Naples, November 2, 2008: We celebrated a special worship in honor of our beloved pastor who has completed his 44th year of service to God for the occasion, we had the honor of have among us our beloved Pastor f.llo Anthony Manzo, his wife's niece s.lla s.lla Elena and Katerina singing in the choir of the Church of Porticello (PA), serving the Lord alongside the Pastor Manzo.
think about the many works we have seen fulfilled before our eyes, we come back to mind the deeds of men of God of the Bible, who consecrated their whole life to serving the great King of all creation! Think of Abraham who was called by the Lord from a land full of idolatry, and was brought "into the promised land", we think that young Joseph found himself in a foreign land to be enslaved, but because of its loyalty, not only was he greatly honored by God, but all the house of Jacob, his father, he found favor in the eyes of the Lord ... we could cite many, many other servants of God who inherited the promise Father's made to Abraham: "in thee shall be blessed all the families of the earth" Genesis 12:3
still, the dear Lord, we families of the people of God we are blessed for persevering obedience of the true men of God! Sunday, November 2 we wanted to celebrate the Lord for having given to a so dear and precious man of God Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, last October 31 has made the forty-fourth year of service to the Almighty God ... his childhood spiritual spent close to a valiant man of God, originally from Piedmont. F.llo Caramel Oak reared him in his first few years of service to the Lord. Years characterized by strict discipline and an intense biblical activities prayer and evangelization. Then, (he was only twenty years) was at the side of our late beloved Pastor and General Anthony Chinnici f.llo who served as a true disciple of Christ for twenty years long side by side. These twenty years are the most prosperous in the entire history of our ministry. The people in these years, he experienced moments of undoubted benefit to be paid by persevering cooperation that the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino personally worked in all areas and groups of courageous young man brought up under the protection of God the past fourteen years were characterized by the call to pastoral ministry (formerly exercised his evangelistic ministry) in the city of Naples, where he still resides and is the headquarters of the ministry.
(pictured below, the man of God during one of the Presidency) All these forty-four years were marked by suffering that go beyond human conception. On the other hand is a clear sign of God's true servants of Jesus turns out to be the perfect model of suffering as described in Isaiah 53. They were also years in which the Lord has followed the call of His servant by miracles. God through the prayer of Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino has healed, delivered, saved and baptized with the Holy Spirit many souls! Only in his term of office in Naples, we have over 2800 souls! To God be the glory!
E 'was a special occasion for us, where we have acted in other than the City of Castle Church where he served the Lord, there have been many brothers from the work of God in St. Apollinaris, (besides the inevitable f.llo Joseph el'abituale group with him that presides over all Sunday worship). The guest of honor the beloved Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo for the first time he was here with us in Naples. Of course he would have wanted to visit since the year before, but the commitments and responsibilities that invests in the work station of Palermo, have often prevented. The Word teaches us that everything we have to wait for the right time of the Lord. Alleluia!
still feel the powerful blessing of the evening spent in that of St. Apollinaris, but with the Lord we are now accustomed to your daily news! God be praised! With the punctuality
Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino has followed the opening of the worship service that from the beginning has been a manifestation of praise and joy of God's people the Lord has moved from the ranks through His servant . Many were touched and blessed.
We listened to the testimony of the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Monday, news already published in this section of the site. S.lla Angela de Vita (In the picture below) gave glory to God for the blessings we are receiving and we are very glad!
The children's Bible school sang to the Lord in honor of the man of God and sisters and Elena Keterina (respectively, director of choral Porticello and member of the same we see in the picture, while participating in the prayer) offered a wonderful song to the Lord Jesus, carrying the Church in joyful praise. Glory to the name of Jesus!
