginning to appreciate the endless love they have received, we would be joyful to see the pastor and his family comforted by the love and support of God's people
Thank God for our beloved Pastor Daniel Pedraza f.llo and how many others have given hospitality to the Pastor and the beloved f.llo f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Daniele.
The Power of the Word of God has ignited many hearts. Also because in modern times, by now, many churches have complied with their customs and traditions in this century, creating in them the spirit rather depressed, sad and even death! But in contact with the living Word, the soul seems to be crossed by a high voltage electric shock! To which, God removed the sorrow, the slaughter and the spirit of death, instilling in the hearts of the Fire Power of the Holy Spirit! The Pastor f.llo Agris continued to say that with the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino you can not be sad, but it must be rejoicing! Alleluia! It is the Word of God that puts us into His presence by making the heart rejoice! God be praised! Even those who were being possessed by strange spirits have been released! Poignant was the testimony of a woman who, in a certain church did nothing but laugh. His was a laugh Satan, who wanted to ridicule and make fun of the Word of God and tries to confuse the minds of the brothers and stop the great work of God! We remember the Apostle Paul and Silas, Acts ch. 16, when a young woman bothers you through a strange spirit in her and this lasted until the Holy Spirit intervened through His servant Paul, who could rebuke that demon and the young woman was released. Alleluia! The Holy Spirit works today and with the same power through His servants of this generation! God be praised! At the right time during the worship service in which the strange spirit was manifesting, the shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino scolded that demon importunate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Alleluia! So the woman was freed and could now enjoy the Word together with the whole Church! The power of God fell between the nations, to which, as the man of God moved among the ranks as touching the Holy Spirit gave to lay hands were all overwhelmed by the power of the Lord and fell to the ground as dead! Alleluia! God be praised! Relevant
was the last evening, in which the man of God and f.llo Daniel Church, were guests in a gypsy, where men and women of this ethnic group have given their hearts to Jesus, being transformed by him for His glory, being now valuable tools for the advancement of the Kingdom of God is evident that
we had to make a summary of the mission, because if we were to tell the details we would need much space. But it is equally clear that from today, wherever the Holy Spirit sent Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, there was made all sorts of miraculous miracle, God is glorified among the nations of every nation under heaven, and the Churches have received have enjoyed wonderful Pentecostal revival. We would be really very joyful if direct children of the ministry are beginning to appreciate the endless love they have received, we would be joyful to see the pastor and his family comforted by the love and support of God's people
We would be grateful to God to see realized our vision of a great people saved in the city of Naples, where until now, many thousands have received grace through this precious and special man of God but very few to date have remained loyal and the rest, the most would say, they took notes from the Lord and went away, leaving the deserted house of God, to justify themselves have poisoned other poor simple souls. But surely God will render each according to his actions, knowing what happened to Judas Iscariot who found no place for repentance after having hurt the Lord Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God! This will be the fate of those who have plagued the ministry and their fight to condemnation! But for those few of all time to date, have remained loyal and will want to cling to below the "hem of his garment of the Lord through the ministry, God will sustain them, giving him precious victory with his servant, the man of God Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
(To see photos of the Mission look on the left side of the blog ...)
With love, God bless him in your f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Male Waxing Erection Experience
Holidays in Greece
January 1: The Beginning of the New Year.
January 6: Epiphany.
March 25: Independence celebrates and commemorates the announcement of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.
Friday: day of abstinence, the death of Christ is lived almost as a national mourning.
Sunday of Easter is celebrated 40 days after the carnival, when there is the first full moon. Easter is the most important holiday of the year!
May 1: Labor Day.
Ascension is celebrated 40 days after Easter.
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter, always on Monday.
August 15: Assumption of the Virgin Maria.Si place on the island of Tinos.
December 6: St. Nicholas
December 25: Christmas
December 26: Boxing Day
January 1: The Beginning of the New Year.
January 6: Epiphany.
March 25: Independence celebrates and commemorates the announcement of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.
Friday: day of abstinence, the death of Christ is lived almost as a national mourning.
Sunday of Easter is celebrated 40 days after the carnival, when there is the first full moon. Easter is the most important holiday of the year!
May 1: Labor Day.
Ascension is celebrated 40 days after Easter.
Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter, always on Monday.
August 15: Assumption of the Virgin Maria.Si place on the island of Tinos.
December 6: St. Nicholas
December 25: Christmas
December 26: Boxing Day
Funny Things Write Card
- Monastery of Patmos (Dodecanese)
- Meteors (Thessaly)
- Mount Athos (Macedonia )
- The monastery of Panagia Sumel (Macedonia)
- The Byzantine churches of Thessaloniki (Macedonia)
- The monastrero of Ossios Loukas (Sterea Ellada)
- The Dafnis moastero of Athens (Attica) - The monastery of Nea Moni (Sterea Ellada)
- The Byzantine churches of Mystras (Peloponnese)
- The Monastery of Aghia Lavra (Peloponnese)
- The Cathedral of Sant 'Andrea in Patra (Peloponnese)
- The church of a hundred doors to Paros (Cyclades)
- The church of Tinos (Cyclades)
- The Monastery of Amorgos (Cyclades)
- Monastery of Patmos (Dodecanese)
- Meteors (Thessaly)
- Mount Athos (Macedonia )
- The monastery of Panagia Sumel (Macedonia)
- The Byzantine churches of Thessaloniki (Macedonia)
- The monastrero of Ossios Loukas (Sterea Ellada)
- The Dafnis moastero of Athens (Attica) - The monastery of Nea Moni (Sterea Ellada)
- The Byzantine churches of Mystras (Peloponnese)
- The Monastery of Aghia Lavra (Peloponnese)
- The Cathedral of Sant 'Andrea in Patra (Peloponnese)
- The church of a hundred doors to Paros (Cyclades)
- The church of Tinos (Cyclades)
- The Monastery of Amorgos (Cyclades)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Maxi Mound Chelsea Charms
A Bari seized 5 tons of cigarettes provenoente Greece
SMUGGLING / A Bari seized 5 tons of cigarettes
Editor Thursday, June 4, 2009
Military Financial Police of Bari, in collaboration with customs officials have seized the port five tonnes of contraband cigarettes and arrested a 40-year Romania for smuggling aggravated.
The man was driving a truck with a canvas, onto which was hidden consignment of cigarettes. The lorry was unloaded from a ship from Greece, the cigarettes were hidden under a load of dough.
source article
SMUGGLING / A Bari seized 5 tons of cigarettes
Editor Thursday, June 4, 2009
Military Financial Police of Bari, in collaboration with customs officials have seized the port five tonnes of contraband cigarettes and arrested a 40-year Romania for smuggling aggravated.
