Tuesday, December 9, the man of God, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino, gave provisions f.llo Antonio Apples to prepare and deliver the request for authorization to conduct an outdoor worship for the next Saturday. Only three days ... who knows! But blessed be the Lord our God for its rich notes open in the heart of His servant! The beloved f.llo Antonio Mele, on Wednesday morning he could deliver the request to the municipal Scampia, where, in the evenings, we had the authorization to proceed! Alleluia! Who had believed? Who would have hoped? Those who trust in the Lord and His servant then knows that does not do anything without the consent of the supreme King! The fights and the troubles are not missed, but the Lord Jesus has freed us and greatly blessed! Alleluia!
So, Saturday, December 13 in the afternoon we moved to Scampia and the Widow in via Cupa, near the square of the Masseria Cardone. Waiting for the irreducible Technical Group headed by Elisha valuable f.llo Fiorino, who have worked in the morning to prepare the field of evangelization. They set up the gazebo, the instrumentation, the various boundaries of the space occupied. Personally, I was accompanied by my dear Ursula s.lla Botti and his daughter Antonella s.lla I have hosted in their home because in the morning, we had participated in social welfare work which made its debut among the dispossessed of the city. The beloved f.llo Joseph Antonelli before me and after a few minutes (while I was still greeted with f.llo Joseph) came to the beloved and much esteemed man of God's time to raise a prayer of thanks to 'High and, Pastor f.llo f.llo Giuseppe Salvatore Fiorino instructed to follow the opening of the worship service. You know, to proclaim the gospel open air is always a great thrill, also those who hope in the Lord knows that the Holy Spirit spoke with great authority. I say this because the district who gave us shelter is home to some underworld gangs. On the other hand, the Lord encourages us to preach to "anyone" and "all creatures"! God be praised! The Presidency of
f.llo Joseph was anointed and powerfully guided by the Lord. The songs and testimonies have characterized this first third of the service and I must say that the presence of God was in the square, although the storm clouds were gathering above us.
I was entrusted with the preaching of the Word of God that the Holy Spirit inspired me around the verses of the chapter. To 17 from 22 to 31. I was able to announce quell'Iddio which for many is "unknown" but we know to be living for us and is not anonymous, it has a name to save and deliver powerful, as to which no demon can resist. That name was given to us is Jesus, the living and unchanging God! Alleluia! During most of the preaching there was a heavy rain that he wanted to discourage us but we have learned that we must always move forward with the Lord! Glory to God! I thank him footnotes for those who gave me the grace to receive in my heart for them then announce in public.
At the end of the call of salvation, it was the turn of the man of God when the pastor f.llo Salvatore forint climbs the pulpit, you always have the feeling that something amazing is about to happen! The message and frank ancient God-given is suitable for every environment and circumstance. Because one of the generators that were not working well the amplification was put to the test. From time to time but we are left with the swift reaction of the brothers responsible for the technical group of music, we were able to conclude in an atmosphere of joy and great joy in the Lord. The rain eventually has surrendered in front of this group who did not want to stop at nothing! Alleluia!
The man of God worship service concluded with a powerful and anointed prayer that it stirred the bowels of the earth! A trader in the area wanted the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino pray for him and his house, even a woman approached the end of the service and talking to f.llo Joseph, expressed the desire to walk with the Lord and we are confident that soon God will do his work in many other hearts that have received the gospel on the other hand ... it is written: "Cast your bread upon the waters and find it again after a long time! Proverbs 11:1
As always we are grateful to God for our precious Pastor that with the anointing of the Holy Spirit program events letting Jesus to drive everything and not the weather or other circumstances bureaucratic or technical - that organization! In conclusion, dear brethren, trusting only the servant of the Lord we see Satan trodden under our feet and the Lord seated on the throne of His Majesty Eternal!
God bless us with love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
So, Saturday, December 13 in the afternoon we moved to Scampia and the Widow in via Cupa, near the square of the Masseria Cardone. Waiting for the irreducible Technical Group headed by Elisha valuable f.llo Fiorino, who have worked in the morning to prepare the field of evangelization. They set up the gazebo, the instrumentation, the various boundaries of the space occupied. Personally, I was accompanied by my dear Ursula s.lla Botti and his daughter Antonella s.lla I have hosted in their home because in the morning, we had participated in social welfare work which made its debut among the dispossessed of the city. The beloved f.llo Joseph Antonelli before me and after a few minutes (while I was still greeted with f.llo Joseph) came to the beloved and much esteemed man of God's time to raise a prayer of thanks to 'High and, Pastor f.llo f.llo Giuseppe Salvatore Fiorino instructed to follow the opening of the worship service. You know, to proclaim the gospel open air is always a great thrill, also those who hope in the Lord knows that the Holy Spirit spoke with great authority. I say this because the district who gave us shelter is home to some underworld gangs. On the other hand, the Lord encourages us to preach to "anyone" and "all creatures"! God be praised! The Presidency of
f.llo Joseph was anointed and powerfully guided by the Lord. The songs and testimonies have characterized this first third of the service and I must say that the presence of God was in the square, although the storm clouds were gathering above us.
I was entrusted with the preaching of the Word of God that the Holy Spirit inspired me around the verses of the chapter. To 17 from 22 to 31. I was able to announce quell'Iddio which for many is "unknown" but we know to be living for us and is not anonymous, it has a name to save and deliver powerful, as to which no demon can resist. That name was given to us is Jesus, the living and unchanging God! Alleluia! During most of the preaching there was a heavy rain that he wanted to discourage us but we have learned that we must always move forward with the Lord! Glory to God! I thank him footnotes for those who gave me the grace to receive in my heart for them then announce in public.
At the end of the call of salvation, it was the turn of the man of God when the pastor f.llo Salvatore forint climbs the pulpit, you always have the feeling that something amazing is about to happen! The message and frank ancient God-given is suitable for every environment and circumstance. Because one of the generators that were not working well the amplification was put to the test. From time to time but we are left with the swift reaction of the brothers responsible for the technical group of music, we were able to conclude in an atmosphere of joy and great joy in the Lord. The rain eventually has surrendered in front of this group who did not want to stop at nothing! Alleluia!
The man of God worship service concluded with a powerful and anointed prayer that it stirred the bowels of the earth! A trader in the area wanted the pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino pray for him and his house, even a woman approached the end of the service and talking to f.llo Joseph, expressed the desire to walk with the Lord and we are confident that soon God will do his work in many other hearts that have received the gospel on the other hand ... it is written: "Cast your bread upon the waters and find it again after a long time! Proverbs 11:1
As always we are grateful to God for our precious Pastor that with the anointing of the Holy Spirit program events letting Jesus to drive everything and not the weather or other circumstances bureaucratic or technical - that organization! In conclusion, dear brethren, trusting only the servant of the Lord we see Satan trodden under our feet and the Lord seated on the throne of His Majesty Eternal!
God bless us with love f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo
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