When God reveals His plans to His servants, it is because he loves to participate in advance what wants to accomplish for His mighty majesty! That's why we want to tell how the Lord moves through the ministry, not only the nation but still among the nations.
Already in the past, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino visited the brothers of the community of Metzingen at least eight times (not including other missionary visits to the Germanic nation, Ed), having enjoyed good fellowship with the beloved spiritual shepherd f.llo Vito Russo, who, we remember, went with the Lord last August (in the same period of Pastor Anthony Chinnici f.llo). Each time was a true expression of joy among the local brethren, but this mission had a different flavor, a cag
ion of the fact that the man of God has honored the servant of the Lord our precious s.lla Anna Russo (pictured at left) , wife of the pastor. The precious sister, after the departure of her husband has developed the need to return home, where his family could take care of her infirmity. From today and for many years now, to take care her dear and precious were the brothers Roberto and Akim, who with great love they have spent their youth serving the Lord in the service of love. We are confident that the Lord will not forget the good that these young brothers have done to the family of the man of God f.llo Vito Russo. This feeling of true love has inspired Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino to move to Germany so that she could say goodbye to our sister.
Already in the past, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino visited the brothers of the community of Metzingen at least eight times (not including other missionary visits to the Germanic nation, Ed), having enjoyed good fellowship with the beloved spiritual shepherd f.llo Vito Russo, who, we remember, went with the Lord last August (in the same period of Pastor Anthony Chinnici f.llo). Each time was a true expression of joy among the local brethren, but this mission had a different flavor, a cag
(For the occasion of his pastoral visit, the Shepherd and Anna s.lla f.llo Daniel, have been reunited with their daughter s.lla Lois)
Thursday, April 5, together with the man of God departed from Naples, his wife, Anna s.lla beloved and dear f.llo Fiorino Daniele. The group of Brother
them have accepted the man of God and his family after the passing of their beloved pastor, remained faithful to the Lord and I waited until today with love, humility and submission.
(The man of God in worship and preaching on Friday night)
Their faces were killed but at the same time confident that the Lord Jesus that they were not disappointed! Sure! And so it was! Glory to God! During his stay, the man of God saw their faces change! Gradually the power of the Word of God has Rejoice! Alleluia! Since
worship on Friday evening ì
the Lord has manifested great power! The cult was familiar, but those who were present, they also had a "certain appetite" with regard to the Word of God, and when this happens in the Church, we know that the Lord can not remain indifferent and thus loosens the heavens, as happened in the particular circumstances!
worship on Friday evening ì
(The brothers collected God's presence in the house of Anna Russo s.lla)
Hearts have been rebuilt, and all were very comforted blessed! Glory to Jesus!
Meanwhile, our dear Lord f.llo Lino moved from another part of the City. With this brother, the man of God could not be seen for over twenty years, during which our
brother has suffered a strong spiritual desert, but that never came off from the original instruction received from the beginning. And just recently, God has much strengthened to the point that he is doing his best to spread much of the good seed of the Word of God
Meanwhile, our dear Lord f.llo Lino moved from another part of the City. With this brother, the man of God could not be seen for over twenty years, during which our
(in the photo, the pastor who prayed for f.llo Salvatore Maurizio Fiorino and Lisa)
You know, when we are in love with Jesus, we can not help but talk about Him in every place! Alleluia! So dear and precious f.llo Lino has collected wonderful blessings, including, among his colleagues, he accepted Christ as a Chinese and his wife who is Thai! The love of this young Chinese
is unspeakable, so his wife. They also have two daughters that even grown-up, they wanted the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino presentations to the Lord! (The photo shows the man of God and brother to the Lord of the girls we see in China the same pose) This young Chinese is very close to the Lord and this is relevant when one considers that in its country of origin is still is subjected to an atheist Communist regime. When
on Friday met the man of God f.llo Lino and his sons David and Joshua, along with the first girlfriend, Melanie, has learned the good news that his girlfriend of the young David wanted to be a covenant with the Lord! Alleluia! When in doubt, were the brothers David and Joshua. David especially due to a strong bronchial cough. The beauty is that when there is Jesus we have always an emergency
for everything! So, the man of God, moved by the Holy Spirit, anointed him with oil (according to the Scriptures), asking God for the complete liberation that this young man could enjoy the blessings prepared by the Lord! God be praised! And he did it! Just according to what he himself had previously put into the lips of His servant! Where is God to anoint, is no longer the man who expresses himself, but the word becomes "Revealed" and therefore we see the result! (In the photo the man of God, pray that Mrs. Emma with love has always received the Word in her heart)