The man was driving a truck with a canvas, onto which was hidden consignment of cigarettes. The lorry was unloaded from a ship from Greece, the cigarettes were hidden under a load of dough.
source article
Warts On Stomach And Genitals
strife in NATO: Athens and Skopje divided by Macedonia
strife in NATO: Athens and Skopje Macedonia divided by
After the Bucharest Summit of NATO in April 2008, many hoped that the "nominal dispute" between the Republic of Macedonia - FYROM and Greece could be resolved by the end of the year. So it was not, and despite the importance of the stakes, the possibility of resolving the dispute remain very uncertain.
status of negotiations
The last formula put forward by mediator Matthew Nimetz to meet the needs of both countries, proposes the name Republic of Macedonia Skopje North. It is a formula accepted in principle by both governments, but to Athens any agreement should also include the terms which describe the language and nationality of the inhabitants of FYROM, which in any case, according to the Greeks, they can be considered as simply "Macedonia." This should also include the deletion of references to the Macedonian people contained in the constitution, a gesture that no political leader in Skopje can do without being accused of selling out the identity of his people.
Indeed Athens and Skopje are divided by sharply different interpretations of regional history and in this sense, the contest is fraught with implications Macedonian identity. If the Macedonians for the recognition of their state as Macedonia is a question of national dignity, change the name for the Greek means to confirm the "Greeks" of Greek Macedonia and its inhabitants, also invalidating the request of cultural rights for the Macedonian minority Northern Greece, which the Hellenic perspective is nothing but a community "slavofona" with a Greek national consciousness. A step
After the agreement Interim of 1995, economic relations between the two countries remained good. Greece is one of the main economic partners of the FYROM and is one of the first countries to foreign direct investment. Political relations are rather fluctuating because of the "concerned face." Prevent the integration of Skopje in international organizations of which Greece is a member, it seems the only weapon left to Athens to bring the name Macedonia to accept a compromise in this way, Athens also wants to bring the dispute to the nominal center of attention International, interrupting the delaying tactics of its northern neighbor.
The Macedonian government will aim to separate the dispute over As from the euro-Atlantic integration process, carrying out necessary reforms and hope that over time the name issue would have lost any remaining interest in international diplomacy. Macedonian leaders were encouraged by the increasing number of countries that recognize the small Balkan Republic with its constitutional name, consider the case of the United States, which initially recognized as Skopje Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, but have opted for the Republic of Macedonia during the Bush administration. The stiffening
greek seems to have marked a setback for this tactic, especially since the lack of resolution of the dispute would have significant consequences for Skopje. The Macedonia was granted candidate status for EU integration in 2005, but accession negotiations have not yet begun and various European leaders made it clear that resolving the dispute with Greece is a prerequisite for this purpose. Added to this is that the deadlock could also have consequences on the internal balance of Macedonia, encouraging radical wing of the Albanian minority to raising the level of their claims, the Albanian Democratic Party recently called for the discussion of a new agreement for the protection Albanian community, judging insufficient guarantees offered by the Ohrid. The Albanian parties see less emotion the possibility of reaching a compromise with Athens and do not seem willing to give euro-Atlantic integration only for a name.
The continuing dispute would have negative consequences for Greece, which threatens to isolate itself from its EU partners and NATO, a little concerned by the issue of the name, and induced to go along with the positions Hellenic mainly due to the threat of veto. Athens is likely to reiterate the image of the country "uncooperative" spread in the early 90s, just because of its policy towards Skopje. The U.S. would like to integrate Macedonia into NATO by 2010 and at least did not hide their annoyance, the rest of the Hellenic Government interpreted as a punishment Washington's decision not to include Greece in the visa waiver program, which would allow Greek citizens to enter the U.S. without a visa.
The weight of domestic policy
The background and the susceptibility of the respective public opinions explaining the reluctance of political leaders of both countries to reach a compromise solution. The recent election as President of FYROM Gjorgji Ivanov could be an encouraging factor, as both the prime minister that the president is an expression of right-wing party VMRO-DPMNE. The previous cohabitation between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the right of the President Branko Crvenkovski made it difficult for a social democratic solution because, under the semi-Macedonian system, it should have the consent of both. However
Gruevski's will to submit to referendum any solution acceptable to Greece seems to conceal a substantial refusal to accept designation of a compromise, given that polls show a widespread reluctance on the part of Macedonia to change its constitutional name. In parallel, the intention of the members of the VMRO-DPMNE to spend millions of euro, at a time of economic crisis, to erect a statue of Alexander the Great in the center of Skopje is not a gesture of goodwill in respect of Greece, who reads the purpose of adopting a heritage that Athens is considering his exclusive property.
On the Greek side things do not seem to be less complex: Greece is experiencing a severe political and economic crisis, plus repeated episodes of corruption. Weakened by scandals, protests, and the specter of recession, the center-right government seems inclined to make extensive use dell'armamentario nationalism. With the cabinet reshuffle of the beginning of January was appointed culture minister Antonis Samaras, who in the early 90s has prevented a compromise with Greece, Skopje, and he has also just "predicted" the next great division between the FYROM Greater Albania and Bulgaria. His new job does not give the influence enjoyed as foreign minister, but the government once again is hung on a slender parliamentary majority: a total of 300 Members of Parliament in Athens, only 151 voted for the final budget package, a figure which gives a immense power to anyone who wants to prevent the permanent closure of the inexhaustible Macedonian question.
© AffarInternazionali
strife in NATO: Athens and Skopje Macedonia divided by
After the Bucharest Summit of NATO in April 2008, many hoped that the "nominal dispute" between the Republic of Macedonia - FYROM and Greece could be resolved by the end of the year. So it was not, and despite the importance of the stakes, the possibility of resolving the dispute remain very uncertain.
status of negotiations
The last formula put forward by mediator Matthew Nimetz to meet the needs of both countries, proposes the name Republic of Macedonia Skopje North. It is a formula accepted in principle by both governments, but to Athens any agreement should also include the terms which describe the language and nationality of the inhabitants of FYROM, which in any case, according to the Greeks, they can be considered as simply "Macedonia." This should also include the deletion of references to the Macedonian people contained in the constitution, a gesture that no political leader in Skopje can do without being accused of selling out the identity of his people.
Indeed Athens and Skopje are divided by sharply different interpretations of regional history and in this sense, the contest is fraught with implications Macedonian identity. If the Macedonians for the recognition of their state as Macedonia is a question of national dignity, change the name for the Greek means to confirm the "Greeks" of Greek Macedonia and its inhabitants, also invalidating the request of cultural rights for the Macedonian minority Northern Greece, which the Hellenic perspective is nothing but a community "slavofona" with a Greek national consciousness. A step
After the agreement Interim of 1995, economic relations between the two countries remained good. Greece is one of the main economic partners of the FYROM and is one of the first countries to foreign direct investment. Political relations are rather fluctuating because of the "concerned face." Prevent the integration of Skopje in international organizations of which Greece is a member, it seems the only weapon left to Athens to bring the name Macedonia to accept a compromise in this way, Athens also wants to bring the dispute to the nominal center of attention International, interrupting the delaying tactics of its northern neighbor.
