Conciossiachè eyes of the Lord run through all the earth, to show himself strong in favor of those whose hearts Whole opposite him. - II Chronicles 16:9 -
Glory to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The peace of God be with you all! I am writing this article to let you know what God has done in the period 17 to 24 November 2008 in the districts of Metzingen (Germany) with my visit. We thank
our Heavenly Father, for this great opportunity that He has given me, though unworthy before God This trip for me was not just a visit I made to my sister, Lois s.lla forint, but something more now important that we show you what
is God wanted to give me this great honor.
first few months had passed in my mind this thought, but not only, also wish to visit my sister in Germany them (pictured left a panoramic view of the German national) . And speaking of family, and with the consent of my father, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino (because it is a good thing and the right to know and be advised the servants of God when we are in our hearts desires), we set the day when I went with my brother and sister in Germany. While not knowing that God had prepared me a great blessing from there began great spiritual and physical combat, many thoughts, not according to God's heart, went out of my mind. On Monday, November 17, 2008 together with my sister and my brother, we left to go to Germany, where my sister lives there in Metzingen, there is a small work started years ago with our dear brothers Vito and Anna Russo, who is from Sicily ( Recalling that our beloved and dear Pastor f.llo Vito Russo went with the Lord.) Already in my heart, as I traveled on the plane, I felt and I was certain that Satan would not let me in peace, but rather would do anything to discourage me and make me not enjoy the blessing that God had prepared me. Glory to God!
So when you get home, we went home and from there my week began.
I want to open this small way, you know I tell the truth before God, my personal goal was to visit and stay a little with my sister, and in the meantime, take advantage of this week to relax mentally, because God knows how they ever press (ie, between grief, sadness, bitterness, suffering both spiritual and physical, ect ...), but to God be the Glory for everything! So in my mind I thought I would have them going and relaxed I would not zero. But everyone knows that is not the master of himself and can not decide for their lives, and our thoughts are the thoughts of God's Glory to the name of the Lord!
Satan wanted to hit me instantly, for he knew that God was going to bless me, and then waged the first attack making me find the open suitcase that I brought with me (that had been forced to close and bolt the broken part for eyelet able to open), and not only that, but I took a subject that I was given to the completion of my 18 years. I was very hurt by what had happened and to tell the truth I am a little discouraged, and as usual, I began to make me spend a thousand thoughts from his head. But thank God that after a few days I recovered and continued to have God in front of me. We know that we should not be tied to earthly things, because in heaven we will need anything, let alone to our death will take them there. Sure humanly regret very much, especially if something has been done with the heart, but God wants us to bind ourselves to things of the world because no avail. And in the days following there came many other attacks of Satan, but thank God that He has overcome and crushed under her feet, and gave me the victory. Glory to God!
God, seeing that Satan wanted to attack me extremely, he stretched out his hand showing his glory! Wednesday, 19 we had the first worship of the week. Lord knows the brothers as they were spiritually the souls were torn down, distressed, discouraged ... but the Lord intervened with great power.
After my brother Robert opened a small cult of the presidency, after a few minutes he called me to preach (I'm not worthy of the honor that God has given me, I would never be equal with my efforts to bring the Word of God, because I can assure you that it is not easy, but it is rather difficult because at that moment we must take full responsibility before God and exempt itself from the misery of his own flesh to be guided by the Spirit of God, and do not think our thoughts, but thoughts of God). The Lord made me to open the Bible in the Book of GI
obedience to chapter 10 from verse 1 to 22, which speaks of Job when he dared to argue with God, ( f.llo Daniel while he was preaching the Word of God pictured) and God used those lines in a powerful way to my lips to bring this message of confrontation before God through that wonderful word, God spoke to some deep in the heart, revealing the thoughts and actions that were been made and that you plan to do. Glory to God!
And as God spoke to hearts were lifted up shouts of praise and thanksgiving to Him, as he was demonstrating. At the end of preaching felt all along that the presence of God more and more flooded us, continuing to praise God remains in His presence.
Meanwhile, in the days when there were no cults, along with my sister and my brother, we went to visit his relatives, and thank God that the Lord was with us and although with a few simple words while only saying "God bless you!", we realize that when they heard this word, filled with joy and a big smile on their face you could see getting in that moment, love, comfort, peace and refreshment. Glory to God!
And so we came to Friday 21 and we had another powerful worship for the glory of God, the message was based on the verses of PSALM 47. Also that evening we enjoyed the blessing from above. Glory to God!
The next day, God allowed me to stay a little with my sister and my brother, visiting a city near them. Thank God we were good together and the Lord has given us this little pleasure. Although not interested in most of what I saw, but thank God it was useful for us (you know, when the Lord has sent my father on a mission in one of many nations, from time to time someone asks him if he saw something important or a historian who visited the place, and my father always said: "I'm not going to be a tourist, but to serve God when God sent his servant to serve Him, is not interested in the monument or history, but is interested only to serve God and this is his biggest goal, not to be a tourist. Except that God wants to grant freedom to visit some places of historical importance - bibbliche) Glory to God!
Sunday 23, morning worship began at 9:40, and after having prepared me leaned on God and sent a second phone message (sms Ed) to my father informing him that we were about to begin the worship, and he prayed to me that the Lord ungesse me in a powerful way. Remember that on the evening of Saturday we were together f.llo Akim, that God will greatly bless and comfort! God also gives to this dear brother's victory over evil, to give glory to His name. During the night I went before God in prayer, till 03:20 am, and immediately I felt in my heart a strong desire to send an sms to my father asking me to pray for me because the Lord would use me in a powerful way, and the message he would give me would be able to remain imprinted in our hearts, through the glory of God so uniting in the prayer of faith and fire, God is my father listened to me, because I feel during the day with my father having a wonderful news that God was manifested in an omnipotent way to Naples through the worship of praise and worship to God on the occasion of 14th anniversary of God's Praise the Lord! (F.llo Daniel lovingly embraced by s.lla Lois, and his brother Roberto f.llo)
So I asked him with all my heart to God, not only to use these poor lips to bring His Word, but also because the latter cult was the most blessed of the week, and because you got the joy, comfort and blessing that God certainly would have won.
After the opening of worship with prayer, there were testimonies, which thank God was blessing. After the Akim dear brothers, Michael and Gerlando thanked the Lord, Roberto called me to preach, as I said I was going to raise this to myself: "Lord, this cult is in Your hands, and even I am in Your hands. " Glory to God!
The Spirit of God led me to open the Bible in the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 14 from verse 22 to 36, after reading these few verses began to preach. In this section of writing about when Jesus walked on water and Peter asked Jesus to disbelief as he could walk on water, and Jesus avendogli ordered to come to him, after a few steps that Peter did on the waters looking forward to Jesus, to 'Suddenly, frightened and worried about the winds that blew impetuous, he began to look left and right, and this attitude made him sink into the sea, but when he cried aloud, and called Jesus, he was extending his hand and dragged him outside and save. Glory to God! And on these lines, I can tell you that we have seen the heavens opened, the glory of God, the blessings that fall like rain from a strong central theme of God's message was this: "Cry unto God at the time of your close He will draw you in safe and secure in His hands. " We have seen the Almighty God down in our midst, and again with the anointing of God upon us, we began to praise, glorify, thank God and sing Glory to our God Almighty!
Before concluding the preaching and call to Robert's prayer of thanksgiving to God worship had felt in my heart a strong desire to sing a song ... and you know what song? (And yes, for some time that the Lord has placed in the heart of my father, the Servant of God: "My Lord, life gave me '"). None of the brothers knew this song, but my sister and my brother in law, but here's the all singing with great joy and gladness. Glory to God!
Grace is made to God has blessed us as omnipotent !!!!! Brothers is with a grateful heart that I thanked God bursting into tears of joy before Him Praise the Lord! (In the photo below, we see some dear brothers of local conmunitĂ . Specifically, from left, Lois, with her husband S.lla f.llo Roberto, Akim f.llo that tenderly embraces the precious s.lla Anna Russo, wife of the late Pastor f.llo Vito; continuing f.llo Gerlando and finally f.llo Michaele)
The day November 24, 2008 I left Germany to return to Naples, where the Lord has placed me next to my father and where the Lord has given me the tasks for His work.
I thank my good heavenly Father for this opportunity, and I can say with great joy that I won to serve in those districts, where for a long time waiting for our dear brothers that God would give him the joy of drinking the fountain of life , Rejoice and be have a hope in that desert of sadness and grief that was created. Now with all my heart, and not only me but you, together we ask God that this little work can be raised and return to hold high the flag of victory to move forward and defeat all the works of Satan, taking the shield of faith and to quench all the fiery darts of Satan, and the sword is the Word of God, fight back and win in the name of Jesus Praise the Lord!
For the rest I thank God for letting me try (if I may so call it) my first mission experience alone in His service. I will always continue to say they are not worthy of the honor that God gives me, because I want to stay humble by not taking over the bad thoughts that are contrary to God's wonder God to help me and modeling so that serving Him will be more and more like the real men of God, take their example as the valuable and desired by God, our beloved and esteemed pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. I thank God with all my heart to have set before me as my first pastor and then as a father, so you can take his example as God commands us.
I entrust my life in God's hands, because He knows and understands everything. The brothers in Germany they are praying for me (God and His servant my father, they know the reason for these prayers), but I do not want me no program, to all those who have asked me I said to everybody in the same way, I will look God and I move only if he commands me. For the rest everything is before God
God bless you greatly, and I leave you with the greeting and loving brother of Jesus
Yours in Him
brother Daniel Fiorino
Glory to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The peace of God be with you all! I am writing this article to let you know what God has done in the period 17 to 24 November 2008 in the districts of Metzingen (Germany) with my visit. We thank
our Heavenly Father, for this great opportunity that He has given me, though unworthy before God This trip for me was not just a visit I made to my sister, Lois s.lla forint, but something more now important that we show you what

first few months had passed in my mind this thought, but not only, also wish to visit my sister in Germany them (pictured left a panoramic view of the German national) . And speaking of family, and with the consent of my father, Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino (because it is a good thing and the right to know and be advised the servants of God when we are in our hearts desires), we set the day when I went with my brother and sister in Germany. While not knowing that God had prepared me a great blessing from there began great spiritual and physical combat, many thoughts, not according to God's heart, went out of my mind. On Monday, November 17, 2008 together with my sister and my brother, we left to go to Germany, where my sister lives there in Metzingen, there is a small work started years ago with our dear brothers Vito and Anna Russo, who is from Sicily ( Recalling that our beloved and dear Pastor f.llo Vito Russo went with the Lord.) Already in my heart, as I traveled on the plane, I felt and I was certain that Satan would not let me in peace, but rather would do anything to discourage me and make me not enjoy the blessing that God had prepared me. Glory to God!
So when you get home, we went home and from there my week began.
I want to open this small way, you know I tell the truth before God, my personal goal was to visit and stay a little with my sister, and in the meantime, take advantage of this week to relax mentally, because God knows how they ever press (ie, between grief, sadness, bitterness, suffering both spiritual and physical, ect ...), but to God be the Glory for everything! So in my mind I thought I would have them going and relaxed I would not zero. But everyone knows that is not the master of himself and can not decide for their lives, and our thoughts are the thoughts of God's Glory to the name of the Lord!
Satan wanted to hit me instantly, for he knew that God was going to bless me, and then waged the first attack making me find the open suitcase that I brought with me (that had been forced to close and bolt the broken part for eyelet able to open), and not only that, but I took a subject that I was given to the completion of my 18 years. I was very hurt by what had happened and to tell the truth I am a little discouraged, and as usual, I began to make me spend a thousand thoughts from his head. But thank God that after a few days I recovered and continued to have God in front of me. We know that we should not be tied to earthly things, because in heaven we will need anything, let alone to our death will take them there. Sure humanly regret very much, especially if something has been done with the heart, but God wants us to bind ourselves to things of the world because no avail. And in the days following there came many other attacks of Satan, but thank God that He has overcome and crushed under her feet, and gave me the victory. Glory to God!
God, seeing that Satan wanted to attack me extremely, he stretched out his hand showing his glory! Wednesday, 19 we had the first worship of the week. Lord knows the brothers as they were spiritually the souls were torn down, distressed, discouraged ... but the Lord intervened with great power.
After my brother Robert opened a small cult of the presidency, after a few minutes he called me to preach (I'm not worthy of the honor that God has given me, I would never be equal with my efforts to bring the Word of God, because I can assure you that it is not easy, but it is rather difficult because at that moment we must take full responsibility before God and exempt itself from the misery of his own flesh to be guided by the Spirit of God, and do not think our thoughts, but thoughts of God). The Lord made me to open the Bible in the Book of GI

And as God spoke to hearts were lifted up shouts of praise and thanksgiving to Him, as he was demonstrating. At the end of preaching felt all along that the presence of God more and more flooded us, continuing to praise God remains in His presence.
Meanwhile, in the days when there were no cults, along with my sister and my brother, we went to visit his relatives, and thank God that the Lord was with us and although with a few simple words while only saying "God bless you!", we realize that when they heard this word, filled with joy and a big smile on their face you could see getting in that moment, love, comfort, peace and refreshment. Glory to God!
And so we came to Friday 21 and we had another powerful worship for the glory of God, the message was based on the verses of PSALM 47. Also that evening we enjoyed the blessing from above. Glory to God!
The next day, God allowed me to stay a little with my sister and my brother, visiting a city near them. Thank God we were good together and the Lord has given us this little pleasure. Although not interested in most of what I saw, but thank God it was useful for us (you know, when the Lord has sent my father on a mission in one of many nations, from time to time someone asks him if he saw something important or a historian who visited the place, and my father always said: "I'm not going to be a tourist, but to serve God when God sent his servant to serve Him, is not interested in the monument or history, but is interested only to serve God and this is his biggest goal, not to be a tourist. Except that God wants to grant freedom to visit some places of historical importance - bibbliche) Glory to God!

