Tuesday, May 5, 2009

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Russian Mafia and Chinese mafia in Tuscany

Unlike in the past the problem of infiltration of the Russian mafia in our economy has attracted the most ' public attention. This is demonstrated by the fact that in June 2005 the newspaper "The Nation" dealt with the problem. More recently, the journalist of "La Repubblica" Ferruccio Sansa linked recycling of dirty money from the Russian mafia - in relation to the Romagna, Liguria and Tuscany - financial scandals of BPI. The steps of the so-called "property speculation" the subject of recent judicial reports in our region need to arouse attention.
areas are at greater risk than the coast, Forte dei Marmi, Isola D'Elba, Montecatini and the city of Florence. The recent entry of Russian companies in Tuscany together can contribute to local wealth, mind you involuntarily and not necessarily a criminal led managed by the Russian mafia. In Florence, in particular, remains the presence of many middle-aged Russian women who sleep in hotels ordinary inconspicuous. Necessary to check the legality of their stay in the forefront of what could be the Russian mafia real estate investments. It is also noted the attitude of this form in controlling the mafia and the night on prostitution.
One of the areas where the Russian mafia has invested as hotels. E 'must see who gains at this time in Tuscany hotel facilities. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers Caponnetto the booming Russian mafia organization that should not be underestimated in any way.
Chinese Mafia in Toscana. The Chinese mafia is a significant and stable in the region of Tuscany. As noted in last year's report, the Chinese mafia is divided into triads, horizontal structures, in contact that control them in a widespread manner all the economic activities of Chinese communities. They are however also appeared organized gangs of youths and young, true gang, which for the moment have not objected to the triads, but on the contrary, they are used. However, the situation should be monitored because it is said that in future there could be a conflict between these two forms of crime. The Triads have a strong sense of territorial control of the various Chinatown Tuscany. The activities that the Chinese mafia plays are more varied: the exploitation of illegal immigrants and labor, gambling, prostitution, drug trafficking and racketeering. Exploitation of prostitution increased significantly as can be inferred by the increased number of brothels run by Chinese women. Prostitution China has now carved out a significant slice of the market.

The intimidation of the triads with respect to the time of their countrymen usually takes place through the sensational acts such as kidnapping or robbery accompanied by beatings and rape. There also have been, is unusual for our area, some Chinese women and murder of a gambler. The occurrence of robbery is often the first alarm bell that should suggest the presence of the organization on the territory or at least the mafia gang. In particularly in Tuscany, the Triads are in Florence, Prato and Empoli in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tanneries between Pisa and Florence. The widespread presence is a bit 'all over the Tuscan territory and the court is well aware of the point that the DDA has intervened several times and dislocating the structure making arrests of some triads. Were also seized goods to the first Chinese mafia. Is strengthened in the past the remarkable ability to launder money quickly acquiring business and real estate. One of the favorite activities of the Chinese mafia is boosted by production of counterfeit products in violation of compliance with the most elementary rules of law. The quality of Chinese leaders is increasing, and probably in future will also see the passing in the counterfeit to work indirectly and unconsciously through triangulation of labor for the well-known brands.
Most likely the Chinese Triads also operate hospitals illegal. The report

DIA 1 ° sem. 2007:
In Tuscany, the investigation of criminal gangs made up of Chinese immigrants continue to be focused on these types of criminal, which were the subject of previous investigations, namely the facilitation and the practice of illegal immigration, kidnapping, exploitation of youth and women's labor, especially the illegal immigration, forgery and using false documents, brawls and personal injury with weapons, robbery and extortion, drug trafficking and, in the most isolated and extreme cases, murder. These types
criminal, due to various factors, like the isolationist view, the language barrier, the persistence of attitudes are not open to integration in the host community, the practice of piecework in craft activities and the pursuit of profit at all costs (relatives, in some cases, the tendency to seek economic responses, even illegal, within the same ethnic team), show how the Chinese community is still a microcosm anechoic, which is clearly a strong influence of deviant segments. The feelings of distrust of social institutions provoke conspiratorial attitudes, which promote the renewal of youth gangs, now considered uncontrollable and unstable real chips in its organization, and engaged in constant motion to the Committee, in partnership form, of the offenses described. The overall conduct of investigations carried out in a number of criminal cases has allowed us to identify and / or confirm some constants:
- in some cases, criminal gangs attention have highlighted the mafia association characteristics such as the strength of intimidation of the association;
- illegal immigration is linked to the phenomenon of kidnapping. Often, in fact, it was found that competing gangs carry out mutual kidnappings of illegal immigrants;
- trafficking in illegal immigrants is, in fact, a "slave trade", with a real business of "sale" of human beings brutal for profit;
- the illegal immigrant who arrives in Italy remains strictly subject to the obligation of debt to be paid by those who have paid the price for its "liberation", or rather, his "redemption": this happens through the work on farms , textile and leather goods, property
of compatriots, with the compulsion to suffer endless hours of work, with a salary certainly inadequate and not commensurate with work performance, in sanitation and security virtually non-existent;
- burglary, robbery and extortion are crimes within the community, consumed by the Chinese against other Chinese
- including prostitution and drug trafficking offenses are overwhelmingly intraspecific. In conclusion
for 2007 and outlook for 2008, the Foundation considers the Chinese mafia Caponnetto very strong organization more capable of controlling the territory. Also not be underestimated in any way.
Foundation Caponnetto

written on the site of Beppe Grillo


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