The next day, Saturday, we had to keep the special worship of baptisms in the home of f.llo Lino, where to get off the waters were the boyfriends David and Melanie and Joshua f.llo in extremis! God is wonderful! Just coming into the house of f.llo Lino, the man of God saw the multitude of people who already had filled the house, just waiting for the Word of God! During the worship was erected the name of the Lord Jesus, whom God has used the witness to raise his head ag
them afflicted and the discouraged. The Lord visited with power especially the young, regenerating in the he
on Friday met the man of God f.llo Lino and his sons David and Joshua, along with the first girlfriend, Melanie, has learned the good news that his girlfriend of the young David wanted to be a covenant with the Lord! Alleluia! When in doubt, were the brothers David and Joshua. David especially due to a strong bronchial cough. The beauty is that when there is Jesus we have always an emergency
The next day, Saturday, we had to keep the special worship of baptisms in the home of f.llo Lino, where to get off the waters were the boyfriends David and Melanie and Joshua f.llo in extremis! God is wonderful! Just coming into the house of f.llo Lino, the man of God saw the multitude of people who already had filled the house, just waiting for the Word of God! During the worship was erected the name of the Lord Jesus, whom God has used the witness to raise his head ag
It 's always a great joy to see new souls to glorify God as little children! (The man of God and preaches to listen carefully and lovingly maintained Word received)
The Word preached by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was appropriate, because the different have wept in the presence of God and especially the young girlfriend Maureen (brother of the beloved Robert f.llo Ed) who cried from start to finish listening to the Word.
(From left to right the three neophytes baptized in a bathtub: f.llo David, Joshua and f.llo s.lla Melanie)
The long awaited moment of bettesimi in water was very touching. Finally, winning the last doubts, even f.llo f.llo David and Joshua were ready to descend into the water along with s.lla Melanie! F.llo Lino's hosting of water filling the bathtub, where joy and bliss, the uninitiated might say their "yes" to Jesus! Alleluia!
At the end of the wonderful worship, other young people esp
interest the keen desire of wanting to make the pact with the Lord! Alleluia! God be praised! Of these, just Maurice and his girlfriend Lisa, and the Chinese brother and his bride! God is wonderful! Glory to His name! F.llo Lino (right in photo together with Akim f.llo while listening to the Word) has expressed the wish that he was the man of God himself, to unite in marriage his son David and his girlfriend Melanie. God willing, next year, Agrigento (country of origin of f.llo Lino), Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino joined in marriage in God's presence helped the dear f.llo s.lla David and Melanie! Alleluia! Last
worship was held on Sunday morning. As always happens in these circumstances, the anointing was wonderful! I especially want to thank the Lord for how the brothers work of God in Metzingen have expressed the will to be submitted to the ministry of Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. So, on the basis of this sincere expression, the man of God has anointed the precious brothers and Roberto Gerlando, so continue with the work that God began many years ago through His servant Pastor f.llo Vito Russo, pending He chooses the same or give rise to a conductor according to His perfect will. God be praised!
The next day, on Monday morning of March 9, the man of God and his precious family left Germany to return to Italy, with the confidence that we have planted still important to the tent peg of the Lord wonderful!
At the end of the wonderful worship, other young people esp
worship was held on Sunday morning. As always happens in these circumstances, the anointing was wonderful! I especially want to thank the Lord for how the brothers work of God in Metzingen have expressed the will to be submitted to the ministry of Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. So, on the basis of this sincere expression, the man of God has anointed the precious brothers and Roberto Gerlando, so continue with the work that God began many years ago through His servant Pastor f.llo Vito Russo, pending He chooses the same or give rise to a conductor according to His perfect will. God be praised!
The next day, on Monday morning of March 9, the man of God and his precious family left Germany to return to Italy, with the confidence that we have planted still important to the tent peg of the Lord wonderful!
Just when the man of God landed at Naples airport, I was about to start (always dall'eroporto) to Verona, where I was waiting for the beloved f.llo Andrea Paduano . By Andrea f.llo I had the joy of serving the Lord throughout the week in the districts of Arco, Trento. In the next article I will inform you of the blessings that the Lord has given us in those regions.
With love, your in him f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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