debut work of social assistance services: "Why do you always have the poor with you ..." Matthew 26:11
Whenever I have the joy of being able to serve the Lord by my precious pastor, I always feel like increasing my personal spiritual baggage. I was available to man of God from December 9 until day 14, having served the Lord with dear Giuseppe f.llo Sunday, December 7 in that of Milan (Dedication of the House of God in Vimodrone). I had the joy of being present in worship in God's House in Naples, have preached the gospel of God's people in families seeking to bring spiritual comfort dictated by the Word of God, the ministry working in a man of God week I traveled three thousand five hundred kilometers far the service of my King! He has provided me step by step and I thank God for those who have had available to get to me in the heart. On the day of Saturday, December 13 was spent entirely at the service of the Lord, first in the wonderful work of social assistance services in the city and the dispossessed in the afternoon on a crusade in the dark of the widow in the neighborhood Scampia
I want to thank God all my heart for the opportunity that I won for the wonderful experience Saturday, December 13 at the underprivileged of the city of Naples. I thank the Lord for the way it carried out the project that the man of God, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, has always been in his heart and that is to bring comfort to those poor people that people in many especially our big cities. Naples is probably one of the cities most affected by this tragic reality.
The Lord Jesus commanded us to be ambassadors of His Word in the earth and all creatures as he himself did, especially to the poor, the dispossessed and those who are in extreme distress. The beloved
s.lla Angela De Vita and his precious family God has added to our work since last July, already offer this service for some time in the city. They have done so for many years and the little secret family support and encouragement received from the Lord over the years. Organized periodically prepare a hot meal for the very poor city's homeless population. And this rich experience, s.lla Angela wanted to subject the assets to the direction of the ministry which, I repeat, I did mention to God for many years but this time he himself has provided the workers and the circumstances suitable. By Ursula
s.lla Botti and his daughter Antonella s.lla we ended at 10.00 am in the home of the family De Vita, where waiting for the sisters Angela and Jeanne, and our f.llo Raffaele (s husband . lla Angela). We immediately thanked the Lord and His presence was among us with His virtues of strength. The sisters were put to work, preparing a big pot of pasta and beans. God during the days earlier had provided the pasta, just beans but also chicken, pizzas and even some sweets! Throughout we have taken with about a hundred meals! Jesus is really good! We leave it to the experience of s.lla Angela and her family with love and humility that we were taught how to carry the dishes prepared. At around 12.00 to the program and after searching the face of the Lord yet we moved to the central station of Naples, where many poor homeless find shelter. The Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, at its meeting the previous evening in the House of God with the group in charge has given the clear provisions, but also a great encouragement that I personally have taken before my eyes. Through the man of God the Lord has made known that it would be with us and have preceded it. Our intent is not only to bring food material to those poor outcasts, but especially the Word of God
Meanwhile, dear f.llo Carlo Uva, Maria Rosaria s.lla his wife, two of their three children and dear f.llo Rosario, waiting for us to serve the Lord together. On reaching the hotel we were divided into groups of two or three people and we started walking ... I do not know how long I walked along with Raffaele f.llo before finding our first friend to console. I said to myself: "How strange! These places are always full of poor people, and now we find nem
minus one "! After about half an hour here is the first woman to whom we were able to administer appropriate aid. Immediately the woman seemed hostile even know we had bothered to bring a hot dish. Then, when I started talking about Jesus and His love for her, the woman has changed expression! Before he was visibly upset, angry and distressed, then a smile began to sprout on his face ... and after I prayed for her was visibly moved! Alleluia! This encouraged me greatly! Together with f.llo Raffaele we continued our research and I found that after about an hour and a quarter had only released three meals! Meanwhile, I prayed to the Lord in me and I meditated on the words of the man of God: "The Lord be with you and go before! I was sure it would be like this! Meanwhile
shooting, walked back and forth to the station but they were only released three more meals. Meanwhile, we ended up with the others of their own group in the lobby of the main railway station and, as with the fish when you throw the bread on the surface of a lake, many have approached ... it was an experience for me only! We announced the gospel, many passers-by, so to say "nice" they stopped to see and hear. Among these Roberto, a young Romanian who works as a builder in Naples. The young man told us that he was a Christian and that he recognized the call of the Lord in the activity of your children. Alleluia! (pictured one of the precious moments of the morning. In particular, the s.lla Angela - responsible for the work - is talking about Jesus to a young Moroccan)
Among the other I was very touched by the story of Salvatore, a man in the fifties, the music teacher who, on account of an incident in 1989 accorsogli lost an eye and, over time, the other eye left him. After nine surgeries now finds himself at the point of view only shadows and about four years ago, his wife put him at the door! His life has changed since that day. Now living in hardship, and most suffer from severe joint and afflictions is forced to walk with crutches. On this occasion, the Lord as He has revealed his blindness, the word has been extraordinary. For the guidance of the Spirit I spoke to him the blind man of Jericho, and they opened their hearts to tell the witness of his sad life. Jesus brought hope in his heart! We hugged like old friends and told us that it would just be happy if we did the tour again. And to think that was the only one who did not want to lunch because of any sudden stomach. But God has given to their Savior, who have opened their heart rather than the food material, because Jesus himself tells us in the Word of God: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God!" Alleluia!
Around 14.00 we loose the file with a prayer raised in that place, giving us an appointment for the crusade that was held at 17.00 in the quarter Scampia. F.llo Raffaele and his family, I have witnessed that in all the years they have done these activities, have never felt the blessing we have enjoyed strong that day! Sure! Because this time we moved with the Lord who went before us as the Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino us had predicted! God bless His servant, beloved man of God!
That the Lord Jesus bless you with love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo