Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kathryn Beich's Katydids

The Fellowship of Friends: Community 'intentional or ego-village?

(The following article 'was written in response to what entitled "The Fellowship of Friends: a community' for the 'Fourth Way'" published on the website: 'viverealtrimenti.' Although it has been brought to the attention of 'the site administrator, and it' was refused publication.)
- For the headlines, and to better adhere to the title: "Intentional Community and Ecovillage," the discourse on "Fellowship of Friends" is duly opened, updated and detailed . After visiting this community ', the first required clarification regards the teachings of Robert Burton inspired the Fourth Way. In fact there are now three or four years and that it 'was dropped to make way for the' sequence ', a kind of mantra that serves the purpose of claim, obtain and prolong their presence. It goes back even prehistoric man, even if the integral parts of this prayer are monosyllabic words of English. An idea that is not the Fourth Way 'was dropped and instead of' that man has no will 'and alone can not' do, so must take the will 'of the person who owns, or and of those who' escaped from the prison of 'sleep'. A reason for this' we must add, that 'religion' to 'Apollo' and 'do what the teacher says founder, even in the event' that was not practical, and sometimes illegally counterproductive. For example: years ago work began to build the 'theatron', a huge white sandstone amphitheater dedicated to ballet and other magnificent performances. This project was initiated and carried out without permission, secretly by the inspectors of the department of buildings in the county. The plot, however, was' discovered, also because 'a building of that size can not' go unnoticed for long, with the result that the project was immediately blocked by the county. For reasons of logistics, legal codes, penalties' (lack of security structures, handrails, bathrooms and access for wheelchairs, etc.). And after spending more 'than a million dollars, and that project' was abandoned by FoF , leaving the stone to crumble under unsuitable weather and relegating the famous dancers of the Bolshoi adapted to the tennis courts. The 'theatron' still holds the record for the most 'major construction done without permits in California. The beginning of this trend you can 'track history in another ambitious project: the' winery '. And the latter 'a mega-concrete bunkers built to control production, bottling and storage of wine, but also and above all, anti-atomic shelter as a result of the prediction of al'idrogeno War that should have burst in 2006. The 'winery' is a colossal building began in the '70s and never finished, abandoned to decay and reduced to sad, forgotten ruins and impressive, and jokingly called an 'eyesore', or a punch in the eye. Despite its name, the Fellowship of Friends (Brotherhood of Friends), although not the 'slightest sense of community'. Students, so 'you call its members, are paid a basic salary which amounts to $ 350 per month, or $ 1.75 per hour. In the state of California 'minimum wage' and 'of $ 8 per hour. Owning 'conscious wealth', being rich in knowledge, for students and the money is not 'certainly the point, but after expenses, they can barely make ends meet, making survival very precarious. Among other things, to 'Apollo' c'e'un beautiful orchard on the hill halfway. In recent years some students have privatized, but with little luck. This year 'back in the hands of the community' Fellowship, with the result that the fruit, abundant and delicious, is sold to the students themselves, or, for the most part, is left to rot on the ground and trees, when it could help the livelihoods of the same. Another example is the 'vegetable garden'. This garden blooming, and 'was put together by the sweat of students and student visitors, and the same are regularly invited to go and help to keep it. The entire crop goes into the kitchens of the 'Gallery' and restaurant 'Apollo Gold'. If students want to enjoy the fruits of their own work, they are here, too, asked to pay. Another case and advances represented 'the vineyard, which once covered 150 acres, and now it' reduced to one tenth. Gagliarde mature vines of twenty and thirty years have been left to die without water, or uprooted to make way for the moment. to Apollo were recently purchased several exotic animals, including a dozen blades, a dozen camels, a dozen camels, ostriches and parrots. Since the financial position of FoF always shaky, with periodic cut 'jobs', and taking into account the economic status of students, consider that a camel or a dromedary costs a few thousand dollars, as an ostrich, not counting maintenance costs. The cost of a blade only provide a student's salary for about three months. Currently there is no 'practical use for these animals, which among other things continue to arrive, and purpose of these expensive acquisitions and not' yet been revealed. The same 'modus operandi' obsessive 'found in the 80s with regard to Chinese furniture, in the 90s to the fountains and the' King Charles Cavalier 'in the new millennium for the palm trees. The relationship with the community 'outside the gates closed to the public, the Fellowship of Friends, not' the most 'happy. After thirty years of presence in the area of \u200b\u200bOregon House, California, the relationship between students and non-students and 'minimum, but more' that another non-existent. The Fellowship of Friends to consider the rest of the world population fell asleep, thus justifying 'the limited relations with the outside. Hence the nickname of 'ego-village'. The community 'Oregon House considers in turn the students of the FoF arrogant and potentially dangerous because, over the years, the seven in the U.S. have unfortunately filled the news of black newspapers. The interaction between students and alumni, and 'even more' non-existent. Who left the band, not 'frowned, strangely a lot more' to those who do not 'never was. Lately, however, 'the community' of ex-students, historically in the minority, and ' grown enormously, making the daily meetings at the post office and supermarket very awkward and embarrassing. Students often do not reciprocate the greetings to former students, and alumni for their part, try to ignore it. The sore point, and 'that what' happens between people who have known each other more 'than twenty years! FoF also exists within a small group of volunteers, "Friends in need" where we try to provide care to students sick, sick and in need of support. This small charities do not have any problem in using the help of former students. If it is a non-student or former student in need, the community 'FoF has no facilities participants and provides no support, but backed the exercise not to fraternize with people who have left the FoF, year created and reaffirmed periodically by the master founder. So, in conclusion, regarding the FoF community within the discourse of 'eco-villages and intentional, and' necessary to go beyond the smoke and beyond the 'appearances,' cause as it says the popular wisdom "It 's not all that glitters is gold." -


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