The Macedonian government will aim to separate the dispute over As from the euro-Atlantic integration process, carrying out necessary reforms and hope that over time the name issue would have lost any remaining interest in international diplomacy. Macedonian leaders were encouraged by the increasing number of countries that recognize the small Balkan Republic with its constitutional name, consider the case of the United States, which initially recognized as Skopje Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, but have opted for the Republic of Macedonia during the Bush administration. The stiffening
greek seems to have marked a setback for this tactic, especially since the lack of resolution of the dispute would have significant consequences for Skopje. The Macedonia was granted candidate status for EU integration in 2005, but accession negotiations have not yet begun and various European leaders made it clear that resolving the dispute with Greece is a prerequisite for this purpose. Added to this is that the deadlock could also have consequences on the internal balance of Macedonia, encouraging radical wing of the Albanian minority to raising the level of their claims, the Albanian Democratic Party recently called for the discussion of a new agreement for the protection Albanian community, judging insufficient guarantees offered by the Ohrid. The Albanian parties see less emotion the possibility of reaching a compromise with Athens and do not seem willing to give euro-Atlantic integration only for a name.
The continuing dispute would have negative consequences for Greece, which threatens to isolate itself from its EU partners and NATO, a little concerned by the issue of the name, and induced to go along with the positions Hellenic mainly due to the threat of veto. Athens is likely to reiterate the image of the country "uncooperative" spread in the early 90s, just because of its policy towards Skopje. The U.S. would like to integrate Macedonia into NATO by 2010 and at least did not hide their annoyance, the rest of the Hellenic Government interpreted as a punishment Washington's decision not to include Greece in the visa waiver program, which would allow Greek citizens to enter the U.S. without a visa.
The weight of domestic policy
The background and the susceptibility of the respective public opinions explaining the reluctance of political leaders of both countries to reach a compromise solution. The recent election as President of FYROM Gjorgji Ivanov could be an encouraging factor, as both the prime minister that the president is an expression of right-wing party VMRO-DPMNE. The previous cohabitation between Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the right of the President Branko Crvenkovski made it difficult for a social democratic solution because, under the semi-Macedonian system, it should have the consent of both. However
Gruevski's will to submit to referendum any solution acceptable to Greece seems to conceal a substantial refusal to accept designation of a compromise, given that polls show a widespread reluctance on the part of Macedonia to change its constitutional name. In parallel, the intention of the members of the VMRO-DPMNE to spend millions of euro, at a time of economic crisis, to erect a statue of Alexander the Great in the center of Skopje is not a gesture of goodwill in respect of Greece, who reads the purpose of adopting a heritage that Athens is considering his exclusive property.
On the Greek side things do not seem to be less complex: Greece is experiencing a severe political and economic crisis, plus repeated episodes of corruption. Weakened by scandals, protests, and the specter of recession, the center-right government seems inclined to make extensive use dell'armamentario nationalism. With the cabinet reshuffle of the beginning of January was appointed culture minister Antonis Samaras, who in the early 90s has prevented a compromise with Greece, Skopje, and he has also just "predicted" the next great division between the FYROM Greater Albania and Bulgaria. His new job does not give the influence enjoyed as foreign minister, but the government once again is hung on a slender parliamentary majority: a total of 300 Members of Parliament in Athens, only 151 voted for the final budget package, a figure which gives a immense power to anyone who wants to prevent the permanent closure of the inexhaustible Macedonian question.
© AffarInternazionali
Monday, June 1, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
How Quickly Does Treatment For Trichomonas Work?
Find contacts msn

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
When Black Truffles Go Bad
Travel Arco in the districts of TN, in the week of 9 to 15 March 2009
During his last trip in the districts of Arco in the province of Trento, on 31 January, where I was this with my Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, God revealed to His servant that I would have to dispense with my responsibility to invest in the district of Città di Castello (PG), so I could reach the loved one to encourage them in f.llo Andrea Paduano 'work that God wants to plant in those regions.
So, after having served the Lord with his friend Joseph Antonelli f.llo in Naples, during the mission of the Pastor in Germany, have departed from the airport of Capodichino on March 9, arriving at Verona in the evening, where waiting for you were valuable f.llo s.lla Andrea and his wife Josephine. I thank God for this precious pair of brothers who along with their son Samuel I have given hospitality, making me feel at home and at ease, both spiritual and material.
So, after having served the Lord with his friend Joseph Antonelli f.llo in Naples, during the mission of the Pastor in Germany, have departed from the airport of Capodichino on March 9, arriving at Verona in the evening, where waiting for you were valuable f.llo s.lla Andrea and his wife Josephine. I thank God for this precious pair of brothers who along with their son Samuel I have given hospitality, making me feel at home and at ease, both spiritual and material.
(In the photo on the right I put together with the fam. Paduano on the shores of Lake Garda)
The Lord will reward them richly for their love!
immediately with the beloved Andrea f.llo we put to work by contacting the souls of the daughters of the much beloved pastor ministry f.llo General Anthony Chinnici, which still feel too much missed. We set appointments to visit the families who have welcomed us with sincere love. It was a joy to meet my brothers, with whom I shared the precious word that I received through the ministry of the man of God, during all these years serving the Lord. The basic plot that I liked to participate was to remain steadfast in the word "old" we just received from His servants. Knowing that my beloved pastor, f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, it was received by our late Pastor General who so loved and served with love, obedience and perseverance. Glory to God!
Through simple expressions inspired by the Holy Spirit I could see encouraged many hearts, some tears before I saw them before the Lord. Alleluia!
f.llo Together with Andrew, at times when we had no family visits, we have distributed pamphlets in the streets of the city. God so blessed, even in icy lands where the heart is particularly fond of a spirit that occupies the mind with many thoughts, and the greatest of these is the "god of money." But the Lord Jesus always has a word appropriate for everyone! Glory to God!
I want to thank the Lord for the precious s.lla
Pia (pictured right with his beloved s.. Giuseppina) , a dear soul who is the daughter of another work but sharing with us a spirit of good fellowship. I was very honored by the invitation to his home, where we went together to f.llo s.lla Andrea and Joseph on the morning of Friday. We were about two hours, during which we prayed and God has visited us so glorious! Alleluia!
On the evening of Friday, we organized a public worship in a room rented for the occasion. God reward her beloved James f.llo Guiana for the occasion has postponed his departure for the city of Palermo (where he lives). The worship was glorious! God has blessed us and visited with his presence!
immediately with the beloved Andrea f.llo we put to work by contacting the souls of the daughters of the much beloved pastor ministry f.llo General Anthony Chinnici, which still feel too much missed. We set appointments to visit the families who have welcomed us with sincere love. It was a joy to meet my brothers, with whom I shared the precious word that I received through the ministry of the man of God, during all these years serving the Lord. The basic plot that I liked to participate was to remain steadfast in the word "old" we just received from His servants. Knowing that my beloved pastor, f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, it was received by our late Pastor General who so loved and served with love, obedience and perseverance. Glory to God!
