"Rebecca is at your command, take it, and go, and is the wife of your master's son, as the Lord has spoken." Genesis 00:51
Beloved in grace and to all who follow us through the newsletter, the peace of God dwell in your hearts, giving you joy and a blessing! In the cult, which was held in Naples this morning, we heard the testimonies of the precious brothers that the Lord has filled with the Holy Spirit (see previous articles) during worship on Tuesday evening and Thursday evening. The scripture says, in Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians that those who are in Christ is a new creature! Alleluia! It 's what we have seen in f.llo Carlo and Uva f.llo John D'Angelo! God has blessed and has blessed us with them we could praise Him with a freedom of spirit that for some time do not enjoy. God be praised!
For me it was gratifying to see my shepherd rejoice in the powerful movement of the Spirit who now feels the work of God ... we have the confidence that the Lord continue to bless many families where there is a great need of God .
This morning we had the great joy of seeing that the work of God has formed a new pair, the Lord willing, will be united in His presence. These are the precious f.llo Antonio Mele and s.lla Giovanna De Vita, presented to the Church by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Christians united in the engagement.
You know, between us when the Lord unites young hearts as dear f.llo s.lla Anthony and Joan, my mind goes to the Word of God, which is described in the engagement. In particular I think of Isaac, son of Abraham and Rebecca.
Isaac and Rebecca did not know but those young people had confidence that the Lord used one of the servants of Abraham. Let's say that in today's world we talk about engagement as a period "necessary" to know each other better ... then we get married, maybe after ten years of engagement ... and after a year of marriage here is the separation! Good thing you were familiar! I thank the Lord for as still in our midst there are young people who like to wait for trusting his servants the prophets. (pictured: the moment when the man of God has the brothers of the Church)
few months ago the young people presented by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, asking the mouth of the Lord concerning the intention of a possible engagement. As always, the man of God loves rimmetterci to prayer, through which Jesus is not indifferent, but as time went on in the Prophets, He still speaks showing His will! So, a few months time and that's the answer! For us it was a great blessing, with the hope that we do not wait long for ... the confetti! In any case, God who is our supreme Head and Lord will reveal His will through His servant.
God bless us with love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
Beloved in grace and to all who follow us through the newsletter, the peace of God dwell in your hearts, giving you joy and a blessing! In the cult, which was held in Naples this morning, we heard the testimonies of the precious brothers that the Lord has filled with the Holy Spirit (see previous articles) during worship on Tuesday evening and Thursday evening. The scripture says, in Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians that those who are in Christ is a new creature! Alleluia! It 's what we have seen in f.llo Carlo and Uva f.llo John D'Angelo! God has blessed and has blessed us with them we could praise Him with a freedom of spirit that for some time do not enjoy. God be praised!
For me it was gratifying to see my shepherd rejoice in the powerful movement of the Spirit who now feels the work of God ... we have the confidence that the Lord continue to bless many families where there is a great need of God .
This morning we had the great joy of seeing that the work of God has formed a new pair, the Lord willing, will be united in His presence. These are the precious f.llo Antonio Mele and s.lla Giovanna De Vita, presented to the Church by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino Christians united in the engagement.
You know, between us when the Lord unites young hearts as dear f.llo s.lla Anthony and Joan, my mind goes to the Word of God, which is described in the engagement. In particular I think of Isaac, son of Abraham and Rebecca.

few months ago the young people presented by Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, asking the mouth of the Lord concerning the intention of a possible engagement. As always, the man of God loves rimmetterci to prayer, through which Jesus is not indifferent, but as time went on in the Prophets, He still speaks showing His will! So, a few months time and that's the answer! For us it was a great blessing, with the hope that we do not wait long for ... the confetti! In any case, God who is our supreme Head and Lord will reveal His will through His servant.
God bless us with love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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