Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gropping Women On Bus

Palermo Dec. 21, 2008: First Conference of Evangelical Christian Apostolic Church International

Conference Theme: Founded on the basis of Christ!

Sunday, December 21 in the work of God in Palermo, and precisely at the site of Borgomolara chaired by the beloved Pastor Augustine f.llo Valenti, held a special conference where he was invited Pastor Salvatore f.llo Fiorino as official speaker of the ending. The conference lasted three days and God has greatly blessed the congregation who participated with great joy and spiritual interest. The Lord Jesus unto His servants who were present for the special occasion. These men of God have been the beloved pastor f.llo John Chinnici (brother Shepherd of our General went with the Lord last August 8 N. d. R. ) For those who do not know him he is Pastor of the Church of Portella di Mare in the province of Palermo, but here is the beloved pastor spoke f.llo Anthony Manzo leading the work of God in Porticello also in the province of Palermo in do the honors the beloved Pastor Valenti f.llo Augustine, pastor of the church as stated place of business in the district of Palermo Borgomolara. The man of God, our beloved Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino was much desired and very welcome guest in those lands, he being a veteran of the work that God founded more than fifty years ago at Palermo, through the late man of God Pastor General f.llo Anthony Chinnici. The same Pastor Valenti f.llo Augustine, in his recent visit to the Church through the ministry that I take care in Città di Castello (PG), I freely confessed to being a "spiritual son" of the beloved Pastor f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. The Pastor
f.llo Salvatore Fiorino weekend came from a very tight, which was committed prior to the work of God in the pastoral visit in Citta di Castello, where the Lord has given us a cult of extraordinary power and honored us the visit of His supernatural angels singing in our midst (this worship was held Saturday afternoon), then the wonderful Sunday morning service in the work that he leads with love in Naples. The evening of Sunday, the man of God has arrived at the airport "Falcone - Borsellino" in Palermo around 16.45 where, anxiously awaiting him with love and the precious f.llo Pastor Anthony Manzo. The direction taken was just God's House, where a people eager for word of the Lord with praise songs and prayers while waiting for word.
The man of God told me that the welcome they received was very warm in his heart has been recreated through the love of brotherhood, although at this stage of the evening there was the time necessary to stay in the service of God ... greetings was the top priority!
Worship was like the powerful waves that hit the East! The people of God was literally overwhelmed by the overwhelming power of the Almighty! But the great spiritual earthquake occurred when the Pastor Augustine f.llo Valenti called the man of God to get on the pulpit. Beloved in Grace, are now more than ten years that I know the man of God, but every time I have to thank God very much for the extraordinary anointing that follows him and how he makes as a free channel to the Holy Spirit! Climbing the pulpit, there was the possibility of opening the records, because the Holy Spirit has invaded the Church praising God with large force was reclaimed by the power of God moving through the ministry! Alleluia! Since the departure of the man of God works Palermo have lived moments of very sad and this special anointing was favorable! This is to consider that the true servants of God in their hearts they consider an irreplaceable figure in our general f.llo Pastor Anthony Chinn and perceive the spiritual in character all the time those in the ministry of the man of God has been faithful just like the precious Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino and many today are in mourning and waiting for God raise up a new "Moses"! God be praised! It 'clearly evident that the spirit is sincerely desirous original touch of the Holy Spirit recognize it in your greasy and I am satisfied as well. Through the lips of Pastor Salvatore Fiorino f.llo the people of God was a powerful prophetic word and resurrection. Through direct internet were also shocked many hearts who followed the special event. The consolation of the Son of God has invaded the hearts and minds of all! The servants of God were greatly encouraged and blessed to that raised by the notes of the songs from the beloved choral and Sergio f.llo Collica, they danced under the great and powerful anointing that the Holy Spirit has poured out in abundance in the man of God It was driven by that among those present lit by the Lord. Glory to the name of Jesus!
The cult seemed to be endless, just like in the ancient cults. When it seemed good to the Lord Jesus disband the file, the brothers have to crowd around Shepherd f.llo Salvatore Fiorino. Now there's been no time for greetings hugs ... the tug to pull the jacket ... ... - "I have wrinkled" - commented fun and full of love received from a people who love him forever. God richly reward you all (I say this from the son of the man of God) as they have accepted our Pastor, of whom we are proud and jealous at the same time ... God richly bless our beloved Maurizio f.llo Collica (which because of its work was not present) for the love of God manifested to man who visited him in his job. The Lord will reward His servants in an exuberant, beloved Pastor f.llo John Chinn, Pastor Anthony Manzo f.llo f.llo Augustine and the Pastor Valenti for their hospitality to the man of God
I am sure that "this' tidal wave "will not stop but still overwhelm the work his visitors with great power and majesty!
For those who have followed the morning worship on Sunday in Naples, remember that the Lord had spoken through the prophetic voice given to the Church through the s.lla Anna Fiorino and that man of God had already said in the preview the cult of Thursday night because the Lord had revealed in advance to his heart. I want to conclude with the words of Amos chapter. 3 to 7: "For God never does anything without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets"!

God bless you with great love, f.llo Tonino Di Lorenzo


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