Through simple expressions inspired by the Holy Spirit I could see encouraged many hearts, some tears before I saw them before the Lord. Alleluia!
f.llo Together with Andrew, at times when we had no family visits, we have distributed pamphlets in the streets of the city. God so blessed, even in icy lands where the heart is particularly fond of a spirit that occupies the mind with many thoughts, and the greatest of these is the "god of money." But the Lord Jesus always has a word appropriate for everyone! Glory to God!
I want to thank the Lord for the precious s.lla

On the evening of Friday, we organized a public worship in a room rented for the occasion. God reward her beloved James f.llo Guiana for the occasion has postponed his departure for the city of Palermo (where he lives). The worship was glorious! God has blessed us and visited with his presence!

(Above, the group photo taken at the end of the service)
Saturday we had time for a visit, then on Sunday morning I left at 7.30 from Verona to Naples, where I could embrace with the beloved man of God and my family.
I hope that what we participated with love may soon bear fruit and we can see an open tent in those parts! Meanwhile, I also attended the brethren that "soon the man of God will visit them" and this news there was great joy! Alleluia!
I hope that what we participated with love may soon bear fruit and we can see an open tent in those parts! Meanwhile, I also attended the brethren that "soon the man of God will visit them" and this news there was great joy! Alleluia!
View photos of the event:
With love, Toni Di Lorenzo f.llo
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What Is The Source On Cydia For Pokemon Roms
The Greek Mafia
Albania: who is under the pyramid?
05.04.2005 writes Artan Puto
pyramid scheme. A massive fraud through which they were stolen, between 1996 and 1997, thousands of Albanian investors. Now, after new evidence emerged, it comes back to talk about it. Parliamentary elections on the horizon for next summer
Pyramids In these days the Albanian press has reported the matter to the attention of his audience of financial pyramid schemes. Their collapse in 1997 caused more than the economic ruin of thousands of creditors and a major crisis of the Albanian state, including about 2,500 victims in the violent clashes that arose.
The focus is again placed on these financial speculation after news emerged on transfers of money that those responsible for these so-called "pyramids" were made to foreign countries as a result of their failure. There are many debates about the responsibilities born of yesterday and today.
The Greek press in March, has published articles about the move to Greece in 1997, money from Albania. According to Greek media in the business would be involved Greek and Albanian officials. In an article dated March 18, titled "Money for VEFA in Greece, the Simitis government was informed" of the Albanian newspaper Shekulli - which is based on information taken from the greek newspaper Apojmatini - you write that former Prime Minister greek Costas Simitis and Interior Minister of the Economy National Defence and the well-known phenomenon of the pyramid schemes in Albania and transfers of huge sums of money in Greece.
articles refer in particular to the links between the boss of the pyramid scheme "VEFA" Vehbi Alimuçaj and the Greek secret service agent Apostolos Vavilis. The latter, which is now in hiding and wanted by the Greek police, is able to transfer to Greece in 1996-97 about $ 800,000. Vavilis and accused the prosecutor of the Greek money laundering in Italy, Hungary and Greece, and - starting from 1997 - of drug trafficking. In the fall of 1996, the boss of VEFA Vehbi Alimuçaj through Vavilis, he also bought a villa in the most rich Athens, "Hekal.
Meanwhile, according to the newspaper Shekulli, in June 1997 an Albanian citizen has filed in a Greek bank, with Janina, 5.5 billion drachmas (about $ 25 million). The transfer has been communicated to the Greek police with 8 months of delay. Another money transfer of about $ 10 million has been made, according to the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005), the Albanian deputy Goxhi Kristo (the Greek minority party) on behalf of the other pyramid scheme "Cenajo. The deputy admitted to the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005) you have made such a transfer. "All of us, those of greater or less, has lost money in pyramid schemes. I admit I did a transfer of money on behalf of the scheme "Cenajo. The transfer is quite legitimate. The money was for "Cenajo. Albanian justice is aware. Lefter Cenajo (the boss of the scheme, ed) my friend and I was his creditor. I never had links with the Albanian ministers. Do not even know the agent greek Vavilis.
The issue of pyramid schemes, has become the subject of political conflict in Greece itself. The right Apojmatini greek newspaper, which published the news of the Albanian pyramid schemes, tends to highlight the involvement of the former Socialist government of Simitis in the business of money transfers dirt from Albania to Greece. And the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005) in his article "Three Greek ministers in the affairs of the pyramid" VEFA "writes that as well.
The same thing is happening still in Albania. The debate emerged in Greece is being used by the two largest Albanian parties, the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party, to derive political benefits. On the eve of parliamentary elections to be held this summer, the two parties are accusing each other on liability in respect of the pyramid schemes during the years of their activities 1995-97 and after their failure in 1997.
In an article published last March 13 by Panorama says that the Albanian members of the committee that deals with investigations have accused the pyramids Fahrudin Arapi, provisional administrator put in charge of the pyramids after the accounts of the latter were Blocked in 1997, to obstruct the truth about what happened.
memebri The committee members have also accused the opposition Arapi has been removed from the lists of creditors, the names of people who have stolen huge loads of money from bank accounts of pyramid schemes, making the tracks disappear. According to the same newspaper the economic damage brought by the state administration during the interim administration established after the Socialist Party came to power in 1997 with the task of managing the properties of the pyramid schemes after their failure, amount to 200 million dollars.
This figure includes transfers made in spite of the accounts of the pyramids were blocked and the sale of these properties at very low prices. The current right-wing government opposition MP and a member of the Commission on transparency, Prev Zogaj, appealed to the Albanian state to commit itself to investigate the claims of the Greek press and to shed light on where they got the money from the pyramids.
"Money of the pyramid schemes, and especially of" Gjallica "are abroad. There are Greek and Italian companies who still have money in their accounts of the pyramids and it is paradoxical that the Albanian government does not has done nothing to recover this capital, "said the newspaper Panorama Zogaj (18/03/2005). The right-wing opposition also accuses the current Minister of Finance Arben Malaj, he had made money transfers.
As reported by another newspaper, Korrieri (03/19/2005), the spokesman of the Democratic Party Edi Paloka, accusing the Socialist Minister of Finance Arben Malaj, at a press conference he stated that "the millions of dollars of which we speak are only a small fraction of the millions who have robbed the rulers of today. Not only the money of the pyramid "Cenajo" to have been transferred by the socialist minister Malaj, but also millions more who are to be passed from public ownership to private ownership of these politicians. "
Fahrudin Arapi, provisional administrator of the pyramids since 1997, responded to the accusations calling them an" attack on the process of transparency that is implementing on pyramid schemes . The reaction of people who have ties to the former boss of these schemes ".