think about the many works we have seen fulfilled before our eyes, we come back to mind the deeds of men of God of the Bible, who consecrated their whole life to serving the great King of all creation! Think of Abraham who was called by the Lord from a land full of idolatry, and was brought "into the promised land", we think that young Joseph found himself in a foreign land to be enslaved, but because of its loyalty, not only was he greatly honored by God, but all the house of Jacob, his father, he found favor in the eyes of the Lord ... we could cite many, many other servants of God who inherited the promise Father's made to Abraham: "in thee shall be blessed all the families of the earth" Genesis 12:3
still, the dear Lord, we families of the people of God we are blessed for persevering obedience of the true men of God! Sunday, November 2 we wanted to celebrate the Lord for having given to a so dear and precious man of God Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, last October 31 has made the forty-fourth year of service to the Almighty God ... his childhood spiritual spent close to a valiant man of God, originally from Piedmont. F.llo Caramel Oak reared him in his first few years of service to the Lord. Years characterized by strict discipline and an intense biblical activities prayer and evangelization. Then, (he was only twenty years) was at the side of our late beloved Pastor and General Anthony Chinnici f.llo who served as a true disciple of Christ for twenty years long side by side. These twenty years are the most prosperous in the entire history of our ministry. The people in these years, he experienced moments of undoubted benefit to be paid by persevering cooperation that the Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino personally worked in all areas and groups of courageous young man brought up under the protection of God the past fourteen years were characterized by the call to pastoral ministry (formerly exercised his evangelistic ministry) in the city of Naples, where he still resides and is the headquarters of the ministry.
E 'was a special occasion for us, where we have acted in other than the City of Castle Church where he served the Lord, there have been many brothers from the work of God in St. Apollinaris, (besides the inevitable f.llo Joseph el'abituale group with him that presides over all Sunday worship). The guest of honor the beloved Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo for the first time he was here with us in Naples. Of course he would have wanted to visit since the year before, but the commitments and responsibilities that invests in the work station of Palermo, have often prevented. The Word teaches us that everything we have to wait for the right time of the Lord. Alleluia!
still feel the powerful blessing of the evening spent in that of St. Apollinaris, but with the Lord we are now accustomed to your daily news! God be praised! With the punctuality
Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino has followed the opening of the worship service that from the beginning has been a manifestation of praise and joy of God's people the Lord has moved from the ranks through His servant . Many were touched and blessed.
We listened to the testimony of the baptism of the Holy Spirit on Monday, news already published in this section of the site. S.lla Angela de Vita (In the picture below) gave glory to God for the blessings we are receiving and we are very glad!
The children's Bible school sang to the Lord in honor of the man of God and sisters and Elena Keterina (respectively, director of choral Porticello and member of the same we see in the picture, while participating in the prayer) offered a wonderful song to the Lord Jesus, carrying the Church in joyful praise. Glory to the name of Jesus!
The man of God invited s.lla Nuccia (pictured below) to greet the church. A wonderful moment, because her sister has thanked God for the years he spent with her husband to serve the Lord with his family Fiorino, believing "their spiritual daughter"! He thanked the Lord for his beloved Anna and s.lla for example, that it has received all these years! God is wonderful!
When it is time the long-awaited word, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was joyful to invite the precious f.llo Pastor Anthony Manzo, with whom there is a strong relationship of mutual respect, for the simple reason that both loved and honored until the end of the man that God had placed before them, our general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinnici.
Before opening the scriptures, Pastor Anthony f.llo Manzo man of God wanted to give a plaque for the occasion of the anniversary, in recognition of all the work done and for the example he himself has received (pictured) . God reward him for such a fine and gallant gesture! You can imagine the embrace and emotion!
The Word was read Revelation Chap. 1 to 3 from 6 to verse. Jesus was present among us in a tangible way! We have received encouragement, warning, exhortation ... In the evening worship at St. Apollinaris (where I was present) many have testified of how God has blessed through the preaching.
In this climate of joy, we approached
The whole church has paid homage to the man of God, by offering small gifts as signs of love and gratitude.
greetings are always a sad reality in Christ ... but things change! Why do we have the confidence that ours is always a goodbye in his presence, whether we meet on occasions like these that we shall meet again in heaven for our eternal consolation!
thank both the Lord Jesus for His precious and faithful servants, our Lord will bless His name!
God bless you in Him f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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