Sunday 23, morning worship began at 9:40, and after having prepared me leaned on God and sent a second phone message (sms Ed) to my father informing him that we were about to begin the worship, and he prayed to me that the Lord ungesse me in a powerful way. Remember that on the evening of Saturday we were together f.llo Akim, that God will greatly bless and comfort! God also gives to this dear brother's victory over evil, to give glory to His name. During the night I went before God in prayer, till 03:20 am, and immediately I felt in my heart a strong desire to send an sms to my father asking me to pray for me because the Lord would use me in a powerful way, and the message he would give me would be able to remain imprinted in our hearts, through the glory of God so uniting in the prayer of faith and fire, God is my father listened to me, because I feel during the day with my father having a wonderful news that God was manifested in an omnipotent way to Naples through the worship of praise and worship to God on the occasion of 14th anniversary of God's Praise the Lord! (F.llo Daniel lovingly embraced by s.lla Lois, and his brother Roberto f.llo)
So I asked him with all my heart to God, not only to use these poor lips to bring His Word, but also because the latter cult was the most blessed of the week, and because you got the joy, comfort and blessing that God certainly would have won.
After the opening of worship with prayer, there were testimonies, which thank God was blessing. After the Akim dear brothers, Michael and Gerlando thanked the Lord, Roberto called me to preach, as I said I was going to raise this to myself: "Lord, this cult is in Your hands, and even I am in Your hands. " Glory to God!
The Spirit of God led me to open the Bible in the Gospel of St. Matthew chapter 14 from verse 22 to 36, after reading these few verses began to preach. In this section of writing about when Jesus walked on water and Peter asked Jesus to disbelief as he could walk on water, and Jesus avendogli ordered to come to him, after a few steps that Peter did on the waters looking forward to Jesus, to 'Suddenly, frightened and worried about the winds that blew impetuous, he began to look left and right, and this attitude made him sink into the sea, but when he cried aloud, and called Jesus, he was extending his hand and dragged him outside and save. Glory to God! And on these lines, I can tell you that we have seen the heavens opened, the glory of God, the blessings that fall like rain from a strong central theme of God's message was this: "Cry unto God at the time of your close He will draw you in safe and secure in His hands. " We have seen the Almighty God down in our midst, and again with the anointing of God upon us, we began to praise, glorify, thank God and sing Glory to our God Almighty!
Before concluding the preaching and call to Robert's prayer of thanksgiving to God worship had felt in my heart a strong desire to sing a song ... and you know what song? (And yes, for some time that the Lord has placed in the heart of my father, the Servant of God: "My Lord, life gave me '"). None of the brothers knew this song, but my sister and my brother in law, but here's the all singing with great joy and gladness. Glory to God!
Grace is made to God has blessed us as omnipotent !!!!! Brothers is with a grateful heart that I thanked God bursting into tears of joy before Him Praise the Lord! (In the photo below, we see some dear brothers of local conmunitĂ . Specifically, from left, Lois, with her husband S.lla f.llo Roberto, Akim f.llo that tenderly embraces the precious s.lla Anna Russo, wife of the late Pastor f.llo Vito; continuing f.llo Gerlando and finally f.llo Michaele)

The day November 24, 2008 I left Germany to return to Naples, where the Lord has placed me next to my father and where the Lord has given me the tasks for His work.
I thank my good heavenly Father for this opportunity, and I can say with great joy that I won to serve in those districts, where for a long time waiting for our dear brothers that God would give him the joy of drinking the fountain of life , Rejoice and be have a hope in that desert of sadness and grief that was created. Now with all my heart, and not only me but you, together we ask God that this little work can be raised and return to hold high the flag of victory to move forward and defeat all the works of Satan, taking the shield of faith and to quench all the fiery darts of Satan, and the sword is the Word of God, fight back and win in the name of Jesus Praise the Lord!
For the rest I thank God for letting me try (if I may so call it) my first mission experience alone in His service. I will always continue to say they are not worthy of the honor that God gives me, because I want to stay humble by not taking over the bad thoughts that are contrary to God's wonder God to help me and modeling so that serving Him will be more and more like the real men of God, take their example as the valuable and desired by God, our beloved and esteemed pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. I thank God with all my heart to have set before me as my first pastor and then as a father, so you can take his example as God commands us.
I entrust my life in God's hands, because He knows and understands everything. The brothers in Germany they are praying for me (God and His servant my father, they know the reason for these prayers), but I do not want me no program, to all those who have asked me I said to everybody in the same way, I will look God and I move only if he commands me. For the rest everything is before God
God bless you greatly, and I leave you with the greeting and loving brother of Jesus
Yours in Him
brother Daniel Fiorino
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