In an article written by himself and published in Panorama (13/3/2005) with the title" Arapi: the properties of pyramids in Greece, Italy and Hungary "The state administration has also informed Arapi creditors will recover only 11% of their money and promised to initiate investigations in other countries such as Greece, Hungary and Italy. Even Finance Minister Arben Malaj responded to the accusations that have been made and said that he never made "any transfer of money belonging to the pyramid schemes, or having given assistance to this end" (Panorama, 18/3/2005).
Meanwhile, the newspaper Korrieri (3/22/2005) said that the Prosecutor of the Republic of Albania has sent a team of judges in Greece and Switzerland to initiate investigations on local banks.
In his study on this fact the newspaper Shekulli (03/19/2005) indicating that pyramid schemes have actually stolen money and then transferring it to the Albanians abroad. The author then specify how many people involved in these pyramids they are now to hold prestigious positions in state institutions but also for example in the media. The conclusion of the paper is that hardly reveals the truth about the pyramids because their players are still in politics.
The new debate about the pyramids in the Albanian media has once again demonstrated how the Albanian leaders have abused the people, first in allowing these financial schemes were created, and then even getting rid of the little money he had not yet evaporated. The dimensions of the abuse have been clarified by a short excerpt from the newspaper Panorama (13/3/2005), which states that in early 1996 at the financial pyramid schemes were deposited 260 million dollars, while in October 1996 (two months before their closing time) about $ 1.2 billion. One year after the bank accounts of the pyramid schemes were found for only $ 9 million.
The debate, unfortunately, likely to end up as often happens in a simple political confrontation between the two major Albanian parties in view of the electoral challenge of the next summer.
Albania: who is under the pyramid?
05.04.2005 writes Artan Puto
pyramid scheme. A massive fraud through which they were stolen, between 1996 and 1997, thousands of Albanian investors. Now, after new evidence emerged, it comes back to talk about it. Parliamentary elections on the horizon for next summer
Pyramids In these days the Albanian press has reported the matter to the attention of his audience of financial pyramid schemes. Their collapse in 1997 caused more than the economic ruin of thousands of creditors and a major crisis of the Albanian state, including about 2,500 victims in the violent clashes that arose.
The focus is again placed on these financial speculation after news emerged on transfers of money that those responsible for these so-called "pyramids" were made to foreign countries as a result of their failure. There are many debates about the responsibilities born of yesterday and today.
The Greek press in March, has published articles about the move to Greece in 1997, money from Albania. According to Greek media in the business would be involved Greek and Albanian officials. In an article dated March 18, titled "Money for VEFA in Greece, the Simitis government was informed" of the Albanian newspaper Shekulli - which is based on information taken from the greek newspaper Apojmatini - you write that former Prime Minister greek Costas Simitis and Interior Minister of the Economy National Defence and the well-known phenomenon of the pyramid schemes in Albania and transfers of huge sums of money in Greece.
articles refer in particular to the links between the boss of the pyramid scheme "VEFA" Vehbi Alimuçaj and the Greek secret service agent Apostolos Vavilis. The latter, which is now in hiding and wanted by the Greek police, is able to transfer to Greece in 1996-97 about $ 800,000. Vavilis and accused the prosecutor of the Greek money laundering in Italy, Hungary and Greece, and - starting from 1997 - of drug trafficking. In the fall of 1996, the boss of VEFA Vehbi Alimuçaj through Vavilis, he also bought a villa in the most rich Athens, "Hekal.
Meanwhile, according to the newspaper Shekulli, in June 1997 an Albanian citizen has filed in a Greek bank, with Janina, 5.5 billion drachmas (about $ 25 million). The transfer has been communicated to the Greek police with 8 months of delay. Another money transfer of about $ 10 million has been made, according to the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005), the Albanian deputy Goxhi Kristo (the Greek minority party) on behalf of the other pyramid scheme "Cenajo. The deputy admitted to the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005) you have made such a transfer. "All of us, those of greater or less, has lost money in pyramid schemes. I admit I did a transfer of money on behalf of the scheme "Cenajo. The transfer is quite legitimate. The money was for "Cenajo. Albanian justice is aware. Lefter Cenajo (the boss of the scheme, ed) my friend and I was his creditor. I never had links with the Albanian ministers. Do not even know the agent greek Vavilis.
The issue of pyramid schemes, has become the subject of political conflict in Greece itself. The right Apojmatini greek newspaper, which published the news of the Albanian pyramid schemes, tends to highlight the involvement of the former Socialist government of Simitis in the business of money transfers dirt from Albania to Greece. And the Albanian newspaper Panorama (03/18/2005) in his article "Three Greek ministers in the affairs of the pyramid" VEFA "writes that as well.
The same thing is happening still in Albania. The debate emerged in Greece is being used by the two largest Albanian parties, the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party, to derive political benefits. On the eve of parliamentary elections to be held this summer, the two parties are accusing each other on liability in respect of the pyramid schemes during the years of their activities 1995-97 and after their failure in 1997.
In an article published last March 13 by Panorama says that the Albanian members of the committee that deals with investigations have accused the pyramids Fahrudin Arapi, provisional administrator put in charge of the pyramids after the accounts of the latter were Blocked in 1997, to obstruct the truth about what happened.
memebri The committee members have also accused the opposition Arapi has been removed from the lists of creditors, the names of people who have stolen huge loads of money from bank accounts of pyramid schemes, making the tracks disappear. According to the same newspaper the economic damage brought by the state administration during the interim administration established after the Socialist Party came to power in 1997 with the task of managing the properties of the pyramid schemes after their failure, amount to 200 million dollars.
This figure includes transfers made in spite of the accounts of the pyramids were blocked and the sale of these properties at very low prices. The current right-wing government opposition MP and a member of the Commission on transparency, Prev Zogaj, appealed to the Albanian state to commit itself to investigate the claims of the Greek press and to shed light on where they got the money from the pyramids.
"Money of the pyramid schemes, and especially of" Gjallica "are abroad. There are Greek and Italian companies who still have money in their accounts of the pyramids and it is paradoxical that the Albanian government does not has done nothing to recover this capital, "said the newspaper Panorama Zogaj (18/03/2005). The right-wing opposition also accuses the current Minister of Finance Arben Malaj, he had made money transfers.
As reported by another newspaper, Korrieri (03/19/2005), the spokesman of the Democratic Party Edi Paloka, accusing the Socialist Minister of Finance Arben Malaj, at a press conference he stated that "the millions of dollars of which we speak are only a small fraction of the millions who have robbed the rulers of today. Not only the money of the pyramid "Cenajo" to have been transferred by the socialist minister Malaj, but also millions more who are to be passed from public ownership to private ownership of these politicians. "
Fahrudin Arapi, provisional administrator of the pyramids since 1997, responded to the accusations calling them an" attack on the process of transparency that is implementing on pyramid schemes . The reaction of people who have ties to the former boss of these schemes ".
