S. Apollinaris, 01 November 2008: Special
Worship the beloved Pastor Anthony Manzo and f.llo Dear Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
Dear brothers, has just finished a special worship in our work at St. Apollinaris in the province of Frosinone, where God has blessed us exceedingly!
For the anniversary of the Ministerio man of God, we have received the precious visit of Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo who, arriving in Naples in the morning took care to visit the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli, lead the work of God in St. Apollinaris. For the occasion, we also spoke of the work of our brothers Città di Castello, where we started in the day to be present evening worship. The beloved
f.llo Joseph gave after the opening of the service at 19.30 and now we have tasted a fresh wind of the Spirit! Alleluia!
time to sing to the Lord and to express his personal gratitude to God to accommodate the servants of the Lord and precious f.llo Joseph left the presidency to the man of God Gaudio, joy, joy, what power in praising ... adjective I could use to express the movement of the Holy Spirit who is raised in the Church when the pastor f.llo Salvatore forint climbs the pulpit! The work of God has been invaded by the power of God and all we gave glory to the Lord!
The man of God has presented two precious sisters come together Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo the precious, which offered him a song each.
We listened to the brief and moving testimony of the precious s.lla Nuccia, wife of Pastor f.llo Anthony Manzo. She thanked God for the years spent in the service of God with our beloved Pastor Anthony Chinnici f.llo general and with our Pastor.
Also I have been called to the church to greet and thank God for this opportunity where I could give glory to the Lord for all the benefits received through the mandate of the Ministerial my Shepherd.
As in all our worship, the most awaited moment is always the preaching of God's Word So the man of God called our beloved Pastor f.llo Anthony Manzo, presenting it to the church as the precious brother is among us for the first time.
The Word has been a source of life for us and who received it felt rebuild its heart. We read Isaiah ch. To 51 from 1 to 5. The verse was the first gold, "Look to the Rock ..."! And we thank God for that eternal rock who is Jesus Christ who will not let us miss anything! To God be the praise!
The worship has ended at around 21.30 in a joyful atmosphere where the Holy Spirit spoke through a prophetic voice, donated to the Anna s.lla Fiorino. God has called Church to look more and more spiritual, more so in recent times in which He, the Almighty, will awaken His Church!
Personally I thank God for these servants of the Most High. As he said himself f.llo Pastor Anthony Manzo (he said in reference to the general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinnici): "these servers is easier to find in the Bible on earth! Alleluia!
Tomorrow, Sunday, November 2nd, we will still have a cult of power in that of Naples, where for sure the Lord will bless us through His faithful witnesses! See you there! With love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
Worship the beloved Pastor Anthony Manzo and f.llo Dear Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino.
Dear brothers, has just finished a special worship in our work at St. Apollinaris in the province of Frosinone, where God has blessed us exceedingly!
For the anniversary of the Ministerio man of God, we have received the precious visit of Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo who, arriving in Naples in the morning took care to visit the dear f.llo Joseph Antonelli, lead the work of God in St. Apollinaris. For the occasion, we also spoke of the work of our brothers Città di Castello, where we started in the day to be present evening worship. The beloved
f.llo Joseph gave after the opening of the service at 19.30 and now we have tasted a fresh wind of the Spirit! Alleluia!
The man of God has presented two precious sisters come together Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo the precious, which offered him a song each.
Also I have been called to the church to greet and thank God for this opportunity where I could give glory to the Lord for all the benefits received through the mandate of the Ministerial my Shepherd.
As in all our worship, the most awaited moment is always the preaching of God's Word So the man of God called our beloved Pastor f.llo Anthony Manzo, presenting it to the church as the precious brother is among us for the first time.
The worship has ended at around 21.30 in a joyful atmosphere where the Holy Spirit spoke through a prophetic voice, donated to the Anna s.lla Fiorino. God has called Church to look more and more spiritual, more so in recent times in which He, the Almighty, will awaken His Church!
Tomorrow, Sunday, November 2nd, we will still have a cult of power in that of Naples, where for sure the Lord will bless us through His faithful witnesses! See you there! With love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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