In an article written by himself and published in Panorama (13/3/2005) with the title" Arapi: the properties of pyramids in Greece, Italy and Hungary "The state administration has also informed Arapi creditors will recover only 11% of their money and promised to initiate investigations in other countries such as Greece, Hungary and Italy. Even Finance Minister Arben Malaj responded to the accusations that have been made and said that he never made "any transfer of money belonging to the pyramid schemes, or having given assistance to this end" (Panorama, 18/3/2005).
Meanwhile, the newspaper Korrieri (3/22/2005) said that the Prosecutor of the Republic of Albania has sent a team of judges in Greece and Switzerland to initiate investigations on local banks.
In his study on this fact the newspaper Shekulli (03/19/2005) indicating that pyramid schemes have actually stolen money and then transferring it to the Albanians abroad. The author then specify how many people involved in these pyramids they are now to hold prestigious positions in state institutions but also for example in the media. The conclusion of the paper is that hardly reveals the truth about the pyramids because their players are still in politics.
The new debate about the pyramids in the Albanian media has once again demonstrated how the Albanian leaders have abused the people, first in allowing these financial schemes were created, and then even getting rid of the little money he had not yet evaporated. The dimensions of the abuse have been clarified by a short excerpt from the newspaper Panorama (13/3/2005), which states that in early 1996 at the financial pyramid schemes were deposited 260 million dollars, while in October 1996 (two months before their closing time) about $ 1.2 billion. One year after the bank accounts of the pyramid schemes were found for only $ 9 million.
The debate, unfortunately, likely to end up as often happens in a simple political confrontation between the two major Albanian parties in view of the electoral challenge of the next summer.
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in Albania in 1997 Greece: Car market collapses - 50%
Greece: Car market collapses - 50%
E 'instead increased sales of luxury cars
(ANSA) - ATHENS, 7 May - The auto market in Greece has been in a real collapsed in April compared with the same months of 2008. Sales of new cars fell by 49.3%, informs the National Institute of Statistics. Have increased sales of cars and lusso.Il collapse 'occurred despite measures taken by the Government for the sector including the 50% tax registrazione.Per experts on the impact of the measures would be evident in May.
Greece: Car market collapses - 50%
E 'instead increased sales of luxury cars
(ANSA) - ATHENS, 7 May - The auto market in Greece has been in a real collapsed in April compared with the same months of 2008. Sales of new cars fell by 49.3%, informs the National Institute of Statistics. Have increased sales of cars and lusso.Il collapse 'occurred despite measures taken by the Government for the sector including the 50% tax registrazione.Per experts on the impact of the measures would be evident in May.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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The Russian Mafia Italy
The Russian Mafia The Russian Mafia in Italy
, potentially the most dangerous in the world is developing, with incredible rapidity, his delinquent activities in our country
The Russian mafia has been fortified since the fall of the Berlin Wall, with a top speed your imagination. It 's a mafia that uses a dose of unparalleled violence, criminals with ruthless and unscrupulous. Think, mo 'for instance, that in 1996 reached the point of making a killing in a cemetery in Moscow, causing thirteen murders and thirty wounded, to decimate the ranks of the "Foundation of invalids of the war in Afghanistan", a of the few who have the right not to pay taxes in that country, with the aim of gradually replacing the managers of "disabled" by his men. In Italy, the Russian mafia is involved in prostitution (not coincidentally are mainly women), comprovendite commercial, dirty money laundering, smuggling of people, that reward the Mafia with a figure somewhere between 200,000 and one million and a half pounds. The Russian mafia is organized in gangs, and according to ethnicity, is specialized in certain crimes: the Georgians in the field of extortion, the use of drugs in the Chechens, Tajiks in the robbery and all together in the banking sector. The Russian Mafia in Italy is extremely fierce, both against the Russians who do not respect the rules, than in respect of their enemies or people of other criminal organizations. The Russian mafia, for what concerns the smuggling and trafficking in the military, also has close business relations with the Calabrian Mafia, proving to be able to have the arrows in his bow of a crime ranging from less complex crimes such as prostitution, to the more refined, as the radioactive material.
The Russian Mafia The Russian Mafia in Italy
, potentially the most dangerous in the world is developing, with incredible rapidity, his delinquent activities in our country
The Russian mafia has been fortified since the fall of the Berlin Wall, with a top speed your imagination. It 's a mafia that uses a dose of unparalleled violence, criminals with ruthless and unscrupulous. Think, mo 'for instance, that in 1996 reached the point of making a killing in a cemetery in Moscow, causing thirteen murders and thirty wounded, to decimate the ranks of the "Foundation of invalids of the war in Afghanistan", a of the few who have the right not to pay taxes in that country, with the aim of gradually replacing the managers of "disabled" by his men. In Italy, the Russian mafia is involved in prostitution (not coincidentally are mainly women), comprovendite commercial, dirty money laundering, smuggling of people, that reward the Mafia with a figure somewhere between 200,000 and one million and a half pounds. The Russian mafia is organized in gangs, and according to ethnicity, is specialized in certain crimes: the Georgians in the field of extortion, the use of drugs in the Chechens, Tajiks in the robbery and all together in the banking sector. The Russian Mafia in Italy is extremely fierce, both against the Russians who do not respect the rules, than in respect of their enemies or people of other criminal organizations. The Russian mafia, for what concerns the smuggling and trafficking in the military, also has close business relations with the Calabrian Mafia, proving to be able to have the arrows in his bow of a crime ranging from less complex crimes such as prostitution, to the more refined, as the radioactive material.
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Russian Mafia and Chinese mafia in Tuscany
Unlike in the past the problem of infiltration of the Russian mafia in our economy has attracted the most ' public attention. This is demonstrated by the fact that in June 2005 the newspaper "The Nation" dealt with the problem. More recently, the journalist of "La Repubblica" Ferruccio Sansa linked recycling of dirty money from the Russian mafia - in relation to the Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany - financial scandals of BPI. The steps of the so-called "property speculation" the subject of recent judicial reports in our region need to arouse attention.
areas are at greater risk than the coast, Forte dei Marmi, Isola D'Elba, Montecatini and the city of Florence. The recent entry of Russian companies in Tuscany together can contribute to local wealth, mind you involuntarily and not necessarily a criminal led managed by the Russian mafia. In Florence, in particular, remains the presence of many middle-aged Russian women who sleep in hotels ordinary inconspicuous. Necessary to check the legality of their stay in the forefront of what could be the Russian mafia real estate investments. It is also noted the attitude of this form in controlling the mafia and the night on prostitution.
One of the areas where the Russian mafia has invested as hotels. E 'must see who gains at this time in Tuscany hotel facilities. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers Caponnetto the booming Russian mafia organization that should not be underestimated in any way.
Chinese Mafia in Toscana. The Chinese mafia is a significant and stable in the region of Tuscany. As noted in last year's report, the Chinese mafia is divided into triads, horizontal structures, in contact that control them in a widespread manner all the economic activities of Chinese communities. They are however also appeared organized gangs of youths and young, true gang, which for the moment have not objected to the triads, but on the contrary, they are used. However, the situation should be monitored because it is said that in future there could be a conflict between these two forms of crime. The Triads have a strong sense of territorial control of the various Chinatown Tuscany. The activities that the Chinese mafia plays are more varied: the exploitation of illegal immigrants and labor, gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking and racketeering. Exploitation of prostitution increased significantly as can be inferred by the increased number of brothels run by Chinese women. Prostitution China has now carved out a significant slice of the market.
The intimidation of the triads with respect to the time of their countrymen usually takes place through the sensational acts such as kidnapping or robbery accompanied by beatings and rape. There also have been, is unusual for our area, some Chinese women and murder of a gambler. The occurrence of robbery is often the first alarm bell that should suggest the presence of the organization on the territory or at least the mafia gang. In particularly in Tuscany, the Triads are in Florence, Prato and Empoli in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tanneries between Pisa and Florence. The widespread presence is a bit 'all over the Tuscan territory and the court is well aware of the point that the DDA has intervened several times and dislocating the structure making arrests of some triads. Were also seized goods to the first Chinese mafia. Is strengthened in the past the remarkable ability to launder money quickly acquiring business and real estate. One of the favorite activities of the Chinese mafia is boosted by production of counterfeit products in violation of compliance with the most elementary rules of law. The quality of Chinese leaders is increasing, and probably in future will also see the passing in the counterfeit to work indirectly and unconsciously through triangulation of labor for the well-known brands.
Most likely the Chinese Triads also operate hospitals illegal. The report
DIA 1 ° sem. 2007:
In Tuscany, the investigation of criminal gangs made up of Chinese immigrants continue to be focused on these types of criminal, which were the subject of previous investigations, namely the facilitation and the practice of illegal immigration, kidnapping, exploitation of youth and women's labor, especially the illegal immigration, forgery and using false documents, brawls and personal injury with weapons, robbery and extortion, drug trafficking and, in the most isolated and extreme cases, murder. These types
criminal, due to various factors, like the isolationist view, the language barrier, the persistence of attitudes are not open to integration in the host community, the practice of piecework in craft activities and the pursuit of profit at all costs (relatives, in some cases, the tendency to seek economic responses, even illegal, within the same ethnic team), show how the Chinese community is still a microcosm anechoic, which is clearly a strong influence of deviant segments. The feelings of distrust of social institutions provoke conspiratorial attitudes, which promote the renewal of youth gangs, now considered uncontrollable and unstable real chips in its organization, and engaged in constant motion to the Committee, in partnership form, of the offenses described. The overall conduct of investigations carried out in a number of criminal cases has allowed us to identify and / or confirm some constants:
- in some cases, criminal gangs attention have highlighted the mafia association characteristics such as the strength of intimidation of the association;
- illegal immigration is linked to the phenomenon of kidnapping. Often, in fact, it was found that competing gangs carry out mutual kidnappings of illegal immigrants;
- trafficking in illegal immigrants is, in fact, a "slave trade", with a real business of "sale" of human beings brutal for profit;
- the illegal immigrant who arrives in Italy remains strictly subject to the obligation of debt to be paid by those who have paid the price for its "liberation", or rather, his "redemption": this happens through the work on farms , textile and leather goods, property
of compatriots, with the compulsion to suffer endless hours of work, with a salary certainly inadequate and not commensurate with work performance, in sanitation and security virtually non-existent;
- burglary, robbery and extortion are crimes within the community, consumed by the Chinese against other Chinese
- including prostitution and drug trafficking offenses are overwhelmingly intraspecific. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers the Chinese mafia Caponnetto very strong organization more capable of controlling the territory. Also not be underestimated in any way.
Foundation Caponnetto
written on the site of Beppe Grillo
Unlike in the past the problem of infiltration of the Russian mafia in our economy has attracted the most ' public attention. This is demonstrated by the fact that in June 2005 the newspaper "The Nation" dealt with the problem. More recently, the journalist of "La Repubblica" Ferruccio Sansa linked recycling of dirty money from the Russian mafia - in relation to the Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany - financial scandals of BPI. The steps of the so-called "property speculation" the subject of recent judicial reports in our region need to arouse attention.
areas are at greater risk than the coast, Forte dei Marmi, Isola D'Elba, Montecatini and the city of Florence. The recent entry of Russian companies in Tuscany together can contribute to local wealth, mind you involuntarily and not necessarily a criminal led managed by the Russian mafia. In Florence, in particular, remains the presence of many middle-aged Russian women who sleep in hotels ordinary inconspicuous. Necessary to check the legality of their stay in the forefront of what could be the Russian mafia real estate investments. It is also noted the attitude of this form in controlling the mafia and the night on prostitution.
One of the areas where the Russian mafia has invested as hotels. E 'must see who gains at this time in Tuscany hotel facilities. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers Caponnetto the booming Russian mafia organization that should not be underestimated in any way.
Chinese Mafia in Toscana. The Chinese mafia is a significant and stable in the region of Tuscany. As noted in last year's report, the Chinese mafia is divided into triads, horizontal structures, in contact that control them in a widespread manner all the economic activities of Chinese communities. They are however also appeared organized gangs of youths and young, true gang, which for the moment have not objected to the triads, but on the contrary, they are used. However, the situation should be monitored because it is said that in future there could be a conflict between these two forms of crime. The Triads have a strong sense of territorial control of the various Chinatown Tuscany. The activities that the Chinese mafia plays are more varied: the exploitation of illegal immigrants and labor, gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking and racketeering. Exploitation of prostitution increased significantly as can be inferred by the increased number of brothels run by Chinese women. Prostitution China has now carved out a significant slice of the market.
The intimidation of the triads with respect to the time of their countrymen usually takes place through the sensational acts such as kidnapping or robbery accompanied by beatings and rape. There also have been, is unusual for our area, some Chinese women and murder of a gambler. The occurrence of robbery is often the first alarm bell that should suggest the presence of the organization on the territory or at least the mafia gang. In particularly in Tuscany, the Triads are in Florence, Prato and Empoli in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tanneries between Pisa and Florence. The widespread presence is a bit 'all over the Tuscan territory and the court is well aware of the point that the DDA has intervened several times and dislocating the structure making arrests of some triads. Were also seized goods to the first Chinese mafia. Is strengthened in the past the remarkable ability to launder money quickly acquiring business and real estate. One of the favorite activities of the Chinese mafia is boosted by production of counterfeit products in violation of compliance with the most elementary rules of law. The quality of Chinese leaders is increasing, and probably in future will also see the passing in the counterfeit to work indirectly and unconsciously through triangulation of labor for the well-known brands.
Most likely the Chinese Triads also operate hospitals illegal. The report
DIA 1 ° sem. 2007:
In Tuscany, the investigation of criminal gangs made up of Chinese immigrants continue to be focused on these types of criminal, which were the subject of previous investigations, namely the facilitation and the practice of illegal immigration, kidnapping, exploitation of youth and women's labor, especially the illegal immigration, forgery and using false documents, brawls and personal injury with weapons, robbery and extortion, drug trafficking and, in the most isolated and extreme cases, murder. These types
criminal, due to various factors, like the isolationist view, the language barrier, the persistence of attitudes are not open to integration in the host community, the practice of piecework in craft activities and the pursuit of profit at all costs (relatives, in some cases, the tendency to seek economic responses, even illegal, within the same ethnic team), show how the Chinese community is still a microcosm anechoic, which is clearly a strong influence of deviant segments. The feelings of distrust of social institutions provoke conspiratorial attitudes, which promote the renewal of youth gangs, now considered uncontrollable and unstable real chips in its organization, and engaged in constant motion to the Committee, in partnership form, of the offenses described. The overall conduct of investigations carried out in a number of criminal cases has allowed us to identify and / or confirm some constants:
- in some cases, criminal gangs attention have highlighted the mafia association characteristics such as the strength of intimidation of the association;
- illegal immigration is linked to the phenomenon of kidnapping. Often, in fact, it was found that competing gangs carry out mutual kidnappings of illegal immigrants;
- trafficking in illegal immigrants is, in fact, a "slave trade", with a real business of "sale" of human beings brutal for profit;
- the illegal immigrant who arrives in Italy remains strictly subject to the obligation of debt to be paid by those who have paid the price for its "liberation", or rather, his "redemption": this happens through the work on farms , textile and leather goods, property
of compatriots, with the compulsion to suffer endless hours of work, with a salary certainly inadequate and not commensurate with work performance, in sanitation and security virtually non-existent;
- burglary, robbery and extortion are crimes within the community, consumed by the Chinese against other Chinese
- including prostitution and drug trafficking offenses are overwhelmingly intraspecific. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers the Chinese mafia Caponnetto very strong organization more capable of controlling the territory. Also not be underestimated in any way.
Foundation Caponnetto
written on the site of Beppe Grillo
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Greece. Government threatens the crisis to a corruption scandal
Greece. Government threatens the crisis to a corruption scandal
May 4, 2009 The greek government is facing a crucial vote in Parliament over a corruption scandal that could force Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis for early elections in a time when all the polls for his clearly disadvantaged party. The unicameral assembly
fact must decide in a secret ballot that will end tonight, whether or not corruption against the former deputy minister and party center-right New Democracy party in power (Nd), Aristoteles Pavlidis, the whose seat is vital the keeping of the small majority of one vote. Pavlidis, former Minister of the Aegean in the first government of Karamanlis, is accused of having extorted from owner € 100,000 for the granting of certain routes for ferries to the islands.
The suspect denies it, but evidence emerged accusers have caused a rift in the Commission of Inquiry could not prepare a final report. Within the Commission, composed of 13 deputies, all 6 members of the opposition, both right and left, convinced the suspect movements in certain bank accounts, each drew up its own report calling for the opening of a special process against Pavlidis. The 7 members of Nd were instead deployed to defend the former Minister, arguing that there is sufficient evidence.
A situation that has allowed the party of the prime minister to postpone the day of reckoning, but not the parliamentary vote that will decide today the fate of Pavlidis, perhaps together with that of the government. If it were to be granted permission to proceed and the Member does not resign, it would cast a heavy shadow on the legitimacy of the fragile majority of 151 deputies out of 300 that could go on only counting the vote represented a suspicion of where most of the Greeks, but also of the same Nd, wants to exit the scene. Karamanlis And, according to analysts, would be forced to call new elections. What the prime minister wants to avoid especially at a time when the party already weakened by other scandals, the violent protests in the square and the difficulties of the global crisis in the polls is at least three points behind the socialist Pasok.
But polls also allow voters to see the weariness of both parties: a sentiment that apparently prompted the leader of PASOK George Papandreou stated that "the struggle against corruption is a national duty" and invited Karamanlis to act together to reform the country. The inconclusive outcome of the Commission seems to suggest that Nd today, despite the "freedom of conscience granted to Members, be able to avoid the indictment of Pavlidis. But most observers seem convinced that if the vote is saving, Karamanlis will force the former minister to resign and replaced by the first non-elected and avoiding, at least for the time being, the crisis.
Greece. Government threatens the crisis to a corruption scandal
May 4, 2009 The greek government is facing a crucial vote in Parliament over a corruption scandal that could force Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis for early elections in a time when all the polls for his clearly disadvantaged party. The unicameral assembly
fact must decide in a secret ballot that will end tonight, whether or not corruption against the former deputy minister and party center-right New Democracy party in power (Nd), Aristoteles Pavlidis, the whose seat is vital the keeping of the small majority of one vote. Pavlidis, former Minister of the Aegean in the first government of Karamanlis, is accused of having extorted from owner € 100,000 for the granting of certain routes for ferries to the islands.
The suspect denies it, but evidence emerged accusers have caused a rift in the Commission of Inquiry could not prepare a final report. Within the Commission, composed of 13 deputies, all 6 members of the opposition, both right and left, convinced the suspect movements in certain bank accounts, each drew up its own report calling for the opening of a special process against Pavlidis. The 7 members of Nd were instead deployed to defend the former Minister, arguing that there is sufficient evidence.
A situation that has allowed the party of the prime minister to postpone the day of reckoning, but not the parliamentary vote that will decide today the fate of Pavlidis, perhaps together with that of the government. If it were to be granted permission to proceed and the Member does not resign, it would cast a heavy shadow on the legitimacy of the fragile majority of 151 deputies out of 300 that could go on only counting the vote represented a suspicion of where most of the Greeks, but also of the same Nd, wants to exit the scene. Karamanlis And, according to analysts, would be forced to call new elections. What the prime minister wants to avoid especially at a time when the party already weakened by other scandals, the violent protests in the square and the difficulties of the global crisis in the polls is at least three points behind the socialist Pasok.
But polls also allow voters to see the weariness of both parties: a sentiment that apparently prompted the leader of PASOK George Papandreou stated that "the struggle against corruption is a national duty" and invited Karamanlis to act together to reform the country. The inconclusive outcome of the Commission seems to suggest that Nd today, despite the "freedom of conscience granted to Members, be able to avoid the indictment of Pavlidis. But most observers seem convinced that if the vote is saving, Karamanlis will force the former minister to resign and replaced by the first non-elected and avoiding, at least for the time being, the crisis.
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